Ghost couldn't stay here. And he wouldn't. This lingering of his was only temporary, and entirely justifiable– a necessity, a strategic move. He had no idea what life was like outside of The Coalition, after all, no ideas what sort of predators roamed these parts, or where the best hunting grounds were, or what other groups might live in the area. And while the worst of his injuries had healed up nicely over the last week, his body was far from being at 100%. And while he didn't trust it to hold forever, he had by some luck managed to stumble across the one claimed territory that seemed open to letting strangers come and go as they pleased.
They didn't care that he'd just shown up out of the blue, ragged and bloody one day. And he couldn't imagine they'd care when he suddenly disappeared, either.
"Uh, hey, mister!" called a voice, followed by the fast approach of eager pawsteps.
Ghost only looked in their direction once it became clear the footfalls were heading in his direction, and his masked face turned , dark eyes settling on a young cream and ginger tom.
"Your scars are so~ cool! How'd you get them? I got this one from fighting a badger! You just can't see it cuz I'm so fluffy!"
His expression was carefully neutral as he regarded the other, ignoring the little flicker of disappointment he felt stir to life in his chest at being met with such a bright expression. These cats. They were so naive.
It would get them all killed.
"Sure, they're 'cool'. Nearly dyings a real trendsetter."" he agreed wryly, not bothering to hide the sarcastic tone in hopes it'd be enough of a hint to get the kid to buzz off.
future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars