Closed Rat's Littermates | adult colony cat adopts


a shot in the heart doesn't make it unbreak
Rat's Littermates - Colony Adopts

In a place far past the moonstone once known by the clans lived a traveling group of loners - not a true colony in any sense, but instead a nomadic group of cas who all had their own beliefs, values, and idea of 'rules', but worked together to survive in a land far harsher then the forest territories. Unfortunately for one such family, as a she-cat found herself pregnant with kits from an unknown tom, misfortune seemed to dog every paw step they took. Storms, predators, famine, illness - by the time the litter was born, the idea seemed near unanimous amongst the travelers - surely, the litter must be cursed, for so many tragedies to have occurred after their conception. With misfortune only continuing as moons passed, it isn't long until they are left behind in the dead of night - the fact they are fully weaned and able to eat prey the only kindness their mother spares them before their abandonment. Left to fend for themselves, they eventually make their way to the birthplace of the clans, settling amidst strangers right before the impending conflict.

These "kits" are young adults, at 18 months old and will age realtime each month.
It is up to you as the adoptee if these characters stayed with Rat, with eachother, or split up entirely to fend for themselves. regardless, they will all end up in the colony prior to the split.
for the first three moons of their lives these ktis were repeatedly shunned by their 'colony mates' and even held at a distance from their mother, told that they were cursed, and emotionally and physically neglected. this would have impacted them in some way, though if they still continue to believe they are cursed or have outgrown such superstition is up to you.
This litter was left unnamed at birth. they may have given eachother names, picked their own, or been given one long after leaving the nomadic group. Because of this, there is no theme or requirements beyond checking legality. Rat personally was given her name by a kind but grouchy barn cat NPC for her bedraggled appearance very recently.
While not fully completed, Rat's bio can be found here for reference​

kits can be any realistic color/pattern
kits must be shorthaired
kits have oriental heritage from their unknown father, and may show body traits from this
kits would've been born fever coated​

Rat - penned by @/kitty-kat-
Moth - penned by @/stormybuckets
Haunt - penned by @/ixora


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Is this still open?? Considering taking my boy Moth, from an old RP, and turning him into a littermate.
okay, here's my pitch!! \(≧▽≦\)

Moth is a scrawny, fever coated tuxedo tom with sunbleaching on his back and gold eyes. he named himself after a wolly bear caterpillar, which become moths as adults, but other cats have stated it's because he's 'as fragile as a bug'

Although he lacks most of the physical scars that his sister has, he still bears long-lasting damage from his kithood. He can be kinda volatile - lashing out at others at times of stress. Despite this, he's still a complete pushover, and tends to backpedal and cower away as soon as he's called out on being a bit of an ass.

Even though he was abandoned, he still remains a devout mama's boy - he's convinced that, if he stays in the forest where they were left, his mother will realize how wrong she was to leave him, and return to take him back. As a kit, he was desperate for any scrap of affection from her and, even as an now he's a total suck-up whenever people are nice to him.

So basically hes a pathetic wet sack of a cat. I imagine his relationship with Rat is Not Great, possible even acting hostile and distant towards her.

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okay, here's my pitch!! \(≧▽≦\)

Moth is a scrawny, fever coated tuxedo tom with sunbleaching on his back and gold eyes. he named himself after a wolly bear caterpillar, which become moths as adults, but other cats have stated it's because he's 'as fragile as a bug'

Although he lacks most of the physical scars that his sister has, he still bears long-lasting damage from his kithood. He can be kinda volatile - lashing out at others at times of stress. Despite this, he's still a complete pushover, and tends to backpedal and cower away as soon as he's called out on being a bit of an ass.

Even though he was abandoned, he still remains a devout mama's boy - he's convinced that, if he stays in the forest where they were left, his mother will realize how wrong she was to leave him, and return to take him back. As a kit, he was desperate for any scrap of affection from her and, even as an now he's a total suck-up whenever people are nice to him.

So basically hes a pathetic wet sack of a cat. I imagine his relationship with Rat is Not Great, possible even acting hostile and distant towards her.

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Accepted! Make sure to check moth in before starting but everything looks good on my end!
if this is still open, here's my pitch:

dejected by the abandonment of their mother and the shunning of their group, this young unnamed molly finds herself at odds with her siblings as she grows, treating them with an internalized disdain - in the hopes that should she treat them as her older peers treated all of them, they may see her as different, as one of them.

it starts in little quips and criticisms, and soon ends in shunning - until one day, the pair (assuming they were still together) wakes to find their sister gone.

she builds on the lessons she's learned thus far, having to fend for herself - she learns to hunt, learns (the hard way) which fights to pick and which to run from. but as time passes, her luck tests her as it did since birth - this 'curse' is following her, tainting her morale, and each failure makes her reckless and only susceptible to more. soon after dispersing from her siblings, the girl learns to be scrappy - she bullies smaller or weakened opponents away from their freshly caught food, feeds on food less than ideal for a cat, but most commonly, she finds her success in trailing others.

over the moons, the whispers of the wildcats reach her. once narrowing on a target, she hides in bushes, around corners, remaining in the shadows - frequent encounters come to know her, and some sympathize with her just enough to leave her their scraps, only reinforcing this behavior. they call her many things - a shadow, a mimic, a curse, a ghoul.

this behavior becomes the normal, but as the snow begins to fall, the cats she trails begin to become aggressive - and some even disappear, lost to hunger or cold. in a similar predicament, she picks up on the rumor of a colony down south, a large working community that has yet to starve out like the solitary rogues around highstones. with this information, the girl travels, and soon finds herself at this so-called colony.

when prompted for a name, she introduces herself as haunt. fittingly so, as her opportunistic behavior continues - she lurks the outskirts, silently begging for a shared meal when not hunting for her own, rarely speaking and welcoming the space that others give her. she is content to live in the shadows of the group that warily adopted her, until.. in the few days after joining, she finds two familiar faces in the crowd, ones she'd hoped were dead and gone, long forgotten..

aand that will be the point of my intro thread! if you're both okay with the backstory of her kind of projecting her dejection onto her siblings at a young age and splitting for moons, i'd love to play out their reaction & dynamic icly in an intro thread :)
i don't CURRENTLY have a design but i'm thinking some murky greys/browns, lithe and kinda unkept!
oohhhh i like her! we'll have to see what Kitty thinks though!
if this is still open, here's my pitch:

dejected by the abandonment of their mother and the shunning of their group, this young unnamed molly finds herself at odds with her siblings as she grows, treating them with an internalized disdain - in the hopes that should she treat them as her older peers treated all of them, they may see her as different, as one of them.

it starts in little quips and criticisms, and soon ends in shunning - until one day, the pair (assuming they were still together) wakes to find their sister gone.

she builds on the lessons she's learned thus far, having to fend for herself - she learns to hunt, learns (the hard way) which fights to pick and which to run from. but as time passes, her luck tests her as it did since birth - this 'curse' is following her, tainting her morale, and each failure makes her reckless and only susceptible to more. soon after dispersing from her siblings, the girl learns to be scrappy - she bullies smaller or weakened opponents away from their freshly caught food, feeds on food less than ideal for a cat, but most commonly, she finds her success in trailing others.

over the moons, the whispers of the wildcats reach her. once narrowing on a target, she hides in bushes, around corners, remaining in the shadows - frequent encounters come to know her, and some sympathize with her just enough to leave her their scraps, only reinforcing this behavior. they call her many things - a shadow, a mimic, a curse, a ghoul.

this behavior becomes the normal, but as the snow begins to fall, the cats she trails begin to become aggressive - and some even disappear, lost to hunger or cold. in a similar predicament, she picks up on the rumor of a colony down south, a large working community that has yet to starve out like the solitary rogues around highstones. with this information, the girl travels, and soon finds herself at this so-called colony.

when prompted for a name, she introduces herself as haunt. fittingly so, as her opportunistic behavior continues - she lurks the outskirts, silently begging for a shared meal when not hunting for her own, rarely speaking and welcoming the space that others give her. she is content to live in the shadows of the group that warily adopted her, until.. in the few days after joining, she finds two familiar faces in the crowd, ones she'd hoped were dead and gone, long forgotten..

aand that will be the point of my intro thread! if you're both okay with the backstory of her kind of projecting her dejection onto her siblings at a young age and splitting for moons, i'd love to play out their reaction & dynamic icly in an intro thread :)
i don't CURRENTLY have a design but i'm thinking some murky greys/browns, lithe and kinda unkept!
I love her! Consider her accepted! Gonna edit the thread in a sec ♡