Shipyard pack your things, leave somehow 𓆟. ° .• — scouting party returns

Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.


After all, darlin', I wouldn't sell the world
Played by
Character Hub

Lee DeWyze "Blackbird Song"

After exploring every inch of that island, he was certain it was safe—or at least safer than the shipyard. Still, there was work to be done. Adder could list a million things that needed handling—shelter to build, prey to gather, discussions to be had—and he let out a slow, measured sigh at the pile of tasks looming before him. But he wouldn't utter a complaint because what mattered was that his family had another chance at an actual life.

Not scrounging for every scrap of food they ever had—waiting to get devoured by hungry rogues—freezing their tails off trying to huddle together under flimsy boards that would inevitably crush them. Not anymore.
Downy and Peachy begrudgingly remained back at the island. Although Adder didn't like the idea of leaving them there alone, he wouldn't babysit them either. They decided to make the trip, and if anything happened, they would have only themselves to blame.

Otherwise, the journey back was uneventful—aside from a brief brush with a yappy dog the size of a kit that they promptly sent squealing. Adder was adamant that the group must not stray too close to that twoleg nest again. Unless they wanted to push their luck one bit too far and find a threat much bigger and harder to deter.

He had barely got any sleep the night before. Adder could only think of Wave and the kits. When he shut his eyes, it was their faces he saw; when he opened them, it was them he thought of. He was exhausted. His paws were scraped and muscles stiff from the long trek, but he would carry on.

Soon his perseverance paid off, the shipyard came into view, the smell of brine and the sting of a fresh, cold breeze washing off the sea greeting them. Adder sighed his relief, casting a glance over his shoulder. They had made it.
Now to do it all over again.

Adder wanted nothing more than to run to Wave—to pull his kits into an embrace and tell them of all the fat fish he'd catch them soon. But there was work to be done. He glanced back warily at Pike and the others. Someone was expected to give their report. The dull looks on their faces told him he'd better handle it anyway.

"Everyone, gather! I'll tell you what we found," He yowled across the shipyard, stalking toward a visible spot on the beach. When his paws hit the sand, he plopped down, sinking into his aching bones.
It wouldn't be long before all the shipyard cats crawled out of the boards and rusted nails that made up their home. Adder kept his eyes and ears perked, scanning for the faces he longed to see most. When they came into view, he adorned a worn smile, reserved only for them.

He stirred from his spot to greet them. Eagerly, he brushed his muzzle against his mate in an enthusiastic greeting. "Told you I'd always come back." He muttered to her, before beckoning the kits to sit beside him.

Then Adder tilted his sour face back up to the growing crowd. He'd get not a single moment alone with his family until everything was settled.

Let's get this over quickly.

"Looks like everyone is here," He addressed clearly. "Before anyone asks—Downy and Peachy aren't dead. Peachy's got a lame paw and couldn't make the trip. Downy apparently can't swim, and since there's a river between here and there, we weren't going to risk it again."

The tom's tail flicked impatiently as he got down to the matter. "Pike was telling the truth. The place he took us to has potential." Adder had tested the waters out himself, doing a bit of hunting while they were there—they had to keep their strength up somehow. "To get there we had to pass a twoleg place and then cross a river. Past the river is a meadow, a small forest, and then an island. The island is where we left Downy and Peachy, and the most ideal place to hunker down."

He paused, letting his eyes sweep over the gathered faces. Once again, he would be brutally honest. What these cats needed were clear and honest expectations, not fluff about some promised paradise. They had suffered enough disappointment already. "I won't lie to you, it's not perfect. There's hardly any better shelter there than here. We'll be cold and wet, at least a bit longer til shelter can be sorted. Until then, there's a willow tree with a hollow underneath that can house our kits and the badly injured until proper shelter can be made."

Adder remembered Peachy's promise to construct some dens with the nearby materials. To give her credit, he thought it entirely possible, but with the molly's condition, he didn't expect much. "Oh... uh Peachy is going to try to get some dens up but I highly doubt she'll be done in time." He tacks on to his previous statement, the dryness in his voice an indicator of what to expect.

"Expect there to be work to do." Better to make it out of something that couldn't crush them if it decided to come down. A moment was stolen to catch his breath before continuing.

Aside from that, it's got good visibility—defendable too. Pair of boulders that make a good lookout and it's surrounded by a stream that's shallow enough for the kits." He continued, "That said, Downy could've drowned, so speak up if you can't swim! You'll need to learn and quick. Talk to Pike after we're done, and we'll sort you a teacher." The chocolate tabby spared a sideways glance at Pike. Sorting out swimming lessons seemed like a problem for him. After all, this was his idea in the first place.

"If any of you are unsure, I'd say your chances are better than staying here. The way things are now, we'll all starve before the next storm can drop another pile of wood on us."

Adder was measured—attempting to sway any uncertainty. He'd known these cats for moons. They had suffered and gone hungry right alongside him. There were families, and cats who depended on them. Those who had put others before themselves when the storm hit. If they were willing to make the journey, he would do his best to ensure they made it there alive.

