PAFP RUN RABBIT RUN // stealing prey

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He was starving, being nothing but skin and bone. Shallow knew if this contunied he wouldn't last. Dying was not an option though. He would survive leafbare and make it, to prove against all odds that he had what it took. Whatever it took of him, he would make through this. He had to.

In desperation to find food Shallow had ventured into a foreign territory, a forest he knew nothing about beside knowing it was dangerous. Up until now he had tried to keep close to the twoleg place to scavenge for food but after a recent encounter with a stray Shallow had left that place. The scars upon his face still burning from the message that stray had delivered of what would happen if he ever returned. Even at that place rogues were not welcomed. Wherever he went always got chased away. So he was forced to find food elsewhere.

During his search for food ended up hearing another cat approaching. He quickly found a place to hide knowing it was dangerous if he was found. In his hideout spotted the stranger stopping not that far away with a mouse hanging from the older cat's mouth. Even from here he could smell that mouse. It had been days since Shallow last had eaten anything so his stomach growled after it. Just when he thought this torture would last forever the cat did something unexpected, something that caught the kit's eye. The wild cat started to dig up a hole in the snow before placing the mouse in the hole. After covering the hole back up the cat dashed away into the forest. Shallow realized this was his chance. An opportunity like this couldn't be missed out. He really needed this mouse. Even if the risk was high he really had no other choice.

The decision was made. Shallow slowly sneaked out from his hideout to stalk over towards the covered up hole. Quickly he cast a glance to his right and then left side to make sure he really was alone. He then started to dig as quickly as he could, knowing every second count. Soon he had dug the mouse back up, and after staring at it for a second was ready to grapt it, just when he had put his teeths around the mouse neck heard noise coming from the forest. Shallow looked up from the hole with the mouse tightly shut between his jaws, and he saw the cat from before coming out from the trees. There was no time to waste.

Shallow made a quick turn away from the enemy as he started to sprint of into the snow on his three weak legs as he tried to get away with the mouse dangling from his maw. With every last strenght he had left in his exhausted body put everything he had in that run knowing he couldn't fail.

Not today.

// wait until @Ashmoon has posted! thanks (:


C'mon and leave your mark - Vandalize my heart!


indentAshmoon was quite pleased with themself today. Not only had they caught a fine mouse, but after stashing it away, they had gone on to catch another just a few moments after! They returned to their stash with an unusual spring in their step, only to find their beautiful catch defaced.

indentA thief! Without thinking, Ashmoon drops the mouse they're carrying and darts forward to catch the retreating kitten. The thief has a head start, but Ashmoon is able to catch up easily. Ashmoon has far longer legs - and more legs, evidently. It was easy to grab his little tail and pin it to the ground. Wherever this kitten had come from, he had clearly been through a lot.

indent"Who are you." Ashmoon speaks with that flat, stony affect of theirs, not letting anger seep through into their voice. This little guy had not only come into their territory and stolen food that was meant to feed Thunderclan's empty bellies, but had spoiled Ashmoon's hunting streak. "You're not meant to be here, you know."

Ashmoon | 30 moons | Warrior of Thunderclanysdfgjuoiuyufgduuhgjyfg