Private Shipyard say you'll be waiting for me 𓆟. ° .• — Wave

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Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.


After all, darlin', I wouldn't sell the world
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Character Hub

The world outside still smelled of soaked earth, the storm's remnants clinging to the air, refusing to fade. Adder stepped lightly as he slid into their makeshift shelter—the decayed shell of an overturned rowboat—his ears flicking at every muffled voice beyond the den. The trip there had been a blur, his mind dragged down by a relentless whirlpool of thought, barely registering the cold sand beneath his paws.

She lay curled where he left her, tucked against their kits, a fragile thing wrapped in exhaustion. Even like this, she was beautiful. The breath left his chest in a slow, jittery sigh as he settled beside her, careful not to jostle her too much.

He wanted to steal a few moments of peace while he still could.

Lowering his head, he pressed his nose into her fur. Adder draped himself over her, inhaling the scent of salt and warmth, grounding himself in the steady rise of her breath.

She stirred, shifting slightly, and his gut clenched. He hated seeing her like this—tired, hurting. Wave was usually as unyielding as the sea itself. But that damned pile of wood had nearly taken her from him—taken all of them... The thought made his ears pin, his chest so tight he could barely draw breath.

Adder didn't want to wake her. He wanted to stay like this, even if it meant being damp and cold for eternity.

But he couldn't let them live like that. They deserved better—warmth, safety, a place where their kits could grow strong, where they wouldn't have to scrape by for every scrap of food and hunker under husks of wood to escape the rain. A place where Rush and Crescent could one day have their own families, where the howling wind wouldn't threaten to take everything away in a single night.

Adder would've given anything to see that future. Where he and Wave would grow old together, telling stories of all they had done, of the home they built together.

The least he could do now was do his part for that future's existence. And the only way to do that was to leave her side.

Adder just hoped she would understand.

  • "speech" - thoughts
  • Adderfang he/him & riverclan
    𓆟 Chocolate ticked tabby w/ amber eyes. Peppered with scars. Deep gash across the right side of his face exposing one canine slightly. Missing left ear.
    𓆟 Deep gravelly voice that might unsettle others.
    𓆟 Would and will kill a man.
    𓆟 Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted. For other powerplays, DM.
    𓆟 Fur smells faintly of river reeds and damp earth.

    penned by Scarlet​
Last edited:
Wave of RiverClan
Wave's ear flicked as she groggily opened her eyes, blinking blearily at Adder's form. The makeshift den was quiet, save for the soft, rhythmic breaths of the sleeping kits. Rose was curled up beside Rushing and Crescent now, part of their little family. Wave had refused to leave without her, and she never would.

Lifting her head, she nuzzled against Adder, a soft purr breaking the silence. " M'love… " she murmured, keeping her voice low so as not to wake the little ones. Even in the dimness, she could see it, something gnawing at him, weighing on his mind. A faint frown crossed her face before she pressed her forehead to his, lingering for a moment, grounding him. " Adder… " she murmured, closing her eyes.

She had left the meeting early, following after Rose to confront that wretched mother and ensure the kit's safety. She had refused to let her go with Heather, not when Rose didn't want to. Leech was staying. Leech was her friend. And those other cats? They hadn't been kind to her from the start. But by leaving, she had missed something. Something important. " They were talkin' 'bout a scoutin' party... " Her voice was soft as she met Adder's gaze, trying not to let fear creep into her tone.

" ...Yer smart and strong... I know I can expect ye to return to us… " she murmured, blinking warmly before glancing down at their sleeping kits. " ...Ye come back to us in one piece, aye? My mighty pirate, yer already handsome 'nough, don't need more scars. " Her blue eyes flicked back to his, searching. " If ye don't come back… if ye dare-- " she sucked in a breath, steeling herself. " If ye dare leave me behind, I will hunt ye down and drag ye back to me, myself. Got it? "

A life without Adder was one she could not ever imagine...

