Kittypet ⤜ on some level, I think I always understood

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Sailor's iconSailor

Sailor's icon
would you smile forever, never cry?
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sailor ─ you're the sun, you've never seen the night

  • sailor
    ─ 18 moons
    sailor is a grumpy, jealous and somewhat bratty cat with slender and narrow olive eyes. he likes to pretend he isn't jealous when he's not the center of attention, but it's rather obvious if you give him a second glance. he also functions under the pretense that everyone around him is a little stupid, a trait stemming from his twolegs. i mean, if he acts like a dickhead all day, but still gets food and pats, they must be a little dumb. especially when he rolls over and acts cute, only to attack whatever hand reaches for him. he's also incredibly nosy, and doesn't bother hiding the fact that he stares out windows all day, silently judging anything that walks by. he's not jealous of the outsiders, far from it. he loves his food, and the idea of eating something that was once alive makes him shudder.

    behind all his jealousy is a cat who misses his mother. when he was adopted by his twolegs, he thought it would simply be a day long thing, but with each day that passed without seeing his mother. she was the only one he had, as his siblings were never kind to him. he still waits for the day he can see her again, but recently the feeling has fossilised into background noise. he's coming to accept his life as it is, and maybe treating his owners as more than the humans who scoop him up and cuddle him to his annoyance. he's spent his whole life planning it out, so he doesn't know what he would do if that was impossible
  • he's a pudgy and rather unflattering cat, with puffy jowls and bald spots on the elbows of his legs. he also has a smudged light brown spot on his chin that resembles a food stain in size, colour and location. don't bring that, his bald spots, or rolling pink stomach up or even look at them too hard, he'll get very offended.
    though, not all of him is as... unappealing as his owners like to say. his sleek, short-furred bicolour coat is striking, and the dots splayed across his back fit into an orderly line-up. the tip of his tail is white, which makes him easier to see in the dark when he runs by, and his owners like to call it a lighthouse. his claws are also rather sharp, something his twolegs talk about but never attempt to trim. perhaps it's his disinterest in scratching up their furniture that stops them from doing so.
  • kittenhood
    history text
  • content 4
  • will be added in da future

your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me

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"But I do, I think I do." Duis magna est, porttitor in ultrices id, tempor vitae nisl. Donec mi nisi, sollicitudin nec aliquet non, scelerisque tempor ante. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur porta massa ornare, sollicitudin tortor a, convallis nibh. Praesent accumsan vulputate metus non porttitor. Sed lacinia lacus eget efficitur blandit. Nunc in dui non urna hendrerit semper sed eget sapien.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin blandit semper massa at imperdiet. Proin ut odio nunc. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean imperdiet rhoncus turpis congue eleifend. Cras nec consectetur mi. Nunc facilisis, dui id dictum accumsan, ligula ante tincidunt urna, eget cursus arcu risus non lacus.
Duis magna est, porttitor in ultrices id, tempor vitae nisl. Donec mi nisi, sollicitudin nec aliquet non, scelerisque tempor ante. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur porta massa ornare, sollicitudin tortor a, convallis nibh. Praesent accumsan vulputate metus non porttitor. Sed lacinia lacus eget efficitur blandit. Nunc in dui non urna hendrerit semper sed eget sapien.