Open Prompt Event Camp ShadowClan Puddle Trouble - repairing the warrior's den.

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This tag indicates this is an event specific thread.
This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


Swear to shake it up if you swear to listen

Still so young, Desperate for attention!

indentttThere's a puddle in the warrior's den. It must have sprung a leak last night, during the storm, which has turned into a massive hole as the day has gone by. The hole, in turn, has let in the rain. And now there's a massive, muddy puddle in the warrior's den.

indentttMothbite grumbles. The most sacred of his time, his napping, has been sullied and desecrated by the swampy muck now covering the floor of the den, engulfing several nests - his own included - in the process. There's no way he's gonna get any sleep like this. The den will have to be repaired, starting with the hole. Mothbite curses under his breath, but he sets out to find materials none the less.

indentttA while later, Mothbite returns to camp with his bounty. He's dragging a large pine frond with him - quite awkwardly, as the branch is far larger than himself, albeit not very heavy. He sets it down next to the warriors den, and quickly gets to work snapping off smaller twigs and placing them over the hole - which has continued to let in water while he's been away. A shiver runs down his spine as he works, the unmistakable sense of being watched. He turns, expecting to see some ghost or phantom, but it greeted with the eyes of his clanmates instead. Turns out dragging what many may consider a small sapling into camp has drawn some eyes towards him.

indenttt"Quit starin'!" Mothbite mews, dropping the twig he was holding. His dark ears darken further with blush. "Give me a hand, unless you want the rain to drown you in your sleep!"

PROMPT- uh oh, looks like the rainstorms weakened some of the dens in camp! time to get to work and fix them up, how well does your character work in a team for this?

Mothbite | 19 moons | Shadowclan Nightguardbababbnihfibnfdifdhfhabbabab


Sealpaw had watched Mothbite curiously as he dragged what to her seemed like an ENTIRE BRANCH into camp and beside the warrior's den. She watched even more curiously as the tom brought twigs from the branch to the top of the den. What was he doing? Her subtle staring had apparently been not as subtle as the apprentice'd thought, for Mothbite suddenly shouted for the slowly gathering crowd to help him and Sealpaw sprang to her feet to eagerly clamber up next to the warrior.

"I can help..! Um... What do I do?" Truthfully she hadn't slept in an above ground den like this before they all moved to the pocosin, the den dug out between roots at Fourtrees had been all she'd known in her short life. Blue eyes wandered over the damage, unsure what had caused it. The storm, maybe? "I'll get um... I'll get more twigs..!"

Yeah, that was something she could do. Without waiting for confirmation Sealpaw jumped back down to the branch, aiming to bring as many twigs as she could carry in her maw back up to Mothbite.


  • Sealpaw
    — Shadowclan Apprentice
    — She/They
    — Grey, Rosetted Tabby With Blue Eyes And A Bobbed Tail.

" It was an amusing sight. " Pepperpaw drawled, staring Mothbite down for a moment before shifting her gaze to Sealpaw. Of course, Sealpaw had already jumped in to help, all too eager, and it made Pepperpaw groan. Rolling her eyes, she finally pushed herself up to her paws. Fine. She supposed she could help too. The last thing she wanted was to suffer through restless sleep because of complaints and dreary weather. She was still unsure how she felt about their new camp, but for now, it was all they had. Eventually, she'd have to make do.

Before she could react, Sealpaw had already darted off to gather twigs, leaving Pepperpaw frowning briefly before she padded over to Mothbite. Her sharp eyes flicked over the den's damage. " If you rest one of them like this… " she muttered, grabbing a twig and setting it against the den.

It promptly slipped through the hole.

Pepperpaw's ear flicked. She stared at the fallen twig, feeling heat prickle beneath her fur. Obviously, that hadn't worked. She cleared her throat, looking back at Mothbite with as much dignity as she could muster. " That was, uh… an example of how not to place it. " she grumbled, snatching up another stick and trying again.

Damn den. Damn twigs. Damn world, making a fool of her in front of others.

  • "speech"
  • PEPPERPAW she/her, ShadowClan, eight moons.
    a sh black rusting cat with lightgreen eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

"Pepperpaw." The voice of the blind warrior rings out as he approaches upon hefty paws. Nettlefrost might not have been able to see what was going on, but words were plenty enough in describing the situation. "The nests in that den are soaked. It would help a lot if you could gather some moss to replace the bedding." He thought about being snappy about it, but with age came understanding that the youth could be rather sassy when warriors got too demanding. He settles for a more passive approach instead. A suggestion. After that, Nettlefrost moves carefully to Mothbite's side, and begins feeling at the edges of the hole with his paws. It was a gaping wound torn into the side of their den, as if the storm itself had claws. Pain the tail, he notes to himself with a sigh. He fumbles with the edges, feeling at the pine needles and branches before managing to intertwine a few of them. With luck, the den would be sealed again soon.

