indentttThere's a puddle in the warrior's den. It must have sprung a leak last night, during the storm, which has turned into a massive hole as the day has gone by. The hole, in turn, has let in the rain. And now there's a massive, muddy puddle in the warrior's den.
indentttMothbite grumbles. The most sacred of his time, his napping, has been sullied and desecrated by the swampy muck now covering the floor of the den, engulfing several nests - his own included - in the process. There's no way he's gonna get any sleep like this. The den will have to be repaired, starting with the hole. Mothbite curses under his breath, but he sets out to find materials none the less.
indentttA while later, Mothbite returns to camp with his bounty. He's dragging a large pine frond with him - quite awkwardly, as the branch is far larger than himself, albeit not very heavy. He sets it down next to the warriors den, and quickly gets to work snapping off smaller twigs and placing them over the hole - which has continued to let in water while he's been away. A shiver runs down his spine as he works, the unmistakable sense of being watched. He turns, expecting to see some ghost or phantom, but it greeted with the eyes of his clanmates instead. Turns out dragging what many may consider a small sapling into camp has drawn some eyes towards him.
indenttt"Quit starin'!" Mothbite mews, dropping the twig he was holding. His dark ears darken further with blush. "Give me a hand, unless you want the rain to drown you in your sleep!"
PROMPT- uh oh, looks like the rainstorms weakened some of the dens in camp! time to get to work and fix them up, how well does your character work in a team for this?
PROMPT- uh oh, looks like the rainstorms weakened some of the dens in camp! time to get to work and fix them up, how well does your character work in a team for this?