Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.


Played by
{$title} Implied violence, very brief description of blood.
A loud, pained yelp breaks through the monotony of life on the moor. It's quite a boring one, if you ask Bengt — there are lots of different folks around, some more interesting than others, but most of them only seem to care about the basic stuff, like having food and somewhere warm to sleep. Those are all great and all, of course... but that's not really living. That's just worrying over bare necessities. Bengt would rather let his belly rumble with hunger for a bit just to ensure good fun.

That is sort of what he's doing, except he has gotten the best of both worlds. A quarrel with a dog over scraps of prey; he had not hunted it nor found it, but honor and all that does not really matter in a wild world like this. He had snatched the good bits right out of a dog's mouth and then turned on it when it attempted to pull him apart for it. Little did it know, Bengt is no easy prey like that bird had been.

The wind combs through his thick fur as he pelts through the grasslands. He does not even feel tired yet, and there is no real reason to keep this pursuit up, but the temperature has been rising and it had been too inviting to pass up. His unsheathed claws tear through the ground beneath him, sending it flying backwards. Today, he remains king of the moor. Bengt outstretches a limb just so he can shred through the dog's soft hindleg one last time — its pale fur is short, and the whole creature is barely taller than himself, so it is really easy to damage it. Perhaps it's still young... that'd explain how quick it had given up on fighting. Whatever the case might be, Bengt finally lets it keep running without staying on its heels so adamantly. It has learned its lesson.

"Ha! Take that, you stupid mutt."
A victorious yowl erupts from his chest. Full of pride and renewed energy, Bengt throws himself on his side, tongue running over his bloodied paws with a set rhythm.

When a dog yelp rips through the grassy moors, Nutmeg's head snaps up, fearing the worst. There are multiple possibilities for the cause, and the worst of them run through her mind at a moments notice. I need to help, its the only thing on her mind as she pushes past the point of uncomfortability of being so far from the barn, and she begins to sprint.

Despite her running as fast as she possibly could, she still arrives at the tail end of things, when a prideful yowl erupts just as she does through the grass, fur bristling, prepared to fight and help in defense of a fellow barncat... Except there is nothing here except some blood and a cat who flops over and begins to groom. Her fur slowly sits on her spine, a curled ear flicks as a frown spreads across her face. He's grooming bloody paws, and she can't tell if its his, or if its the dog, maybe he pulled a claw, maybe the dog came out worse for wear?

The suspense is killing her. "... Is that yours?" she does feel a little stupid, now, for racing so far only to have everything be over before she even arrives. Its all she says at first as she lingers there, ears straining for any far commotion, as if the dog that was just here would come back with a vengeance. Silence. Silence is all she hears, aside from the birdsong and the sound of the world. Ugh... She should probably just head back at this rate, she made herself look a fool for no real reason. "Hopefully not one of the upwalkers dogs," she murmurs, mostly to herself. Stray dogs were not uncommon, but the dogs owned by the two-legged creatures were more plausible, and for Bengt's sake, she hopes its not the latter.

Another dog? Clover was getting a little bit sick of - and maybe a little bit nervous about - seeing and hearing the dogs all the time. It seemed like they always loved chasing the barn cats, even when they were just minding their own business or doing them a favor by getting rid of the mice. Why they were so set on disturbing the cats with their loud barks and strong stench... Clover didn't know. At least the twolegs' pet dogs usually listened to them, but the stray ones were a bit more iffy.

Still, she made her way over towards the source where she could hear a few cats talking. Even if the dog's loud yips seemed to be retreating, there might have been injuries, or there could be more coming - or even their twolegs coming to investigate. "Is everyone okay?" She asked, looking briefly around to make sure the dogs were really gone and that nobody was passed out on the grass from injuries. Not that we have anyone who's really skilled at tending to injuries, anyway...
  • "speech" - thoughts

  • Clover(paw) she/her & windclan
    lh red lynx mink w/ white spotting
    7 moons
    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    Slight suppressed southern accent

    penned by pastelskulls
    template by scarlet
    template art by redskiez
Ooh! That one had to have hurt. Buck, having been on a solo excursion on the newly green moors, observed from afar as Bengt sent one of the local dogs running with its tail in between its legs. Funny, those ones were — they were all tough-shit until a kitty got their claws in them. Then, they went yelping and crying for their mamas. It must have gone after Bengt— that or his food. Either way, it was a valid excuse to give that beast a good smack.

Others had witnessed the scrap as well, with Clover asking if the bloody-clawed tom cat was alright. "One thing's for certain — that dog ain't." Buck snorts in amusement, giving a wave of his striped tail. "Those mutts're as dumb as rocks." He doesn't engage with them often, but Buck enjoys letting them chase him for a while before eventually retreating to the hayloft and watching them yap their heads off. "I've always wondered if I could teach 'em tricks, like the upwalkers. Maybe they could catch my meals for me." Jests the tom before he bends down to pluck a strand of grass and chew it in between his teeth.