Shipyard OH MISTY EYE OF THE MOUNTAIN BELOW ───〃shelter collapse

Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.


Just close your eyes, the sun is going down... You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now

The young kit called Spooky stood frozen, gawking at the chaos unfolding before him. He had never dared to sleep where the big cats slept. No, he was too unsure of them, too afraid to come close. Instead, he had always remained in the shadows, his once-pristine white fur often smeared with dirt and dust to better blend into his surroundings.

Wide, scared blue eyes stared at the scene as he tucked himself lower, his body trembling with every howl of the wind that lashed against the land. Another crack of the sky echoed above, a furious symphony of lightning, thunder, and the relentless roar of the sea. Spooky flinched hard, his heart pounding against his tiny ribcage. He was terrified. He couldn't deny it.

His gaze darted back to the group of cats gathered at the broken shelter. Their voices mingled in a chaotic chorus of frightened screams and pained cries. He wanted to help. He really did. But his paws refused to move, skittering backward instead, his small frame shivering as fear rooted him in place.

He tried to be brave. He willed himself to step forward, to prove to himself that he could. But the weight of it all was too much. He was just a kit. What could he possibly do here? What could he possibly fix? His ears pinned tightly to his head, and before anyone could catch sight of his small form, he turned and bolted, disappearing back into his hiding place.

Once there, he huddled in the cold shadows, trembling and shivering as he squeezed his eyes shut. The distant chaos raged on, but he buried his face in his paws, trying to will it all away. They'll be okay, he told himself. They didn't need him. He couldn't help, not now, not like this.

And yet, even as he tried to reassure himself, he couldn't stop the fear clawing at his chest. He was scared. So, so scared.
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⋆˚✿˖° I was dancing in the rain, I felt alive and I can't explain
" It's okay, it's okay, little bird... my Lilac bird. "

Brook's voice was a whisper of reassurance, her words trembling with relief as she pressed her nose into Lilac's fur. Her daughter was here. Her daughter was safe. at least, as safe as one could be after everything that had happened. She could feel the way Lilac shook against her, the fear still clinging to her like the cold, and Brook understood it all too well. " Hush, little one... I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, I promise. " She held Lilac close, her own breath shuddering as tears slipped free. Things could have been different. If the stars had willed it another way, if fate had been just a little crueler, she could have lost her. She could have lost them all. But she hadn't.

Lilac was here. She was alive. " My brave little bird... Nobody is leaving. "

Her voice was soft, a quiet promise she wished she could carve into stone. But then her gaze lifted, landing on Pine, and her relief was shadowed by worry. When he finally spoke, something inside her eased, even if only a little. He had argued, of course, he had argued, but in the end, he understood. Going back wasn't an option. Not a safe one. There would be others who could help, others who would rise to the challenge and pull more cats from danger. But she couldn't bear to lose anyone else. Not Lilac. Not Pine. Not even the two kits he had begun watching over.

A tremor ran through her body, exhaustion threatening to drag her down, but she held firm. She didn't even react when Pine brushed his cheek against her shoulder, except for the small wince she quickly bit back. Her leg throbbed, a wound from the collapsing shed, but it wasn't anything dire. She was more grateful that Wave's kits had made it out unharmed, even if one had been a foolish little thing and dashed back inside.

Pine's voice pulled her from her thoughts. Go with Torrent. She blinked at him, warmth flickering in her chest at his words, at the way he had looked at her. " I'm glad you're alive too. " she murmured before her gaze darkened slightly. " But you need to get those wounds looked at, Pine. " He always put others before himself. It was frustrating. Endearing, but frustrating. Still, she obeyed, turning to follow Torrent and gently nudging Lilac along. A slight limp marked her steps, but it was manageable.

" Come, Lilac... Let's follow Torrent, okay? Get you out of this storm. " She rasped her tongue over Lilac's head, hoping to soothe the trembling in her daughter's limbs. " We'll be okay... " Her eyes drifted for a moment, landing on a young cat nearby. A familiar one. She had seen him before, always on the edges, never quite a part of the group. He held himself apart, lingering in the background like a ghost. Brook paused, offering a gentle nod in his direction. " Battered, bruised, and wounded... but alive. " she murmured, more to herself than anyone else. Then, more firmly. " Stay clear of the shed, alright, young one? " She didn't know him well, but that didn't mean she wanted to see him hurt.