  • "speech" - thoughts
  • Adderfang he/him & riverclan
    𓆟 Chocolate ticked tabby w/ amber eyes. Peppered with scars. Deep gash across the right side of his face exposing one canine slightly. Missing left ear.
    𓆟 Deep gravelly voice that might unsettle others.
    𓆟 Would and will kill a man.
    𓆟 Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted. For other powerplays, DM.
    𓆟 Fur smells faintly of river reeds and damp earth.

    penned by Scarlet
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Thistle watched as the arrangement of cats swept into camp with a purpose in their steps, Adder's call to gather ringing out against the quiet, bated breath of the camp. She padded closer, but only to where she could properly see what was going on. She was… eight moons now, still without a teacher but she had yet to ask for one, either. The molly wasn't even sure if teachers or mentors were customary here, or if they were expected to figure it out on their own.

She'd not really made herself enough of a nuisance to warrant anyone noticing that her large frame belied her age and no one had bothered to ask. Maybe she would take Pike or Adder up on those swimming lessons after the meeting. Yeah, that was what she would do. However embarrassing it might be.

She listened closely, attentively, kept her head down as she licked the spikes of her fur down on her chest but really couldn't manage to do anything to keep the fur in order. What a nuisance everything had become.

  • "speech" / ooc: phone post :p
  • THISTLE she/her, riverclan, eight moons.
    a lh solid black she-cat with high white and yellow eyes and unruly fur / broad shouldered and heavy weight
    mentored by ?
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / always tag @hellybear
    penned by hellybear ↛ hellycinth on discord, feel free to dm for plots / click for
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  • Love
Reactions: Adderfang

Wave had been anticipating Adder's return with bated breath, her gaze fixed on the horizon, her body tense, her mind a storm of restless thoughts. She trusted Adder... Fully, absolutely, with all her soul. But trust did not quiet the gnawing worry in her chest, nor did it stop her from fretting over all the things that could have gone wrong. She knew he was capable, but what if something beyond his control had swept him off his paws?

So she kept herself busy, tending to her kits, helping the wounded, throwing herself into anything that would keep her from pacing the shore like a fool. But her ears were always pricked, always listening.

And then, finally, she saw them.

The sight of those familiar pelts nearly stole the breath from her lungs. Relief crashed over her like a tidal wave, her whiskers quivering with anticipation as she flicked her tail against her kits. " Yer father's home. " she murmured to Crescent and Rushing, warmth filling her voice. Then, with a soft purr, she nudged Rose. " Come, love, let's show him how much we missed him, aye? "

She wasted no time closing the distance between them, paws carrying her swiftly toward Adder. And the moment their eyes met, when she saw the way his face lit up at the sight of her, any lingering doubt washed away. He was here. He was safe. He had come back to her.

The second she reached him, she bumped her head against his, letting her muzzle brush against his own, drinking in his scent. " I knew ye would. " she whispered, voice thick with emotion. " I knew ye'd find yer way back to me. " She rasped her tongue over his muzzle, as if grounding herself in his presence, before settling in beside him. With a gentle nudge, she urged Crescent, Rushing, and Rose to sit with them, mirroring Adder's gesture.

Then, she turned to Pike, offering an appreciative blink, the tom had kept his promise to her. Her mate had returned unscathed. " It's good to see ye all back in one piece. " she purred, a teasing glint in her eye as she winked.

As Adder spoke, Wave listened intently, nodding along, her expression shifting with each new piece of information, relief at hearing Downy and Peachy were safe, curiosity at the description of the island, and a sharp, focused look at the mention of needing shelter. The fact that Downy couldn't swim caught her attention, and she stored that little tidbit away for later. She wondered, briefly, just how many of their cats had never learned. That would have to change.

When Adder finished, she exhaled, glancing at the shipyard around them. This place... It had been home for so long. The thought of leaving still tugged at something deep in her chest. But she forced herself to look past sentimentality, to see what Adder saw. No more hunger. No more struggling. A place of their own.

" Aye. " she finally said, smirking as she flicked her tail. " We'll make fish outta these landlubbers yet. " She let out a small laugh before giving a decisive nod. " If ye ask me, this sounds like a fine place. Better than… " She hesitated, casting one last look around the shipyard, ears pinning back for just a moment. Then she straightened, steeling herself.

" Better than here. "

  • "speech"
  • WAVE she/her, RiverClanner, thirty-three moons.
    a black and white lh cat with light blue eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Love
Reactions: Adderfang

The small she-cat disappeared into the crowd of Shipyard cats, trepidation causing her breath to stutter as she looked up towards Pike and Adder. Her suspicions had been false, for both toms had returned with the promise of a new home, and whilst she was happy for Garnet, her own joy was tempered by what the brown tabby told them. Their new home was on an Island, they did need to learn how to swim.

