Closed Rai's Misc. Relation Adopts

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Hello-hello, here are some relationships for kitty cats that I have that I am adopting out! Please make sure to read each individual adopts rules as some may vary but note that I'm willing to wiggle stuff around to work with you if you have a fun idea!
  • This is not FCFS, I want to vibecheck options and see what might fit best thematically!
    Being turned down doesn't mean your character wasn't 'good enough', it just means another fit the mold a little better!
    I am still happy to talk adoption plots/other plots even if you aren't picked, just nudge me!
    You only need a basic application, don't go all in on it unless you want to! (Name, age, which slot, appearance, personality, maybe some plot ideas etc...)
    I am fine with you applying with existing characters if they fit! I'm cool adjusting ages a smidge as needed! :3

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★ Applying for Sweet's Sibling ★

★ Name: Hornet / Hornethiss
★ Gender: Cisfemale
★ Age: 20 moons
Black marble tabby with a golden brown base NOTE: Eyes are going to be changed to yellow instead of magenta
★ Personality: Hornet, like her namesake, is not someone you'd want to mess with. She's loud, brash, blunt at best times, and outright purposefully insulting at worst. Rarely do you see this girl without a scowl on, dull yellow eyes always shifting about to ensure safety.
Learning about their mother's passing when she was younger changed something in Hornet. While she'd always been a bit brash and headstrong, a protective fear caught flame in her and has since refused to die out. She's very protective of those she cares about, although her harsh nature makes it difficult to tell the difference between Love and Hate with her.
She's competitive, brave to a fault, rushes into violence with glee, and asks questions with open reluctance. She's more of a guard dog than a pack leader, and honestly,y she prefers it that way.

★ Plot ideas: At a very young age, Netty has assigned herself the role of Sweet's protector. No one gets to Sweet without her vetting them first, so I can see not a few instances before and later where the two disagree about Nett's overprotectiveness. It doesn't help that Netty is also massively into the Tough Love aspect, pushing Sweet to be stronger and more independent and never satisfied with the results. While her love and adoration for Sweet is unquestionable to herself, from the outside looking in it's hard to tell if she cares too much or is just looking for an excuse to bully her brother. Her biggest plot is to learn to let go, trust more in sweet, and, preferably, learn to use more 'love' in the tough love mindset.

I also want her to slowly start to go blind, either from an injury or a genetic defect finally rearing its ugly head. It'd be fun though to turn the tables as Hornet is forced to depend heavily on Sweet, fighting through stubbornness and pride to be vulnerable.
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Reactions: Honeyflower
★ Applying for Sweet's Sibling ★

★ Name: Hornet / Hornethiss
★ Gender: Cisfemale
★ Age: 20 moons
Black marble tabby with a golden brown base NOTE: Eyes are going to be changed to yellow instead of magenta
★ Personality: Hornet, like her namesake, is not someone you'd want to mess with. She's loud, brash, blunt at best times, and outright purposefully insulting at worst. Rarely do you see this girl without a scowl on, dull yellow eyes always shifting about to ensure safety.
Learning about their mother's passing when she was younger changed something in Hornet. While she'd always been a bit brash and headstrong, a protective fear caught flame in her and has since refused to die out. She's very protective of those she cares about, although her harsh nature makes it difficult to tell the difference between Love and Hate with her.
She's competitive, brave to a fault, rushes into violence with glee, and asks questions with open reluctance. She's more of a guard dog than a pack leader, and honestly,y she prefers it that way.

★ Plot ideas: At a very young age, Netty has assigned herself the role of Sweet's protector. No one gets to Sweet without her vetting them first, so I can see not a few instances before and later where the two disagree about Nett's overprotectiveness. It doesn't help that Netty is also massively into the Tough Love aspect, pushing Sweet to be stronger and more independent and never satisfied with the results. While her love and adoration for Sweet is unquestionable to herself, from the outside looking in it's hard to tell if she cares too much or is just looking for an excuse to bully her brother. Her biggest plot is to learn to let go, trust more in sweet, and, preferably, learn to use more 'love' in the tough love mindset.