Then, another shape caught her eye, one she knew as Rose. For a moment, Brook frowned, wondering where her family was. But then she caught snippets of conversation, something about Wave and the kits. " They're over there, little Rose. " she called gently, flicking her tail in the direction she had last seen Rushing and Crescent. Hopefully, by now, Wave had been reunited with them. Brook didn't know all that had transpired. But she knew this much, tonight, they had survived.

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JINGLE(MOON), 22 Moons, Kittypet, Future Riverclanner // He/They // #3b90ff
A long furred blue tabby tom with low white, long pointed ears with curved tips and dazzling blue eyes.
Son of UNKNOWN, sibling to ASTRO
Always walks with a jingle in his step! Good listener and ever curious about the world.

His paws thrummed beneath him as he raced as fast as they would take him towards the abandoned docks, kicking up splatters of mud with every pawstep along the way-- Usually Jingle visited during the day and when the sun was out but tonight was different. The storm that raged on outside had been too difficult to ignore and his worry for the cats that lived down there grew with every pawstep he made, he couldn't just sleep through the night hoping they would be okay by the morning, he had to go and make sure for himself that they would be okay. The housefolk had tried to ensure he did not escape out into the world tonight of all nights but Jingle had persisted and eventually pushed his way out of a window, afraid that their efforts to keep him trapped inside would mean he'd reach the docks far too late... The silver bells that adorned his blue pelt would bounce with every leap before smacking back against his frame, it had started to become quite bothersome at the speed he was moving actually but he put it out of his mind for now- It was only a temporary annoyance, what the Shipyard cats might be dealing with on this stormy night could turn out to be far, far worse...

As he drew closer his curled ears started to pick up on the sounds of pain and panic from a number of cats even above the noise of the storm-- He was close now! But feared his worries were even worse then expected. It didn't take long after arriving on the scene for the smell of blood to invade his nose, even with the rain pouring down and plastering their pelts to their bones. Jingle took one look at the current state of what once was a solid form of shelter that most of the cats here seemed to have been resting in just moments beforehand, only one look was needed to know it wasn't going to last for much longer. Had every cat even made it out yet? So many seemed injured already... He'd frantically scan through all the faces he could spot, some were unfamiliar to him and some he had seen briefly during his visits to the docks. One of the cats who smelt strongly of blood though he recognized instantly.

"Wave!" By the time he reached her she was already unconscious, had she been trying to go back into the collapsing shelter!? What was she thinking! Luckily though she also wasn't alone-- Though Adder seemed injured as well and Jingle was sure the scent of blood belonged to more cats then just the pair of them. His claws would sink into the wet sand as his mind raced at what to do, what needed to happen first, how could he best help here and had every cat made it out yet? He cast a worrisome gaze to the collapsing shelter before looking back to Wave and the other cats already out of the structure. Some of these injuries needed to be tended to and soon, otherwise these cats' efforts to get each other all out safely might have been for nothing. Maybe he was over-worrying some of the injuries but he'd rather be safe than sorry. "Does any cat know who and how many might still be inside? We need to start getting the injured to someplace out of the rain" Jingle tried his best to remember back to the times when he had helped his niece and nephews with minor injuries-- They were nothing compared to what these cats were dealing with now but maybe, just maybe that small knowledge might come in handy here. The wounds would need to be cleaned first and foremost and then once they were clear of the rain they needed cobwebs-- Which some cat already seemed to have collected some of! They were likely going to need a lot more but the main hope was that no injury would become infected-- And that no cats got sick being out here in the cold downpour...

"I can help you move her to a safer place and then help check over any injuries, if you'll allow me" Jingle would mew hopefully to Adder, his blue eyes searching the other cats' amber ones.

OOC: Asking Adder for help+permission in helping to move Wave someplace safer/out of the rain and to then check over their injuries. Open and willing to aid any of the injured cats!
@Adderfang @Wave

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Adder could feel it—his entire world beginning to tilt on its head. He stared at her, brows furrowing with worry. Something was wrong; she was breathing so fast; he could feel her heartbeat pounding unevenly against his fur as he pressed close. Then, suddenly, she crumpled. He tumbled with her, awkwardly folding to cushion the fall. He grunted painfully, joints bending in ways they shouldn't, chin pressed uncomfortably in the wet sand.

"Wave! Wave are you okay? Please answer me, darlin'!" He groaned, panic spilling into every word. She didn't answer. She didn't even stir. Adder twisted out from under her, pressing his muzzle into her damp fur, frantically searching for any sign she was still with him. She was still breathing—alive—relief.