Her heart sank, dread as cold as the ocean floor settling into her body. Her torn ears twitched uncomfortably, a pleading side-eye offered to Garnet as if her mate could somehow change the outcome their colony had decided. When she looked back towards Adder, she did her best to steel the shaken nerves, serpent-thin pupils doing their best to focus on the tabby and not what he represented. "'m not swimming." Pike had promised no one would be left behind, but speaking out, she wondered if it would be a promise broken, whether one member's troubles would be enough to stunt the whole group's efforts at finding a new home. Had it been any other member, she may have sided with the group, but when it was herself faced with the real feeling of abandonment, she could not help but claw at the wretched soil and curse whatever had put her in such a predicament.

She cursed her honesty with the tom the other day, the real reason for her hesitance around the shoreline, but knowing she was being selfish, she couldn't use the same argument, her muzzle twisting into a firm frown. She raised her hurt paw and placed it closer to her chest as if to bring attention to it. "Bad idea, makin' all us injured lot swim anyways, duck dung ain't good for wounds and any river's full of it. Sure there ain't no other way onto the Island? No fallen logs or thinner streams we can jump over?" Anything that meant she did not have to separate from a group she was just beginning to feel comfortable around, anything but the one thing she promised she would never do again.



What had been an uncomfortable, but manageable, warmth in her injured shoulder just a day or so ago had progressed into a near unbearable heat that also made putting weight on that leg more painful than before. Jingle had replaced the cobwebs with Wave's help but it was clear from the state of it that it wasn't enough. As much as Russet disliked laying around, sleep was the far more appealing option as opposed to wandering the shipyard right now. Hunting was out of the question, kitsitting felt at least somewhat plausible if the little terrors could be convinced to nap.

Napping was what she had been doing until a paw gently prodded her awake, and she blearily lifted her head to find Brook standing over her. The molly murmured something about the scouting patrol returning before leaving the shelter and Russet slowly rose to her paws to hobble after her to join the slowly growing crowd.

"Hope that island Pike talked about is actually real." She mutters to no one in particular, settling on her side into the sand before taking in who had already shown up and who was still coming over. Pike, Willow, and Adder were here. Downy and Peachy were nowhere to be found... Had something happened to them on the way- Oh. That made sense, she supposed. She wondered how Peachy had gotten hurt.

The mention that everyone would have to swim came as no surprise to her and Russet nodded in understanding before Knot's interjection reached her ears and the tabby slammed her tail into the sand in annoyance. "I'd rather make a short swim than walk who knows how much further into unfamiliar territory for an easier path that may not even be there." She said dryly, nodding to her own wounded shoulder. "If you don't know how to swim, then learn. You said you wanted a promise that none of us will be left behind, cats are offering to help so no one is."

Maybe it was her feeling unwell that made her snappier than usual, but Russet was not about to let the rogue use her own injury to make what was already undoubtedly going to be a difficult journey even harder just because Knot didn't want to get her precious pelt wet.


  • Russet
    — Future Pearl Diver of Riverclan
    — She/Her
    — A Green-eyed Chocolate Mackerel Tabby With Low White


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Ears flicking in surprise towards the call, Torrent's heart leaped with excitement as he recognized Adder's gravely mew immediately.

"They're back!"
He couldn't help but exclaim out loud, not wasting another second before bounding his way across the shipyard to meet them. He felt as if his paws couldn't carry him fast enough, heart thumping with anticipation as he was eager to hear all the details of their journey. Sand flew from his paws as he skidded to a halt in front of the returning group, his excited gaze flashing over each of them. A thousand questions flew through Torrent's head, but he bit his tongue, knowing it was probably better to let Adder finish before pressing them all with questions.

Torrent's tail flicked to-and-fro as Adder continued on. He imagined their journey in vivid detail as the older tom described it, his excitement and hope flourishing as he too would soon be traveling the same route, journeying through forests and crossing rivers to get to their new territory. The further mention of work to be done filled him with motivation--they would without a doubt turn this new place into a home.

His musings were interrupted by Knot's and Russet's conversation, and his gaze flashed inquisitively towards them as the air had seemed to a grow a bit hostile. Torrent frowned, wondering how their moods could be so snappy in response to such great news. Though he could understand the blue-grey she-cat's misgivings, not every cat was keen on diving headfirst into water, and she seemed to have an injury on one of her forepaws.

"Don't worry,"
Torrent began, offering a smile to Knot as he took a pawstep towards her.
"I'm sure there's plenty of other cats here who aren't looking forward to getting their paws wet either, but it will be worth it once it's over, and getting across that river will be much safer than staying here--and we'll all look out for each other along the way."
He meowed, hoping he hadn't overstepped a boundary with the stranger. He meant no disrespect, after all.

He quickly glanced over to Pike, his tail lifting into the air. Torrent felt a tinge of fondness for the silver tom, considering their conversation before the scouting patrol had dispersed.
"I can swim!"
Torrent meowed, his voice brimming with hopefulness as he stared at the tom.
"I would be more than happy to teach anycat who can't."

