Private ransoms and phantoms wont save you tonight // mothbite

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oh, you got a pulse and you are breathing!
Played by

SASSAFRAS, 26 moons / barncat mouser
a pale blue tabby with scraggly fur and a large shoulder scar
sister to honey, mate and parent to none
a scrappy cowboy who feels he has something to prove. stupidly stubborn but gentle and kind
Tagging @Mothbite

The barn felt like it was closing in on itself today. Enough kits in there to keep it stuffy and noisy, and outside on the farm was becoming a drag to sniff around. It was boredom that itches at Sassafras' paws even if he didn't know it yet. Boredom of the repetitive days that kept cutting short, monotony making him anxious as each hunt and wander led to the same haybale at the end of the day.

There's moors beyond the barn, and when he woke the sky was still dim without sunlight. Dragging on below the horizon while his own drowsy paws scuffed over the rolling knolls and grasses. It felt empty out here, it felt odd. No sound to spare other than the whistling of wind and the occasional screech of a hawk. Hopefully it wasn't trying to size him up- he had claws and teeth to spare against his talons and feathers. It seemed to not want to linger as he neared the strange scent- strong and acrid.

Sassafras scrunched his nose in distaste but his curiosity is stronger, what could lay out here so far from the farm? The quiet stretched onto the pavement, and it felt like ice when he pressed a paw against the surface. His teeth snapped together as he pulled his paw back to his side quickly, squinting as he looked across into the lands on the other side.



Still so young, Desperate for attention!

indentttMothbite has taken to patrolling the thunderpath. It form a makeshift border around Shadowclan, keeping foes out with the threat of being killed by a monster. But as much as it keeps others out, it also keeps them trapped inside the marsh. It shouldn't bother him so much. It's not as if there's anything out there for him. Being born to nomads, though, and then being a wandering vagrant until just last newleaf, means he's been on the move for almost his whole life. Even when he was with the colony, he always thought he would move on at some point. Shadowclan has tied him down to one place, and the thunderpath serves as a visual reminder of the border his new life was bound too.

indenttt It's while he's out by the thunderpath that he notices the scent of an unfamiliar cat. A pool of anxiety settles in his stomach - is it one of Hawthorne's gang? Mothbite hadn't exactly prepared for a fight. He ducks into the shade of a small pine tree to hide as he creeps towards the source of the smell. What he sees, standing on the opposite side of the thaunderpath, is a cat he recognizes, but it's not one of Hawthorne's. Instead, Mothbite sees the sleek tomcat that he met on the moor a few moons ago. What a prick!

indenttt "Hey!" Mothbite calls, trotting out of his hiding place and towards the edge of the thunderpath. "You're coming awfully close to Shadowclan territory, huh? Looking for another fight?" 'And I'm not lying about having backup this time!' his mind adds, unhelpfully. Mothbite's fur bristles, and his tail puffs out a bit. The stranger hadn't crossed into their territory yet, but that doesn't mean he can't put some pressure on him anyways. Make sure he stays out.

Mothbite | 19 moons | Warrior of Shadowclan bababbnihfibnfdifdhfhabbabab


SASSAFRAS, 26 moons / barncat mouser
a pale blue tabby with scraggly fur and a large shoulder scar
sister to honey, mate and parent to none
a scrappy cowboy who feels he has something to prove. stupidly stubborn but gentle and kind
Tagging person here

Oh, this guy again.

Sassafras' muzzle tensed as a frown soured his expression the moment his sights found Mothbite in it. Did these Colony cats really stretch into every corner? Was this some sort of joke, trying to stretch into every crevice to claim he was trespassing?

"Not nowhere near your stupid oaks!" The scraggly-furred tom hissed at the challenge. He wouldn't waste his energy on a fight he could win again, but he noticed the change in the jarring lack of fur on the other toms hip in lieu of exposed barren skin. He hadn't roughed him up last time to the point of scarring, and as far as he heard no other barncats had tussled with someone outside the border, either. "ShadowClan? What kind of prissy little name is that?" Maybe some fancy title to make Moth and whatever friends he had feel more important, surely.

"Y'already look like you've been torn to nothin' but tick food. Wouldn't wan'to embarrass your bloodline with another whoopin'." In any case, he really didn't feel like making his paws suffer from the icy road just to kick ass again. He had far better things to do, like figure out why this cat kept showing up in his adventures. "What're you doing all the way out here anyway? Scared away all your mice and vole?"


Still so young, Desperate for attention!

indentttPrissy? For possibly the first time in his life, Mothbite feels offended on someone else's behalf. Shadowclan was a group of strong-willed cats who stuck out to start a new life, against all odds! It was anything but prissy. "Shadowclan is the name of the cats who once ruled this marsh - and we've taken on the name, as their rightful successors!" He sticks his nose up, all proud and haughty, as if ruling over the marsh was anything to brag about. "Sablestar's no hoity-toity sort, he's a real leader. And I'm proud to be among his cats!" Really, what was this terrible tom thinking, going around tarnishing the good name of Shadowclan's leader.

indentttAt the very least, he doesn't seem like he wants to cross the thunderpath. That doesn't stop him from throwing thinly veiled insults, though. Mothbite clicks his tongue in response. "It's not as if i would expect you to understand. You've got a whole barn full of soft fuzzy things to eat, you've probably never gone a night without food." Shadowclan may not have the most glamorous life, but it's one they fought hard for, and he won't let some basically-a-kittypet go around disrespecting all they've made of themselves. Mothbite's tail thrashes as he approaches the edge of the thunderpath.

Mothbite | 19 moons | Shadowclan Nightguardbababbnihfibnfdifdhfhabbabab