・゚✦ —— As we roll down this unfamiliar road


A hesitant purr rumbled in his chest as her voice lulled his ears. Adder tried to bury everything away from sight, but she saw right through him. He sighed deeply, his eyes softening into warm puddles.

Leaning in, he let his forehead brush against hers. The tightness in his throat subsided, and he felt his worries fade for a fleeting moment.

When she mentioned the scouting party, he looked down and grunted softly in acknowledgment. He'd worried she might be angry that he'd agreed to leave without her approval, but that wasn't the case. In truth, he might have preferred her wrath—because now he feared he might go back on his word entirely, abandon the scouting party, and stay instead. He wanted to, so very much.

She said he was strong, but Adder thought she was stronger. Because now, as he looked at her, he longed to crumble into her, to fold into her and never look up again. But… she reminded him what they were doing all this for.

He glanced at their kits, a quiet pride creeping into his chest. He would do anything for them—for her. His world was small, but it was the most precious thing he'd ever held. Adder's amber eyes drifted to Wave once more, lost in the depths of her steady blue, capsizing ones. He had to do this.

Nothing worthwhile ever came easy.

That was especially true now. They'd already been through so much, and they were still hurting. But what if by hurting now, their pain could pave the way for something better?

If there was a time to leave nothing unsaid, this was it. Adder would come back. But he didn't know how long it would be. Hopefully, the scouting trip was straightforward—a there and back—but nothing was ever sure.

"I love you, my ruby of the sea. More than I know how to say." He looked at her, cracking a small smile despite how much he ached right now. "Frankly, I'm not sure I know enough words to put it into words." Adder chuckled softly and leaned forward to rest his head atop hers, tail snaking protectively around them.

"There's no force in this world strong enough to keep me from you." He held, despite the tremor underneath. "Long as you'll wait for me. I'll always come back to you. Always."

It didn't matter what happened out there. He would claw his way, crawling back in pieces if he had to—anything to get back to her.

  • "speech" - thoughts
  • Adderfang he/him & riverclan
    𓆟 Chocolate ticked tabby w/ amber eyes. Peppered with scars. Deep gash across the right side of his face exposing one canine slightly. Missing left ear.
    𓆟 Deep gravelly voice that might unsettle others.
    𓆟 Would and will kill a man.
    𓆟 Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted. For other powerplays, DM.
    𓆟 Fur smells faintly of river reeds and damp earth.

    penned by Scarlet​
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Wave of RiverClan
" Adder. " Wave's voice was soft but carried a touch of sternness, a mischievous smirk curling at her lips. " Are ye worryin' over lil' ol' me? Come now, ye know I've faced worse than a storm and a collapse. " She chuckled gently, bumping her forehead against his. " I promise ye... when ye come back, I'll be prancin' about, barkin' advice and tellin' stories! " She winked, her eyes lingering on him with warmth.

When she had lost her sea captain, Wave had thought she would be lost, too... Wandering aimlessly. She never could have imagined that she would find another path, one so vibrant with love and companionship. But Adder had brought color back into her life, awakening something inside her she had forgotten. Love. And for that, she was forever grateful. There had been no need to find an old path, no need to find a new dock, no need to clamber upon an old ship. He was there. He became her ship.

" Aww, ye... Yer gonna make this ruby blush, ye scoundrel. " She teased with a laugh, then rasped her tongue affectionately over his cheek. " Adder... I'll always wait for ye. Until the ends of time. Not even the sea itself could tear me away from ye. " Her voice softened, heart heavy with the promise.

She prayed the journey would be swift, and that he would return to her, safe and sound. She would have gone with him if she could, together, always. But there were the kits now, responsibilities she couldn't ignore. Rose, so new to this world, needed her too. Now that her own mother had left her behind, choose this life instead of choosing for her kits...

" Let my love and strength carry ye forward, like waves themselves pushin' ye on. "

・゚✦ —— As we roll down this unfamiliar road

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