  • ⟡ OOC -
    speaking to @KNOT then @PIKE
  • Torrent
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 6 Moons | Shipyard Cat
    - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by Pine (FUT)
    A rosetted charcoal Bengal.
    Has a sturdy build with a large head and paws, and short thick fur.
    Holds a zealous and determined demeanor.
    Usually seen with Squid
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  • Love
Reactions: Adderfang
Frost is not fond of change, but he has been shown in days previous that sometimes the discomfort of difference is necessary for survival. He hunkers down with the fellow cats of the shipyard, trying to help his injured acquaintances and to provide comfort despite the lack of shelter. He had been doubtful that the scouting group would be fruitful, but when Adder proclaims that there is promising territory elsewhere, Frost pricks up his ears to listen. Briefly, he looks for Storm, hoping to discuss the potential of moving again, but finds his attention snapped up by the discussion on swimming.

"I can help teach anyone to swim," Frost pipes up. It's an unusual gesture for the bicolor tomcat to be vocal about much of anything, but he has found his voice amongst the bickering of the other cats of the shipyard. And between Torrent's encouragement and Russet's sharp command, Frost also wants to volunteer his help. "I am sure we will be able to help any of you who can't swim to get there, too. Plenty of us are able." Frost's paws are already sore enough from all the helping after the storm and the shelter collapse, but the glimmer of hope of a promised land of sorts is enough to keep him going.

"I trust Pike and Adder. It's worth a try," a half-truth that curdles in the air. Frost doesn't really know either of the tomcats, but he is somewhat desperate for some promise of savior. And he wants more than anything for his sister and friends to be able to thrive.

  • "SPEECH"
  • FROST — he/him, shipyard (future riverclan), 16 moons
    — penned by carat, feel free to ping or dm for plots!
    — longhair black and white bicolor with blue eyes
    — peaceful powerplay ok! all interactions ok!
  • penned by carat!
  • Love
Reactions: ARSYNNE
Stop trembling already, Fox thinks as he hunkers down with the rest of the shipyard cats, as they await for the return of the scouting patrol. He can still vividly remember that stormy night— awoken by Smoke, rain soaking their fur, and the roof of the shelter collapsing. He was lucky to make out to safety— as well as his littermates— but the same couldn't be said for every shipyard cat. He thinks of Dewdrop; the only one lost in this tragedy. But despite that... it's still a major loss. If they continue to live here, who's to say when the next shelter collapses?

His ears prick up at the sound of familiar paw steps, his nose twitching at the familiar scents. The young tom sits up, green eyes landing onto the stoic chocolate ticked tabby. Fox didn't have any beliefs that Pike was lying about this.... potential home. He knows most cats might be resistant to change.... he understands why they feel that way. This has been their home, for most cats, for moons. Some cats, like Fox, were born in this shipyard. It's saddening; realizing that the place you were raised in... is no longer fit to be a safe, viable shelter. Adder speaks of crossing a river, and Fox shifts nervously.

Fox has a mixed relationship with swimming. He can swim, he knows how to, but it isn't something he enjoys. Not right now. It was moons ago, but he still thinks back to that paralyzing experience.... nearly drowning during a harsh leaf-bare.
"...I-I can swim too,"
Fox sounds a little unsure as he speaks up, his voice stammering.
"It's f-for our survival.... We c-can't l-live here anymore."

The tom glances over at Frost, and gives the fellow tom a nod. He wants to be hopeful... he truly hopes Pike and Adder found a more suitable place for them to live.

  • 92523990_s3ONfj5ZTJ5OaGF.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    shipyard cat
    16 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: WIP
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to rai for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: black-red torbie
    fur length: long
    parents: dawn and red (npcs)

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  • Love
Reactions: ARSYNNE
By the time they reached the shipyard, the silver tabby was wheezing. WOULD IT HAVE KILLED YOU TO SLOW DOWN?! As soon as Adder yowls for everyone to gather, his limbs have decided to check out for the day. He immediately collapses to the ground, limbs stretched out in a strange manner. His flank rising and falling as he struggles to catch his breath. He tries to listen as best as he can to what Adder relays to the group as his lungs suck in as much air as they can for his aching lungs. Eventually, the report is finished and he lifts his head up to those who have gathered to give them a strained smile.

Wave, while having her reservations about leaving behind this place she called home voices her support. He expected as much. Wave and Adder were always together. He doubts there is a place they would go, if they weren't together. They love each other alright. I wonder what it's like. Having a mate who would go anywhere if it's with you? And that you'll do the same for. They're happy, so I guess I'd be happy too... Awww, man. Now I'm getting sad about it. Remember you got something to do first !!! While exhaustion still clings to him, he manages to rise to his paws. Albeit, a bit slowly. Maybe he should have stayed laying down if he had known what Knot was going to say.

