Lee DeWyze "Blackbird Song"
After exploring every inch of that island, he was certain it was safe—or at least safer than the shipyard. Still, there was work to be done. Adder could list a million things that needed handling—shelter to build, prey to gather, discussions to be had—and he let out a slow, measured sigh at the pile of tasks looming before him. But he wouldn't utter a complaint because what mattered was that his family had another chance at an actual life.
Not scrounging for every scrap of food they ever had—waiting to get devoured by hungry rogues—freezing their tails off trying to huddle together under flimsy boards that would inevitably crush them. Not anymore.
Downy and Peachy begrudgingly remained back at the island. Although Adder didn't like the idea of leaving them there alone, he wouldn't babysit them either. They decided to make the trip, and if anything happened, they would have only themselves to blame.
Otherwise, the journey back was uneventful—aside from a brief brush with a yappy dog the size of a kit that they promptly sent squealing. Adder was adamant that the group must not stray too close to that twoleg nest again. Unless they wanted to push their luck one bit too far and find a threat much bigger and harder to deter.
He had barely got any sleep the night before. Adder could only think of Wave and the kits. When he shut his eyes, it was their faces he saw; when he opened them, it was them he thought of. He was exhausted. His paws were scraped and muscles stiff from the long trek, but he would carry on.
Soon his perseverance paid off, the shipyard came into view, the smell of brine and the sting of a fresh, cold breeze washing off the sea greeting them. Adder sighed his relief, casting a glance over his shoulder. They had made it.
Now to do it all over again.
Adder wanted nothing more than to run to Wave—to pull his kits into an embrace and tell them of all the fat fish he'd catch them soon. But there was work to be done. He glanced back warily at Pike and the others. Someone was expected to give their report. The dull looks on their faces told him he'd better handle it anyway.
"Everyone, gather! I'll tell you what we found," He yowled across the shipyard, stalking toward a visible spot on the beach. When his paws hit the sand, he plopped down, sinking into his aching bones.
It wouldn't be long before all the shipyard cats crawled out of the boards and rusted nails that made up their home. Adder kept his eyes and ears perked, scanning for the faces he longed to see most. When they came into view, he adorned a worn smile, reserved only for them.
He stirred from his spot to greet them. Eagerly, he brushed his muzzle against his mate in an enthusiastic greeting. "Told you I'd always come back." He muttered to her, before beckoning the kits to sit beside him.
Then Adder tilted his sour face back up to the growing crowd. He'd get not a single moment alone with his family until everything was settled.
Let's get this over quickly.
"Looks like everyone is here," He addressed clearly. "Before anyone asks—Downy and Peachy aren't dead. Peachy's got a lame paw and couldn't make the trip. Downy apparently can't swim, and since there's a river between here and there, we weren't going to risk it again."
The tom's tail flicked impatiently as he got down to the matter. "Pike was telling the truth. The place he took us to has potential." Adder had tested the waters out himself, doing a bit of hunting while they were there—they had to keep their strength up somehow. "To get there we had to pass a twoleg place and then cross a river. Past the river is a meadow, a small forest, and then an island. The island is where we left Downy and Peachy, and the most ideal place to hunker down."
He paused, letting his eyes sweep over the gathered faces. Once again, he would be brutally honest. What these cats needed were clear and honest expectations, not fluff about some promised paradise. They had suffered enough disappointment already. "I won't lie to you, it's not perfect. There's hardly any better shelter there than here. We'll be cold and wet, at least a bit longer til shelter can be sorted. Until then, there's a willow tree with a hollow underneath that can house our kits and the badly injured until proper shelter can be made."
Adder remembered Peachy's promise to construct some dens with the nearby materials. To give her credit, he thought it entirely possible, but with the molly's condition, he didn't expect much. "Oh... uh Peachy is going to try to get some dens up but I highly doubt she'll be done in time." He tacks on to his previous statement, the dryness in his voice an indicator of what to expect.
"Expect there to be work to do." Better to make it out of something that couldn't crush them if it decided to come down. A moment was stolen to catch his breath before continuing.
Aside from that, it's got good visibility—defendable too. Pair of boulders that make a good lookout and it's surrounded by a stream that's shallow enough for the kits." He continued, "That said, Downy could've drowned, so speak up if you can't swim! You'll need to learn and quick. Talk to Pike after we're done, and we'll sort you a teacher." The chocolate tabby spared a sideways glance at Pike. Sorting out swimming lessons seemed like a problem for him. After all, this was his idea in the first place.
"If any of you are unsure, I'd say your chances are better than staying here. The way things are now, we'll all starve before the next storm can drop another pile of wood on us."
Adder was measured—attempting to sway any uncertainty. He'd known these cats for moons. They had suffered and gone hungry right alongside him. There were families, and cats who depended on them. Those who had put others before themselves when the storm hit. If they were willing to make the journey, he would do his best to ensure they made it there alive.
___________________ There wasn't a wrong or a right he could choose
He did what he had to do ________________
"speech" - thoughts
Adderfang he/him & riverclan
𓆟 Chocolate ticked tabby w/ amber eyes. Peppered with scars. Deep gash across the right side of his face exposing one canine slightly. Missing left ear.
𓆟 Deep gravelly voice that might unsettle others.
𓆟 Would and will kill a man.
𓆟 Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted. For other powerplays, DM.
𓆟 Fur smells faintly of river reeds and damp earth.
penned by Scarlet
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