ShadowClan POWER AND CONTROL ☽ vampire


power & control
Played by
- Vampire, "Vamp", "Vampy"
- she/he/they, accepts any and all gendered terms
- created 12.21.2024 at 29 moons
- shadowclanner
- divorced as hell
- smells like pennies, cold air, and pinesap
- REF. note, they are relatively small compared to the avg cat

notes for me (you don't see these)
- relatively serene in her face and tone, how she's feeling bleeds through in body language and her actual words. relatively chatty, but in a way that does give the impression she thinks carefully and sifts her words, using her voice judiciously. not necessarily the outgoing type, but quick to help those she perceives as in need of it, giving of herself; surprisingly compassionate when it comes down to it. she tends to be aggressive, forward-moving, and somewhat sharp-tongued on a surface level but she does have a deeper sense of care for others, especially kits and those she sees as weaker than herself
- fancies herself a moral compass. really kind of just prideful as heeeeeell
- thinks she's so clever. actually is sort of clever but mostly utilizes this for the purpose of making smartass remarks when the mood strikes her
- can be a bit of an ass, but disguises it with fancy wording
- dramatic
- observant and perceptive, often opts to watch others carefully in tandem with her active train of thought
- weird about sleep. they keep weird hours, don't like being woken, dream a lot and vividly.... i think they twitch in their sleep like a dog
- hmm . they don't believe in passiveness, they abhor stagnation and i think that's a big part of why they disagreed with wolfie and followed sable. they saw hawthorne and his followers as content to sit and wait and do things the slow way, whereas sable (though they find him . vaguely annoying for no reason i can discern) was ready to take what they wanted with claws and move forward
- she has kind of a shark mentality, she believes in always moving forward towards something, always making progress no matter how small . so she tends to get on better with proactive types, or those she sees taking action
- she CAN come off as aggressive though because she can kind of handwave politeness for the sake of decisive action
- weaknesses: standard hunting (she is like. criminally bad at it), stealing or any other conventional means of acquiring food, climbing, swimming
- skills: fighting, tracking, general sneakage, extracting nutrition from gross things
- always seems to be suffering some illness or another. fond of kits

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