Wh-WHY? He can't stop himself from looking at her with shock. If you just don't want to get wet, then you're gonna get wet regardless... If not by the river, then by the stream. Or how... Damp- BLECK that place is. How would we even get to the same island without getting wet. A silver paw to brought to his black chin as he begins to figure out if there is indeed another way. However, from what the scouting patrol saw, the river stretched a good distance. There were spots that were thinner, which was they had swam through in order to get across. He had no intention of leaving Knot behind, but it was difficult to figure out a way that required no swimming. They could travel up the river to find some patch of land where they didn't need to swim, but there was no guarantee that they would find such a path. He had no idea what was beyond. Maybe somewhere more dangerous. Who knows? We have kits coming with us. It's already hard enough to take care of them here. We want to get to our new home as soon as possible.. UUUUGGHHH WHY DON'T YOU WANNA SWIM KNOT!!!! GAH, YOU'RE MAKING THINGS HAAAAAAAAAARD.

In the middle of his internal whining, it is Russet who shocks him. He even flinches while fur bristles, green eyes looking at the molly. Uhhhhh, do... Do you not get along with Knot? Of course he doesn't voice his thoughts, not wanting to be next in Russet's wrath. There she makes two things known. The first, even though she is among the injured she would prefer a short swim compared to a longer trek (as if getting to the island wasn't a journey itself). The second is that she has the same concerns he does. The concern being, what if there's no easier path to take after spending days of travel. Note to self. Thank Russet. Thank her for being real with Knot. His eyes slowly trail over to Knot. I'm so sorry queen, but Russet kinda ate you up with that one. Your argument of the injured not wanting to swim fell flat. WAIT. Do... Do you not know how to swim? It hadn't crossed my mind. Just like Downy not knowing how to swim either. He grimaces at the memory of Willow helping Downy. While he is grateful for his friend for helping the other molly, things could have turned for the worse quickly. Looks like there are cats here who don't know how to swim. For some reason? We... We live next to the water though...

Before he can even manage a response, it is Torrent who cuts in. His earnest nature had only grown in the short time he had left. He really took what I said at heart, huh? A surge of pride stirs in his chest as the younger tom offers his help to someone much older than he and is respectful about it. He even voices the opinion that maybe there are cats in their group who hate being wet, but will travel with them regardless of the fact. What he means to say and reiterate is that Knot will not be left behind. Torrent is more than willing to ensure everyone comes along. What he is not prepared for is the same tom to look at him in fondness. He can't help it when a smile is curled from his lips as Torrent mentions wanting to help.

Yeeesssshhh, I can barely get a word in. It would be funny if I yelled freeze and all of them just stood silent and still. Actually, how long would they even stay that way... I should try it. Someday. Anyway, PAY ATTENTION! The first cat who interupts is frost, who offers to teach cats who are unable to swim a paw. I believe in Torrent teaching, but he's just one cat. I have a hard time believing some older cats would listen to him. SO! Frost! you're gonna help him out, yes yes. This will work out. As for Frost's trust in him, well... He can't say it doesn't make him queasy. There are so many cats who are placing their trust in him and if he thought about it for a while, he would throw up here and now. All he can offer is an awkward smile.

The next cat is Fox. A cat who reminds him of well... Himself. They are both rather awkward and shy. The only reason why he didn't appear to be his usual self was because of the mess he'd been thrusted into because of the ghost cat Seabriar. I wonder how much different would my life be if they did pick someone else. Would I offer to teach cats how to swim? Or would I help gather the kits with Pine? He shakes his head. There's not a really a point in thinking of that, huh? In any case, he is happy to hear that Fox can indeed swim and will swim if it's for their survival.

Finally, he is given a chance and he takes it.
"Knot, you're not going to be left behind. You are going to swim. And if you don't, then I'll grab you by the scuff and drag you over to the shore. If you don't want that, then I suggest learning from others."
He looks at Torrent, then to Frost, and finally, Fox.
"I would like it if the three of you could work together and teach cats who don't know how to swim, to... Well, swim. Try not to fight with each other, this isn't about who is better. This is about or survival. We need to swim in order to survive. Our chances of getting across safely depends on all of us working together, after all."
We can grumble the whole way about it and be sad about leaving this place. That's fine, but when we get back to the island... I hope we can all look at it and think of it as a decent place to call home. Or... We can rest there for a bit before we find somewhere else. If... that's what everyone wants.

With that he turns and goes to Adder. He can't help himself from feeling as though he shouldn't interrupt a man reuniting with his wife. I'll make this quick. I dunno if Adder will claw my ears off, but I DO NOT wanna test the theory. Besides, he looked so miserable away from Wave. He practically sprinted the whole way, I swear I almost passed out a couple of times! I really gotta get in shape if I want to keep up with him.
"I'm going to ask others some favors. To uh, get us ready for the move. Thanks for coming with me, I uh, know that you, missed your mate and kits a lot. And thanks for telling everyone about the place. I'm n-not really with that stuff, but uhm... Anyway! I'll leave you with your family and get everything else done."