"All this mud." He grumbles to Mothbite, though it does bring an idea to mind. "Maybe we should put it to use. If we spread a layer of mud over the top of the den after it's been patched... it might make it stronger. More waterproof. And warmer, too. The sun would bake the mud dry eventually and new layers would have to be added but... it could work. Might get too hot during green-leaf though." Nettlefrost notes in conclusion.
Four times, Smogmaw blinks dumbfoundedly, standing before the clean-up effort as though awaiting someone to announce this as a terrible joke. Torrential downpours, an illusory army advancing upon their camp, and now, their warrior's den in shambles—with an entire tree's limb spilling from its maw like some shoddy afterthought. Not one opportunity for reprieve seems to have arisen since his venture across the Thunderpath. Nothing, but a relentless foolish loop that his clan seems doomed to follow. The Night Guard does not believe in fate, nor does he think their lives to be trifled with by spirits unknown. But when nonsense this excessive persists, his mind reconsiders it.

"Doin' a damn fine impression of a beaver, there, Mothbite," he decides, circling past the efforts to investigate the damage. "Givin' that branch one helluva chewin'." Twigs upon twigs lay in heaps; strewn, ill-aligned, and broken apart. Mounds of thick mud that caked every which-way has the tom scoffing at what lay ahead of him as far as sleeping is concerned. Nettlefrost and Pepperpaw share his irritation, but the former at least sheds light on architectural ingenuity. His solution sounds sound, in theory. Best to be prepared for similar weather events in the future, after all.

Smogmaw cants his head, partway in agreement. "We'll see what's possible once the hole is all plugged up," he meows, having yet to take a step towards the repair work. Mothbite can have his fun as the leader of this little venture. "C'mon, Pepperpaw, let's go get some moss."

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Still so young, Desperate for attention!

indentttMothbite is happy enough to have the apprentices lend a paw with the den. Sealpaw is always a sight for sore eyes, a gentle light in a camp filled with callous souls. It's certainly better than Smogmaw's nasty attitude. Pepperpaw too, pitches in. In spite of her confidence, she manages to drop some twigs down the hole, into the den below. He laughs under his breath when she tries to cover for it.
"Yeah, I'm sure you are. Where would we be without Pepperpaw to show us all what not to do around here."

indentttHe goes back to work as Nettlefrost gives Pepperpaw a slightly easier task, and then sidles up to him. Mothbite goes stiff for a second. "Why's he so close? Does he want something from me?" He braces himself for a slap or a scolding, but none come. Instead, Nettlefrost is helping him weave together the tigs and branches to mend the hole. He makes a suggestion about the mud, which Mothbite wrinkles his nose at.
"Will it dry? It seems like we get rainstorms every other night. It might just soak up a bunch of water and collapse on us while we're sleeping." The idea of being smothered by muck and twigs in his sleep makes Mothbite shudder. What a terrible way to go! His mind did drift back to Smogmaw's comment, though. Didn't beavers use mud in their big fancy dams? If those stupid rodents could do it, it might not be such a bad idea. "Maybe we cover just a bit of it at first, to see if it works. That way, if it breaks something, we won't have to build the den all over again.

Mothbite | 19 moons | Shadowclan Nightguardbababbnihfibnfdifdhfhabbabab


If Pepperpaw hadn't been flustered before, she certainly was now. Nettlefrost's suggestion to gather moss instead, while not unkind, stung more than she cared to admit. She'd only been trying to help, yet somehow, her plan had completely backfired. Maybe she shouldn't have been so sassy about it. And helped along instead of trying to know it better...

With an irritated huff, she turned to Mothbite, tail lashing as she caught sight of his amused expression. He was laughing at her.

" I was only trying to HELP you! But fine, do it yourself! Fleabrain! " she snapped, her voice sharp with frustration. Flustered and fuming, she spun on her heels and stormed off to do exactly what Nettlefrost had told her, fetch the stupid moss.

  • "speech"
  • PEPPERPAW she/her, ShadowClan, eight moons.
    a sh black rusting cat with lightgreen eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.