days stopped blurring together in a fog of doubt. the nauseating scent of blood and wounds wasn't tickling her nose anymore. leafbare begun to show it's age, green grass poking out of a snow capped territory. swallowpaw felt good, hopeful even, that things would work out. while most would feel sluggish during this season, the young girl felt energized for once.
although, that didn't come with it's concerns. new land meant new herbs, and the proper beginning to her training as a medicine cat. this was it; lock and key, swallowpaw couldn't turn back now. she helped ponywhistle recover from almost drowning, and poor, sweet downykit now in recovery. it's difficult, but she doesn't feel envious about her friends finishing up their warrior training. right… she reminds herself, campionpaw and sorrelpaw will graduate without her. fuzzypaw, too.
swallowpaw misses her friends. friend. singular, honestly. there's no one else she feels a better connection too than fuzzypaw. there's something strangely calming about the apprentice's cheerful attitude, the way their fur curls out like awkward burrs. it's annoying when she'd rather stew in her anxieties, but she'll always be grateful they stuck around even after she turned her back on the life of a soldier.
"fuzzypaw!" after a long day of checking the herb stock, the lynx point finally seeks out her friend. it's not hard to miss the dark colored puffball. the girl's greeting is impulsive, excitement in seeing a friend making her forget to even ask if it's okay to... what? walk over? her stomach prickles with negative thoughts, wondering if she should change her mind and try again tomorrow. but why? is the only conclusion she can come up with.
her tail-tip flicks behind her, a nervous tick she tries to ignore. swallowpaw smiles, "sorry. um– hi. how was… training today? your assessment is coming up soon…"
// @Fuzzypaw
although, that didn't come with it's concerns. new land meant new herbs, and the proper beginning to her training as a medicine cat. this was it; lock and key, swallowpaw couldn't turn back now. she helped ponywhistle recover from almost drowning, and poor, sweet downykit now in recovery. it's difficult, but she doesn't feel envious about her friends finishing up their warrior training. right… she reminds herself, campionpaw and sorrelpaw will graduate without her. fuzzypaw, too.
swallowpaw misses her friends. friend. singular, honestly. there's no one else she feels a better connection too than fuzzypaw. there's something strangely calming about the apprentice's cheerful attitude, the way their fur curls out like awkward burrs. it's annoying when she'd rather stew in her anxieties, but she'll always be grateful they stuck around even after she turned her back on the life of a soldier.
"fuzzypaw!" after a long day of checking the herb stock, the lynx point finally seeks out her friend. it's not hard to miss the dark colored puffball. the girl's greeting is impulsive, excitement in seeing a friend making her forget to even ask if it's okay to... what? walk over? her stomach prickles with negative thoughts, wondering if she should change her mind and try again tomorrow. but why? is the only conclusion she can come up with.
her tail-tip flicks behind her, a nervous tick she tries to ignore. swallowpaw smiles, "sorry. um– hi. how was… training today? your assessment is coming up soon…"
// @Fuzzypaw