Silver paws lead him away from the family and back to the group, in which he clears his throat (taking a note out of Adder's page, huh).
"We'll be leaving soon, so say your goodbyes to this place... And yeah, that's it. We've got work to do."
Awkwardly, he begins to pad away in search of particular members of the group to ask some favors for. They may ask for something in return in the future, but that was a problem for the future.

// @FOXTAIL @Frost @Torrent pike has put you in three in charge of swimming lessons! Feel free to make a thread in which they host a swimming class or teach cats one one privately if preferred!
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ As Pike addressed the three of them, Torrent nearly burst at the seams, as a large and somewhat surprised smile across drew across his face.

Just wait til Pine and Squid hear about this! He exclaimed to himself, his eagerness finally feeling somewhat sated at the trust that was now placed on his shoulders.

His eyes brightened as he turned to look at Frost and Fox, bouncing on his paws as he began weaving between them. There was no hiding the excitement on his face.
"This is going to be great!"
Torrent meowed, his tail swaying high above his back.
"And my name is Torrent."
He added brightly with a slight purr, as he hadn't met either of the toms before today.

The feeling of satisfaction in himself was a rare sentiment for Torrent, but in this moment he felt himself reach what he had been chasing. Impatience began to prickle in his fur, eager to gather as many cats as he could that needed to learn right away. But despite his ever-growing impatience, he knew he couldn't let Pike down--and he had another opportunity to show Pine he wasn't just a kit.

  • ⟡ OOC -
    Addressing @Frost and @FOXTAIL // Just wanted one last post to show his excitement!!
  • Torrent
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 6 Moons | Shipyard Cat
    - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by Pine (FUT)
    A rosetted charcoal Bengal.
    Has a sturdy build with a large head and paws, and short thick fur.
    Holds a zealous and determined demeanor.
    Usually seen with Squid
⋆˚✿˖° I was dancing in the rain, I felt alive and I can't explain
Brook had gently informed Russet of the scouting party's return, her gaze flickering with quiet concern as she noted the wound on the she-cat's shoulder. But there was little time to linger-- she had her own to tend to. Without another word, she slipped back to Lilac's side, settling close and rasping her tongue gently over her child's head. Brook had been crying out about how this place no longer provided for them, how it had withered away with time, especially after the loss of Rain. She didn't understand how it took another tragedy for others to finally see it, too.

This was no longer the home it once was.

" Stay close by, Lilac-bird... " she whispered, her voice warm despite the storm of emotions swirling in her chest. She offered her daughter a small smile before turning her attention to Adder as he took the lead in informing the group. Downy and Peachy were alive. A relief. They were preparing the place they had found. Another relief. It wasn't perfect, but no place ever was. They could make something of it. A willow tree stood there, a shelter for the kits. Good. They could rest. But it was clear that there was still much to be done when they arrived.

Because they were moving there… right? Otherwise, why would Peachy and Downy have stayed behind? Brook's mind raced as Adder spoke. Swimming across would be no trouble for her... But... Her eyes flickered to Lilac, ears pinning back momentarily. Lilac could swim… surely… but not like-- A voice mewling out for his mother, water... Water all around... Tightness in her chest as she fought for breath to save her son.

No. No, there was no need to think about that. Not now.

She flinched at the thought, swallowing against the lump in her throat before straightening her posture. " We can work. " she called out, voice firm as she looked around the gathered cats. " We can make this place our new home. Safer than this one has been. " Her gaze fell sharply on Knot, tail lashing once as Russet voiced her displeasure to Knot's words too. " I agree with Russet. " Brook's voice remained steady, though her frown deepened. " Nobody will be left behind, but we are not staying here simply because some cats cannot swim. There are wounded, yes, but there are enough of us to carry them across if need be. " Her sharp gaze flickered to more than just Knot. If there were others who couldn't swim, now was the time to speak up.

She wasn't about to let this opportunity slip away just because of hesitation. Nobody would be left behind, sure that promise had been made. But it was a two-way effort. Knot and any others unwilling to swim had to be willing to accept help and swim for the sake of everyone.

Her ears twitched as Torrent spoke, and a sliver of a smile curled at the corners of her mouth. Young and eager to help, Pine was lucky to have him… and Squid. Then Frost stepped forward, followed by hesitant Fox, though his stammered words barely formed an offer before Pike appointed him, Frost, and Torrent as swim teachers. Amusement danced in Brook's eyes as she cast Pike a knowing look, one brow arched. He was trying, she'd give him that. But if Wave's expression said anything, it was that she would be ensuring the lessons were properly handled.

Still, his voice carried strength. Nobody got left behind.

