{$title} fleakits siblings from the mill

For details on Fleakit's past and personality view her here.
1. Played by @buzz
2. Played by N/A
3. Played by N/A
If this gets a lot of traction I'll choose the kits in about a week? Probably next Tuesday.
→ There's no set genetics, but Fleakit is a cinnamon solid with folded ears. You can assume both her parents were also scottish folds. Kits can be a range of colors (but realistic) and do not have to have curled ears. Not all kittens born to cats with that mutation will have them. Also, their ears tend to look perfectly normal until about 3-weeks of age.
Scottish Fold | Veterinary Genetics Laboratory
The Scottish Fold breed produces cats with both straight and folded ears. A single copy of the fold mutation produces the breed's characteristic folded ears, and cats with two copies are prone to more extreme health problems affecting cartilage and bone.vgl.ucdavis.edu
→ Create whatever background you want for them. If you want them to escape the kitten mill and join Fleakit, they can! However, they can go to whatever clan you like, join an Outerclan, become a rogue, or even be a kittypet. Fleakit had five siblings but only a few would've survived. We will have to work out if/how they're to reunite later.
→ While she watches out for most of the kits in Shadowclan, these would be like her biological family (regardless of relation). She takes it upon herself to look after and protect them. On the flip side, she also tends to be the instigator who gets them into trouble. Expect Fleakit to drag them into lots of shenanigans, even if they don't want to join in.
→ Original names would've been something like Fly, Mite, Slug, Worm, Spider, etc. Names can be changed or kept.
→ Fleakit can be a piece of work. She's foul-mouthed and explosive. Be prepared for chaos.
→ These kits can be however you want them to. If you get bored and want to kill them off later, that's chill too - DRAMA and ANGST :sparkle sparkle: Literally go crazy go stupid ahhhhhhhh -
You know you want to adopt one of these bad bois. *picks one up and sticks it in your pocket* there you go. : )
[b]Appearance:[/b] Description or pics.
[b]Background[/b] Can be as brief or as long as you'd like.
[b]Anything else?[/b]
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