I also want her to slowly start to go blind, either from an injury or a genetic defect finally rearing its ugly head. It'd be fun though to turn the tables as Hornet is forced to depend heavily on Sweet, fighting through stubbornness and pride to be vulnerable.

I absolutely forgot to mention Sweet's has a mate with @Honeyflower so this is a juicy sibling dynamic I am EXCITED TO SEE PLAY OUT! <3 Absolutely approved, I love Hornet so much !
Applying for a Halfy sibling <3 WAOW I GOT CARRIED AWAY SORRY!!!

NAME: Blue
AGE: 40 moons
GENETICS: Blue Tabby (heavily countershaded) w/ moderate white spotting and blue eyes. reference image here
PERSONALITY: blue is extremely confident, similar to his sister. from a very young age and consistently throughout his life he has had a strong sense of trust in himself and his own qualities and judgement- usually above that of others' save for a select few (like halfy and his other sibling). for those who like him or are just starting to get to know him, his confidence comes off as charming or endearing, but for those who dislike him or have begun to grow tired of him it may certainly wear on their view of him. in tandem with blue's strong sense of confidence comes a less desirable trait: arrogance. blue is very self-important. he feels that he's better than most people. and rest assured, he'll find some way to let you know. he holds his head high, and though others might dislike him for it he doesn't really seem to care.

one of the things that makes blue capable of maintaining his confidence is that he's pragmatic. that is, he deals with all things in a realistic and sensible manner, and he doesn't feel there's any value in putting emotion into decision making. perhaps this stems from having lost both of his parents at and early age and learning that his emotions only get in the way of his own strength. without emotion clouding his judgment blue is able to make more decisive moves and decisions, which, yes, makes him feel that he's usually right. he is generally kept in check by his impulsive nature though. blue is quick to leap before he looks- especially if it means proving himself. he is typically riddled with scrapes, bruises, and injuries of various sorts (though nothing too serious... usually). But he's proud of his many ailments, claiming that they're just from him proving himself and he's in better shape than most of the others around.

blue is very headstrong. he's self-willed and obstinate, usually not requiring much outside motivation or encouragement. he refuses to do things the way others suggest, and typically does things his own way and forms his own opinions even if others try to redirect him. he has a hard time admitting he's wrong, if he's even capable of recognizing that he might be, and often just chooses to ignore mistakes or problems for his own sake. despite his headstrong nature, blue is highly attached to his siblings. he tends to be more loyal to them than anyone or anything else (which will carry over when the clans form), even if he isn't particularly wonderful at expressing it. he shows and feels his love in his own way.
- Stuck like glue, Blue will follow Half to ShadowClan. He will, of course, be her far more loudmouthed counterpart. He knows what's best for his siblings, they just don't know it yet. I can see some potential for family and relationship drama where blue sticks his nose where it doesn't belong.
- In true Blue nature, he gets himself into trouble by running his mouth. this will end in a good old fashioned ass beating (could be from a clanmate or otherwise, who knows!) that will wind up with him interred in the medic den for at least a moon while he recovers. and of course, he wont learn from this experience.
- Blue can be very charming to those who don't know any better- i think there's a good opportunity here for some baby daddy drama between him and future mates/lovers
- ummm add more here later idk i have an easier time plotting WITH people
Applying for a Halfy sibling <3 WAOW I GOT CARRIED AWAY SORRY!!!

NAME: Blue
AGE: 40 moons
GENETICS: Blue Tabby (heavily countershaded) w/ moderate white spotting and blue eyes. reference image here
PERSONALITY: blue is extremely confident, similar to his sister. from a very young age and consistently throughout his life he has had a strong sense of trust in himself and his own qualities and judgement- usually above that of others' save for a select few (like halfy and his other sibling). for those who like him or are just starting to get to know him, his confidence comes off as charming or endearing, but for those who dislike him or have begun to grow tired of him it may certainly wear on their view of him. in tandem with blue's strong sense of confidence comes a less desirable trait: arrogance. blue is very self-important. he feels that he's better than most people. and rest assured, he'll find some way to let you know. he holds his head high, and though others might dislike him for it he doesn't really seem to care.