Brook gave a curt nod in response before turning to Pine, warmth filling her chest. She winked at him before purring lightly. " Are you up for an adventure already, Pine? " she teased gently. " You can lean against me during the journey. " Her gaze flickered back to Torrent, watching as he made himself known to the other two swim teachers. A soft chuckle escaped her. " … He's an amazing young cat. "


Lee DeWyze "Blackbird Song"

Adder exhaled loudly through his nostrils as Knot began complaining. The tom recalled her mentioning nearly downing as a kit. He wasn't sure how much he believed, given she also said something ate her tail. He never heard of a fish eating a cat before. Instinctively his eyes flickered to Knot, settling on her with little sympathy. Pike's voice cut into his wandering thoughts. His whiskers twitched with amusement at the idea of Pike trying to drag Knot across that river. She would claw you to shreds. But after all that talk about not leaving anyone behind they had no choice now. Now their word would have to be honored.

Adder's voice cut through the chatter as he spoke to Knot. "The river we crossed was the narrowest for a good distance. We don't know if there's a way to cross without touching the water, but the path we took has been cleared. We're not tromping blindly through the wilds looking for another way. Especially not with how many of us there are." A blunt explanation and in his opinion, more than fair. Knot would need to face her fears. He didn't grow up near the water either, but sacrifices had to be made. If she didn't, then she could put them at even more risk "I suggest you make an effort to learn now, in a safe way. Else you're going to put yourself and others at risk. Even if Pike drags you across, you could drown and take him and anyone else who tried to help with you in the panic." Adder's tail flicked behind him irritably.

He wasn't done yet. "Staying behind isn't an option. It's been said but I'll say it again." His patience was thinning and it showed. Maybe now wasn't the time to be lecturing her. He ached. He was tired. He wanted to be alone with his family. "No one gets left behind. But there's a point in all this where you need to meet us halfway." The journey wore on him and it wasn't even over yet.

His gaze fell from Knot to Wave. Wave—the burden on his shoulders seemed to lighten just looking at her. A smile crept back onto his muzzle. His body shifted, gravitating toward her. He leaned against her, as close as possible without squishing their kits.

I missed you so much.

Not a second went by that he didn't push forward with them on his mind. He wanted them to know that. That he didn't leave them because he wanted to. Wave understood, but did their kits? Adder hadn't discussed it with them as he had with Wave. He made a note to spend time with them when this was all over.

For now, he curled his tail around them. Even Rose, while not related by blood, was a part of their family now. The daughter that he never got to have. But not as a replacement. Coral would forever be on his mind.

As Pike approached him, Adder's smile sagged. Thankfully the silver tom didn't ask any favors of him. He grunted in acknowledgment. "Pike's right," Adder said, grunting as he shifted his weight and stood. Rising, he stretched his back and turned to his mate, brushing against her affectionately. "Come on then, my treasure," He murmured, sympathy softening his tone as they fell from his mouth. It wouldn't be easy, none of it. Adder knew what the shipyard meant to her. He would be there for her this time.

It was time to say goodbye, however long or short that lasted.

- Exit Adder -

  • "speech" - thoughts

    OOC: Talking to @KNOT and Wave. Interacting with @Wave, @Crescent, @RUSH and @ROSE.
  • Adderfang he/him & riverclan
    𓆟 Chocolate ticked tabby w/ amber eyes. Peppered with scars. Deep gash across the right side of his face exposing one canine slightly. Missing left ear.
    𓆟 Deep gravelly voice that might unsettle others.
    𓆟 Would and will kill a man.
    𓆟 Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted. For other powerplays, DM.
    𓆟 Fur smells faintly of river reeds and damp earth.

    penned by Scarlet
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all you have is your

"Lame paw? Why did that idiot volunteer to go then." Was her brain full of brine? Stubborn fools the lot of them, still it was good to know no one had been swallowed by the forest they ventured in, his lone eye staring warily at the shrouded treeline with skepticism even knowing that Adder had walked through untouched and fine to deliver this news. He was glad for the other tom to be willing to say it straight, right to the point and blunt as a stone in the best way; not the best option but certainly better than here - he was willing to take that risk then, better than rotting away starved on the sandy shore. Smoke shifts where he stands, claws flexing into the ground as he turns to look at the ocean once more, it had tormented them for moons with the promise of returning ships only to never deliver, had made fishing difficult and brought rolling storms to their door --- yet part of him will miss the view, will miss the sweeping waves leaving grooves in the sand, the froth like clouds on the soil, the waves churning and rippling in a scattering of aquamarine and turquoise colors.

Knot complains, as usual, Torrent is eager, Russet is wary but realistic, Fox offers his own insistence on the best paw forward; it seemed mostly unanimous among the former shipcats that the yard was no longer their home. Inhaling deeply he glances back and turns to go, had to fetch Willow, Lichen and Haze and get the kits all wrangled up - he could probably talk to Pine about them forming a circle around them possibly to have more eyes on their collective young. He knew deer often traveled that way, at least he was told they did - Smoke had only seen them once.
"I'll fetch my crew." There is a brief pause as he passes Knot, his head low and voice a murmur of a sound, "If you want to use him as a boat and drown him to cross no one is going to hold it against you." With that he continues onward, preparing the tedious task of convincing his kits to skip their nap and trek into the forest close to he and the others sides; he can already predict the migraine of having to keep them from wandering off to explode.

