"Smoke alerts, but smog conceals."
PRONOUNS ββββββ he / him | ORIENTATION βββββ hetero monogamous |
CLAN ββββββββ shadowclan | RANK ββββββββββ night guard |
MATE βββββββββ halfy | AGE βββββββββ 42 moons |
Smogmaw is a creature of urge and impulse. Instinct guides his paws where conscience does not, and rarely does he cease to wonder whether that was more a virtue than a vice.
β lh silver classic tabby
β twin gouges run across his muzzle, given to him by leopard in her death throes
Smogmaw is a broad and burly tomcat with thick silver fur that's embroidered by black tabby markings, notably around his midsection and on his profile. His heavy jaw complements the hard line that his brow creates, and from this solid frame peers two amber eyes with a calm intensity. He wears a surly expression in perpertuityβhis brows seemingly fixed in a downward cant, lips bent in an everpresent grimace, and with a voice that is deep yet husky as if constantly fatigued or strained.
+ shrewd / + pragmatic / + decisive
` protective / ` assertive / ` private
- obsessive / - brash / - insensitive
His mannerisms are curt, crude and cobbled together on instinct. To put it nicely, Smogmaw is bluntβhe possesses neither patience nor tolerance for pleasantries, niceties and flowery prose, seeing them as either impediments or irritants to communication. This isn't to say that he is inherently ill-mannered. He can force a smile and speak at length on the day's weather when forced into the act, but he much prefers frankness above filler talk, even though honesty might sting harder than sugar-coating would.
The relationship he has with his mate defines his identity, so much that it would be lost without the bond. Fierce loyalty to her and their family overshadows all else in his life. The passion he has both nurtured and eroded him, uplifting the tom from an aloof-yet-ambitious runaway, to a stalwart protector of his kin. Alas, that same obsession had rendered his empathy brittle, leaving only room in his heart for his own bloodβand what worldly ambitions he once bore withered with time, settling solely on safeguarding what he holds most dear.
thread timeline
will go here
at some point
in the not-so-distant-yet-distant future
so be prepared for that i guess
because when it comes
and it will come
it will be awesome
and it will really tie this thread together
hopefully i can format it
in such a way that
it makes everything look good
but for now
all of this is just a placeholder
The early chapters of Smogmaw's life are almost entirely without distinction, and offer little to stand out in the long run. Colony-born to parents who'd seen more Leaf-bares than most, in a litter where half didn't make it past their sixth moon, the tom was left to steer his own course well before the weight of the world began to set in. This imbued him with a sense of self-sufficiency, an ambition to attain control wherever possible - of whatever possible - and to not succumb to the influence of his surroundings. This single-mindedness affected other facets of his identity, such as the breadth of his social circles. In his adolescence, he became isolated and aloof, spending much of his days skulking in others' shadows or trailing on the outskirts of crowds. Only in solitude was freedom assured, he felt, letting his thoughts remain private, locked in a chamber of the skull that no one could trespass upon.
Halfy was his polar opposite. Her unbridled enthusiasm, gregarious attitude, and the positive aura which she seemed to radiate, drew the tom to her. He hadn't anticipated his attraction to such an affable personality, yet her kindness had brought him to a state of ease. Smogmaw began to confide in her, speaking candidly and openly. It wasn't long until his fondness for her transformed into an intense and deeply-rooted love. The tom had never before been exposed to such warmth and sincerity from anyone else in the colony. The two mated, and together bore a litter. And from that moment forward, he knew, every breath that he drew was for them. For his mate, for his kits, for their future together. All other matters were rendered insignificant to Smogmaw, his fixation on protecting his own becoming his sole reason for being.
To him, that's all there ever will be. His lofty ambitions of grandeur and power have since been greatly temperedβyet the drive to attain these remains, albeit in a new form. If environmental circumstances are in such a way that his kin may suffer, then the only option left is to control these circumstances, and ensure their survival.
intelligence ββββββββββCHARACTER NAME (will/will not) start fights AND/BUT (will/will not) end fights. PRONOUN (will/will not) flee AND/BUT (will/will not) show mercy.
confidence ββββββββββ
empathy ββββββββββ
humorβ ββββββββββ
emotional ββββββββββ
wisdom ββββββββββ
charisma ββββββββββ
creativity ββββββββββ
luck ββββββββββ
logical ββββββββββ
strength ββββββββββ
stamina ββββββββββ
offensive ββββββββββ
stealth ββββββββββ
physical health ββββββββββ
dexterity ββββββββββ
endurance ββββββββββ
defensive ββββββββββ
night hunting ββββββββββ
mental health ββββββββββ
In battles, CHARACTER NAME excels at SKILL, but is poor at SKILL. Expand more here please. This could be medical skill, offensive versus defensive, anything you think makes your character unique in a non-peaceful situation. Basically expand on your traits from above.
CHARACTER NAME is inspired by INSPIRATION, or voice claim, or whatever. PRONOUN often smells like SCENT.
Character speech is COLOR. Peaceful powerplay allowed. basically a little blurb to fill this out.
this is from noia's site codes -
CHARACTER NAME was born to CHARACTER and CHARACTER and is a FIRST/SECOND/ETC generation Xclanner. PRONOUN is sibling to CHARACTER, CHARACTER, and CHARACTER. Add an elaboration about how they feel about their family, being a sibling, etc., here.
PRONOUN (is being/was) mentored by CHARACTER. (PRONOUN is currently mentoring CHARACTER(s)). Expand a little on how they feel about their mentor, their mentees, their position or their role, etc.
CHARACTER NAME is best friends with CHARACTER. PRONOUN is friends with CHARACTERS. In general, PRONOUN likes CHARACTERS. CHARACTER NAME admires CHARACTER for x reason if you want. However, PRONOUN does not get along with CHARACTER, and hates CHARACTER. PRONOUN would consider CHARACTER as an enemy.
this is from noia's site codes
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