don't tell me you're not the same person
Colony Clan Founder
ThunderClan Leader
it comes with great difficulty to stand tall in the face of so much devastation... it could only get easier with the passage of time but it trickled by so slowly. and her wounds are not the only ones that still pool onto the floor. every step is another one taken lonelier than before... but the destination still looms like a beacon of promise on the other side. they would be able to build something better than what they'd inherited, given the chance.
the heart can only bleed so much before it stills... ThunderClan's as a collective thrums in weakened pulse, begging for bandaging that can only be harvested from renewed bonds. so Juniperstar extends another branch, another lifeline to remind them of their connection so that it might become renewed. "Copper..." her head dips low as they move around him with ears empathetically pinned back. the churned earth marks where bodies had been laid to rest...
her lips tug down, forlorn but understanding... it is not so simply as burying them and moving on. "You know... when I was a kit... my mother used to tell me that the first flowers you bring will bloom twice as lovely come new-leaf... almost like they're reaching out to us still."
those that had already been brought as offering wilt under the grip of frost... they could only hope that old molly's tale was true to some degree.
the heart can only bleed so much before it stills... ThunderClan's as a collective thrums in weakened pulse, begging for bandaging that can only be harvested from renewed bonds. so Juniperstar extends another branch, another lifeline to remind them of their connection so that it might become renewed. "Copper..." her head dips low as they move around him with ears empathetically pinned back. the churned earth marks where bodies had been laid to rest...
her lips tug down, forlorn but understanding... it is not so simply as burying them and moving on. "You know... when I was a kit... my mother used to tell me that the first flowers you bring will bloom twice as lovely come new-leaf... almost like they're reaching out to us still."
those that had already been brought as offering wilt under the grip of frost... they could only hope that old molly's tale was true to some degree.
- pafp w/ @Copperstorm
leader of thunderclan
nine lives remainignore me