─ & the place you need to reach.


Just close your eyes, the sun is going down... You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now

Oh. Oh, this was really happening, wasn't it?

Some cats spoke of leaving, others of staying. Some worried about swimming, and he understood that... He wasn't the best swimmer either. He'd tried before, paddling clumsily beneath the moonlight, more like a fish flopping on dry land than anything graceful. He could manage, but the water had a way of humbling him. He still remembered the time a wave rolled over his head, dragging him under for a breathless moment. He'd sputtered and scrambled back to shore, shaken but determined. Would this river be anything like the sea they knew?

A shiver ran down his spine. He didn't want to be left behind.

But he wasn't ready to face the whole group yet, either. So, he stayed on the sidelines, ears pricked, drinking in every word. He listened as preparations were made, as talk of a swimming group surfaced. Maybe he could watch the younger ones, learn from them. He needed more than just instinct to guide him. He was going with them. He had to. What else was left for him here? He knew there was a mother he didn't like much, she was mean. No... He stayed well clear of her, darting into hiding whenever he caught sight of her or her kits. But one of them was leaving, wasn't he? Going with the storyteller. He'd seen that. He had heard that!

His mouth opened to speak, to say something, anything, but the words caught in his throat. So instead, he remained in his hiding spot, watching, listening.

Gathering information.

Preparing for the journey ahead.Pellentesque vel tristique nisl.

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Rose would nod her head to Wave as she followed her behind alongside the other two kits to go and greet the returning group, Adder, Wave's mate being one of them. She would give a polite dip of her head to the tabby as a greeting which followed with a soft smile. It still felt strange to have got taken in under Wave's wing, and while conflicted about it did not wish to take up space or get inbetween this family's reunion. Even if she was suppose to be a part of it now it would take time before she would feel comfortable about it. was difficult to let go of her other family.

Adder was the one who shared the news about their journey, how it had went and where thier new home would be. Rose listened closely glad to hear that Peachy and Downy was safe since their missing faces in the group had not got unnoticed. Hearing thier new home would be on an island though send anxiety inside of the kit, as she had not yet taken her first swim. Too young before leafbare, and dangerous now in the sea during this season. Rose had always wanted to, planning to but like this, now?. Rose ears flattered back, her attention hesitantly looking over at Wave and slowly reached out a paw but suddenly felt a tail wrapped itself around her. Rose blinked attention now shifted to Adder who owned the tail that was safely put around her. In silence of taking this in watched the two and who affectionate they where over thier reunion. Seeing how Adder and Wave was towards thier kits and each other...was odd but still she could feel the warmth coming from this family. So different, and the bond between this two parents. It was a strange sight for a kit who was not used to it. Even more so to be included in it.

Rose ended up staring down between her paws, and the moment ago lifted paw had fallen back down to the ground. The conversation had moved on to Knot and her swimming problem and with the reactions all around her Rose felt her own swimming issues was nothing more but a burden. Adder looked ready to leave, but Rose stayed put in her place, unmoving.
" I...c-can't....swim."
she mumbled out, softly like a feather. She knew they where gonna help those who couldn't, that they wouldn't leave anyone behind. Pike and anybody else who agreed had stated so. Still, if too many of them didn't know how to swim, how could they help all of them?.

The journey itself scared her.

// interacting with @Wave and @Adderfang


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  • Sad
Reactions: Scarlet
Wave of RiverClan
Amusement flickered in the black-and-white she-cat's gaze as she glanced toward Pike, her tail giving a small flick. He had done well keeping Adder with her for now. There was plenty to be done, surely, but she also needed this moment, to speak with Adder, to tell him more about Rose. Everything had happened so fast after the shed collapse, and now, for the first time in a while, they had a chance to breathe. To share.

Her light blue eyes met Pike's for a brief second before she dipped her head in gratitude. " Thank ye fer bringin' my mate home safe, sweetcheeks. " she murmured, her voice carrying warmth. " But don't go tryin' to do everythin' on yer own, aye? Ye can lean on others too. There'll be plenty 'round to help ye out. " She shot him a wink before turning her attention to Adder, flicking her tail to the side.

" Come along, my pirate. " she laughed, padding after him, knowing full well that Crescent and Rushing would trail after them without trouble. But then... A small voice piped up, stopping her in her tracks. She turned back, her gaze landing on the young she-cat who had just admitted, somewhat hesitantly, that she couldn't swim. Could those fish-brained fools really not teach their own kits to swim? Shock flickered across her face for a heartbeat before she softened, offering a gentle smile. With a light nudge, she reassured the young one. " That's alright, wee one… Ye can still learn. " she said, her tone kind. " Torrent, Frost, an' Fox will be givin' swimmin' lessons. I'll be keepin' an eye on 'em too. " She gave another small, encouraging push forward.

" Ye can learn with 'em, aye? An' don't ye worry about this journey too much, we'll be here. We'll keep ye safe, 'kay? "

・゚✦ —— As we roll down this unfamiliar road

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