She likes to think that she's adapting well as an apprentice, as well as anyone else is they suppose. Part of that first generation of apprentices, mentors unsure about what they're doing as she assumes her peers are. Peers, its a funny thing to think about, Daturapaw clings to the sidelines. Boasting how it isn't because she's awkward but rather just not having an interest in speaking with them. They know realistically it's not true, it's that fear of the unknown, holding her back from the cliffs edge rather than taking a plunge to see if she could survive the jump.
Daturapaw likes to think she's good at what she's doing, but really is being good enough? That metaphorical cliffs edge leers, one that she refuses to jump off despite her dissatisfaction. Pointed tufts of swirling, smokey fur stand on end in a rather frazzled state as she trudges back in forth amongst the peatlands. The rotted flora that creates the very land she walks upon has stopped bothering her, wonders never cease. There's still an occasional grimace as her paw becomes caught momentarily. There's practically a mote forming as she walks, the light rain showers the ground, filling in the gaps of land her paws create.
"Bonestalker," she begins as she continues her pacing. Not lifting her head to see if her mentor was there, they just assumed that she would be nearby. Stalking would be intriscingly a part of her wouldn't it? Given her name? It's still confusing to them. "Do you think I am learning fine? More than just fine?" She prods as she decides to finally cease her pacing. Scanning for a shady spot where the she-cat laid. "Is there anything I could be doing more of?" The apprentice likes to believe she's been doing her best, was it enough though?
Daturapaw likes to think she's good at what she's doing, but really is being good enough? That metaphorical cliffs edge leers, one that she refuses to jump off despite her dissatisfaction. Pointed tufts of swirling, smokey fur stand on end in a rather frazzled state as she trudges back in forth amongst the peatlands. The rotted flora that creates the very land she walks upon has stopped bothering her, wonders never cease. There's still an occasional grimace as her paw becomes caught momentarily. There's practically a mote forming as she walks, the light rain showers the ground, filling in the gaps of land her paws create.
"Bonestalker," she begins as she continues her pacing. Not lifting her head to see if her mentor was there, they just assumed that she would be nearby. Stalking would be intriscingly a part of her wouldn't it? Given her name? It's still confusing to them. "Do you think I am learning fine? More than just fine?" She prods as she decides to finally cease her pacing. Scanning for a shady spot where the she-cat laid. "Is there anything I could be doing more of?" The apprentice likes to believe she's been doing her best, was it enough though?