(☾) in the aftermath of the shelter collapse, smoke had lead the family towards the docks, ducking beneath a boardwalk for relative shelter. willow had managed to scrounge up a few bits of moss and reed, enough to craft an okay nest for the little ones. herself, her brother, lichen, and haze had all curled up near, and fallen into a rough sleep. as morning dawns cold and clear upon the shipyard, willow wakes, blinking bloodshot green eyes as watery sun spills through the slats in the wood. her gaze flicks to the littles, taking a mental headcount and noting the new one among them - pale white, stark against the dark earth tones of the others. none of the kits are injured, but she's sure all bare mental scars from the trauma of last night, especially dewdrop's child.
pulling herself up from her nest, willow moves to snuffle the fur of her charges, smoothing her tongue over duck's messy fur, tucking goose closer to the others. she watches the breathing of smoke's kits, noting the way they hold each other, their tiny chests rising and falling. movement catches her attention, and she glances towards the adults, watching as they, too, wake.
pulling herself up from her nest, willow moves to snuffle the fur of her charges, smoothing her tongue over duck's messy fur, tucking goose closer to the others. she watches the breathing of smoke's kits, noting the way they hold each other, their tiny chests rising and falling. movement catches her attention, and she glances towards the adults, watching as they, too, wake.
- // apologies for the short starter! @Smoke @lichen @haze @BEE @CICADA. @CRICKET @duck @GOOSE @Shimmer @clay " #979c88"