Private No one lives forever ❀ Ponypaw

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And all things end

Tigger's place is nice, normally Asphodelpaw would have some lingering concerns over his... house friend? There might even be concerns for how much of the journey is left to go but instead his mind can't part from his littermate. Death is natural, it's something that Asphodelpaw has been vocal about since their own brush with it but as of right now he feels a shake in the foundation of her beliefs. Death is fine and a friend when it's near her, the tightness of lungs and a constricting throat amongst an asthma attack is considered fondly. Whereas the frantic splashing of water and the call for Coffeestar, it was awful. He never wants to hear it again, even if it is ever stuck in her mind. A certain gust of wind, a shrill bird cry, she can hear it then too. Even in the static of the electronics in Tigger's house, it's all too much.

They hadn't spoken about it yet, she doesn't want to make Ponypaw's experience worse by bringing such terrible things up. It can't carry on like this forever, a near death experience had been good for them so maybe it could shape up to be good for her as well. They wait until the quieter hours, before approaching their dear sister. "Heya sis" he murmurs fondly, nudging a curly furred shoulder against her own before settling on his haunches. Their throat feels tight again but not from a lack of air, eyes flicking in the dark trying to intake as much of their surroundings as possible.

"You're not coughing up water anymore or anything, right?" Surely she would have told them if so, so instead with a flick of her feathery tail he tries to recover from a potentially insensitive question. "You doing okay?" They try again, no ill attempts of humour hiding their intentions for the night. "And don't lie to me, I'm actually really good at knowing when you lie."


abababaifghdggddfgfdggfgffjWill you ever be impressed by me?

indentPonypaw lay in a warm corner of the twoleg nest, sitting upon a soft 'cat bed' and wrapped tightly in warm 'blankets'. That's what Tugger called them, at least. Wolfstorm had been looking after her, very briefly, before Snowveil put a quick end to it. Wolfstorm had been injured by the fox, and was in no place to be looking after both his kit and his ill apprentice, in her opinion. 'If I hadn't gone and gotten sick, I coulda helped him look after Downykit. Stupid, stupid...' For now, all could she do was sit in this ridiculously soft bed, wheezing, and waiting for Tigerfoot or Swallowpaw to check on her every now and then. It was so incredibly boring. If she's lucky, she could listen to 'the soaps' or watch one of the kits chase a kittypet toy past her ridiculously soft nest.

indent Asphodelpaw's face is a welcome sight. "Asphie!" she calls out weakly through her sniffles. "No, just snot now. I feel bad about getting it all over Tigger's 'blankets', but he says he's got plenty. C'mon, check it out." Ponypaw shuffles a bit to the side, making space for Asphodelpaw in the nest, huddled under the blankets. She turns onto her side, facing her littermate in the little makeshift den. She knows she won't trick Asphodelpaw. The other apprentice had always been crazy observant. But still... she can't bring herself to lay the entirety of her worries on Asphie's shoulders. Not right now."M' doin' as well as I can be, I think. I hate being stuck in one place while everyone else gets to explore." This problem, at least, she could let someone else help with. And she wouldn't trust anyone else but Asphodelpaw to chase away her snow-day blues.

Ponypaw | 11 moons | Apprentice of Skyclan ababababbnihfibnfdifdhfhababa