The journey was coming up soon. Hawkstar said as much... Despite Coffeestars death, they were to still go on; Rainchime returns empty-pawed from a hunt, not quite unusual for her, but it drives her point home further. What more can Skyclan do to survive, is the issue... Between the rats and the dwindling prey, and encroaching leaf-bare, they were sure to have a rough time. But at the same time, Skyclan is all that Rainchime knew. From Rainkit, to Rainpaw, to Rainchime, its all shes ever known, the camp wall, the territory... She doesn't want to go, but what choice does she have? She doesn't want to do a lot of things, to be honest...
"Oof!" comes a half-pained noise from Rainchime as she slams right in to a cat, totally not paying attention to any of her surroundings nor the nervous hustle and bustle of camp, trapped in her own mind. She trips right over them trying to reorient herself, slamming heavily in to the earth on the other side. Her head spins for just a second, laying there for what seems like forever but in reality was just a few seconds, her heart beginning to pick up speed as she replays the event over and over. She tripped over someone, oh... She tripped over someone! She has to apologize!
She scrambles to her paws despite her head still reeling, dipping her head. "Oh my Starclan- i'm... I'm so- so sorry!" she manages to squeak out, avoiding the cats gaze at all cost as her face absolutely melts with embarrassed heat. "I didn't see you, i'm- i'm sorry." apologies stream from her lips like the weather shes named after, inwardly cringing at how strong her voice begins to shake and falter, inwardly cringing about the tears that begin to prick the corners of her eyes out of sheer shame.
"Oof!" comes a half-pained noise from Rainchime as she slams right in to a cat, totally not paying attention to any of her surroundings nor the nervous hustle and bustle of camp, trapped in her own mind. She trips right over them trying to reorient herself, slamming heavily in to the earth on the other side. Her head spins for just a second, laying there for what seems like forever but in reality was just a few seconds, her heart beginning to pick up speed as she replays the event over and over. She tripped over someone, oh... She tripped over someone! She has to apologize!
She scrambles to her paws despite her head still reeling, dipping her head. "Oh my Starclan- i'm... I'm so- so sorry!" she manages to squeak out, avoiding the cats gaze at all cost as her face absolutely melts with embarrassed heat. "I didn't see you, i'm- i'm sorry." apologies stream from her lips like the weather shes named after, inwardly cringing at how strong her voice begins to shake and falter, inwardly cringing about the tears that begin to prick the corners of her eyes out of sheer shame.