one of the things that makes blue capable of maintaining his confidence is that he's pragmatic. that is, he deals with all things in a realistic and sensible manner, and he doesn't feel there's any value in putting emotion into decision making. perhaps this stems from having lost both of his parents at and early age and learning that his emotions only get in the way of his own strength. without emotion clouding his judgment blue is able to make more decisive moves and decisions, which, yes, makes him feel that he's usually right. he is generally kept in check by his impulsive nature though. blue is quick to leap before he looks- especially if it means proving himself. he is typically riddled with scrapes, bruises, and injuries of various sorts (though nothing too serious... usually). But he's proud of his many ailments, claiming that they're just from him proving himself and he's in better shape than most of the others around.

blue is very headstrong. he's self-willed and obstinate, usually not requiring much outside motivation or encouragement. he refuses to do things the way others suggest, and typically does things his own way and forms his own opinions even if others try to redirect him. he has a hard time admitting he's wrong, if he's even capable of recognizing that he might be, and often just chooses to ignore mistakes or problems for his own sake. despite his headstrong nature, blue is highly attached to his siblings. he tends to be more loyal to them than anyone or anything else (which will carry over when the clans form), even if he isn't particularly wonderful at expressing it. he shows and feels his love in his own way.
- Stuck like glue, Blue will follow Half to ShadowClan. He will, of course, be her far more loudmouthed counterpart. He knows what's best for his siblings, they just don't know it yet. I can see some potential for family and relationship drama where blue sticks his nose where it doesn't belong.
- In true Blue nature, he gets himself into trouble by running his mouth. this will end in a good old fashioned ass beating (could be from a clanmate or otherwise, who knows!) that will wind up with him interred in the medic den for at least a moon while he recovers. and of course, he wont learn from this experience.
- Blue can be very charming to those who don't know any better- i think there's a good opportunity here for some baby daddy drama between him and future mates/lovers
- ummm add more here later idk i have an easier time plotting WITH people

Oh my god I love him <3 Love him!!! 100% accepted, welcome to my sassy bitch family, Carat teehee~
Applying for halfy sibs <3

NAME: Hollow, for their often vacant seeming gaze (is there a single thought in this things head???)
PRONOUNS: It/They (afab)
AGE: 40 moons
GENETICS: LH Black/Fawn Chimera W/ High White (LaPerm) Ref
  • Not uncommon for others to assume it's not paying attention, often barely/not at all making eye contact or seeming to stare into space during conversations. This is incorrect, they are VERY much paying attention. Hollow will remember that.
  • Holds grudges very easily and does not let them go easily either, especially when Halfy or Blue are involved or when it concerns their partial blindness.
  • Outside of their immediate family Hollow is cold, curt, and detached from others, with Halfy and Blue however they are much more open and even relaxed.
  • Is fiercely defensive about their eyesight and may even snap at family and strangers alike if offered help it does not want nor asked for.
I can see some sibling tension being an imminent thing with Blue's belief that he knows best, perhaps with Hollow trying to get Halfy to pick a side etc.
Applying for halfy sibs <3

NAME: Hollow, for their often vacant seeming gaze (is there a single thought in this things head???)
PRONOUNS: It/They (afab)
AGE: 40 moons
GENETICS: LH Black/Fawn Chimera W/ High White (LaPerm) Ref
  • Not uncommon for others to assume it's not paying attention, often barely/not at all making eye contact or seeming to stare into space during conversations. This is incorrect, they are VERY much paying attention. Hollow will remember that.
  • Holds grudges very easily and does not let them go easily either, especially when Halfy or Blue are involved or when it concerns their partial blindness.
  • Outside of their immediate family Hollow is cold, curt, and detached from others, with Halfy and Blue however they are much more open and even relaxed.
  • Is fiercely defensive about their eyesight and may even snap at family and strangers alike if offered help it does not want nor asked for.
I can see some sibling tension being an imminent thing with Blue's belief that he knows best, perhaps with Hollow trying to get Halfy to pick a side etc.

ACCEPTED@ <3 Love it sm!