Territory SkyClan pawprints in the snow // stormcrow

This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.


Blind, not broken.
Played by

SNOWVEIL, 90 moons / SkyClan + Perm Queen
A lean silver black lynx point with milky blue eyes and many scars
Delights in listening to all that goes around, can be a bit gruff, will put you on your place
Tagging person here

Snowveil padded forward with careful steps, a frown tugging at her features as her unseeing eyes fixed ahead. This new territory felt foreign to her, and she couldn't help but wonder how far she could wander before it became dangerous. She was a capable warrior, no doubt about that. But the land she once knew so well had been left behind, replaced by the unknown. Her paw brushed against a root, and she cursed quietly under her breath. " Mousedung. " She huffed, coming to a stop as the soft patter of pawsteps followed closely behind.

" I'm fine, Stormcrow. " Her voice was gruff, not wanting to show how frustrated she felt, how the unfamiliarity of it all gnawed at her patience. Back in the old place, she'd known every twist and turn, every rock and tree. Here, everything felt... harder. She hated to admit that, even to herself. She took a deep breath and turned her head, finally finding the familiar shape of her daughter. Lightly, she bumped against her.

" ...Thank you. For coming with me. "

there's fire underneath this snow

Stormcrow watches her mother traipse through the snow, her usual confident steps now hesitant, careful. She was no fool; she did not try to help Snowveil, and she wouldn't, unless she explicitly asked for it. Her mother was strong. But this was unfamiliar land, unfamiliar trees and rocks and bends in the path. So she walks with her, quiet, watching. Snowveil stumbles slightly, paw catching on a gnarled root. She shakes it off, but turns to wait for Stormcrow to catch up.

"I know you are," she replies. "Only a root. It can hardly fight back," she purrs, trying to lighten the mood. Though she could never understand completely what it was like to see the world as her mother did, she could imagine the frustration– going from a place where you were familiar, knowing the land as the land knows you, to something completely different… It must be hard. A daughter's duty, then, to comfort. "Of course, mother."

SNOWVEIL, 89 moons / SkyClan + Perm Queen
A lean silver black lynx point with milky blue eyes and many scars
Delights in listening to all that goes around, can be a bit gruff, will put you on your place
Tagging person here

A flicker of a smile touched her maw as Stormcrow dismissed it as nothing but a root, just a harmless thing, incapable of fighting back.

" Even if it could. " she mused, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. " I'm fairly certain my chances of victory would be high. " Her ear flicked, listening to the world around her. The forest was still foreign, its sounds and textures unfamiliar, but she was learning. She had to. One day, she wanted to navigate it without hesitation, without fearing that a misplaced step would send her tumbling over a root, into a pit, or off a cliff. The usual. She refused to be a burden, blindness or not.

After a pause, her tone shifted, turning light with warmth.

" And how are you holding up, my little Storm? " she purred, the affectionate tease laced with a mother's love. Her tail flicked once as she walked beside her daughter, carefully placing each step with practiced ease. " Are you settling in well? Tell me, this new camp, this new home, does it stretch wide and strong? Is it bountiful? Have you met others who walk its paths? " There was curiosity in her voice, but more than that, there was trust, an unspoken assurance that, through Stormcrow's eyes, she, too, could see.

there's fire underneath this snow