Then he saw it, a bit of red streaking white. Was it him or her? If she was bleeding—where? He didn't know how bad it was or how deep. Had she cut herself on a piece of roof? Did she get scraped crawling out of the rubble? Had he missed something?

He was supposed to protect her.

This never should've happened.

"Please my love…" he murmured against her ear, nudging her gently, his voice trembling with worry. Each touch stirred memories he'd rather keep buried—coming home to find his mother in tears, frantically shaking his sister, begging her to wake up, the agony of his little daughter never drawing her first breath.

"Come on now, my tempest. Ain't a shed in existence that can take you out." He prodded her, waiting expectantly. Any moment now she'd open her eyes and smile at him.

I can't get through this without you.

The Wave he knew was stubborn—She always bounced back. Always had some wit to cut with. There was no face he'd rather wake up to and no face he'd rather come home to after a hard day. Hell, she was his home.

Adder's claws dug in as his ragged breath fought to keep up with his running heart.

He needed to be calm. He needed to think. Why couldn't he think straight? His whole head felt thick, and all his thoughts jumbled. He had to get her out of the rain, somewhere safe—so he could see how bad it was.

He could never think straight when it came to her. He could barely even acknowledge the frantic cries of his children, terrified for their mother. Adder wanted to soothe them, but he couldn't find the words.

Then, the tinkling of bells distracted him. He turned sharply as the dull hum of another cat's voice barely reached him. "I—what?" He blinked.

Slowly, his thoughts cleared. His face flickered with uncertainty, but reluctantly, he agreed. If there was ever a time to lay down his pride, now was that time.

For her, he would.

He lowered his nose to the ground, wincing as he tried to weasel himself underneath her limp form, slipping in the sand, the slosh caking to everything it touched as he tried to leverage her onto his back. "Help me." He urged, nearly pleading. Wave was deadweight, her usual strength absent, and that unnerved him more than anything.

"Cres—Rush!" He called hoarsely, expecting his kits to follow.

With Jingle's help, he managed to drape her over his back. When the tom stood, his legs wobbled, but he held steady. He huffed and panted, trudging ahead slowly. He fumbled words of gratitude, but it came out as breathless, barely coherent grumbling.

- Exit Adder and Wave -

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 Hosting an unconscious @Wave onto his back with help from @Jinglemoon . Exiting with Wave, expecting @RUSH and @Crescent (and @ROSE, if she wants) to follow. Permission given from Lion to powerplay. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞

  • "speech" - thoughts
  • Adderfang he/him & riverclan
    𓆟 Chocolate ticked tabby w/ amber eyes. Peppered with scars. Deep gash across the right side of his face exposing one canine slightly. Missing left ear.
    𓆟 Deep gravelly voice that might unsettle others.
    𓆟 Would and will kill a man.
    𓆟 Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted. For other powerplays, DM.
    𓆟 Fur smells faintly of river reeds and damp earth.

    penned by Scarlet
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all you have is your
Blood drips from his nose, crimson and bright against the sands and he forces himself not to wince as he rises to stand with a slight wobble, his dark pelt pressed to Peachy's warm colored one for a moment as he grounds himself and he has to set Shimmer down to swipe his tongue over the rivulet of red streaming from his nose before it drives him mad.

"Dewdrop's kit...Dewdrop didn't..." He stops himself, he doesn't want to speak it yet, not with Shimmer paw quivering at his paws, they would have time to address it later but for now he shakes his head to Peachy's remark, turning his head fully to Pine as the brown tom pads forward and gestures back to the docks - their last bit of shelter before they would be forced out into the open and unable to defend themselves, it was a morose feeling knowing they were so close to being stranded and unprotected here, it had taken moons of the ocean wearing them down like the cliffside shore, working the rock smooth until it began to crack and crumble under the battering waves. "Yeah..." He says quietly at first, before more firmly as he leans away from Peachy, standing fine now on his own, "Yeah, let's get all the kits and injured moved under some kind of cover." He considers urging Shimmer to walk but she is frozen, rigid as a small stone and he can't bare the thought of asking anything of her right now so he leans down to once again scruff her carefully. "Lichen, Haze, Willow! We're moving out, follow Pine!"

─ & the place you need to reach.
  • Ooc- Addressing @Peachy & @pine , still carrying @Shimmer
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    — Future RiverClanner (Shipcat)
    — He/Him

    — Solid black tom w/vitiligo and one orange eye.