─────────ONGOING CONNECTIONS───────────
This is a central thread for players to use so that they may locate all/any available ShadowClan adopts! This may include pre-established family connections like parents, siblings, or kittens. Ongoing litter tryouts. Or plot device characters such as rivals or bullies for example.
The only requirement is to fill the form below with what applies to your connection! Your post will receive a 'like' reaction once it has been accepted.
This thread will also serve for applicants strictly towards connections and plot devices.
for connections
Code:[b]CONNECTION TITLE:[/b] [e.i. xpaw's siblings, zwhiskers parent] [b]YOUR CHARACTER NAME(s):[/b] here, with linked tags preferably (but not required) [b]ADOPT'S AGE & GENDER:[/b] preferably in moons/months [b]PREFERRED APPEARANCE:[/b] please list if there are strict appearances or FFA [b]ADOPT RULES:[/b] here [b]SLOTS:[/b] number here
for tryout litters
Code:[b]ADOPT TITLE:[/b] PARENT X PARENT [b]LINK HERE:[/b] adoption link [b]END DATE:[/b] when tryouts will close [b]SLOTS:[/b] number here
for plot devices
Code:[b]PLOT TITLE:[/b] [e.i. ytails rival, gossipy apprentice friends] [b]YOUR CHARACTER NAME(s):[/b] here, with linked tags preferably (but not required) [b]ADOPT'S AGE & GENDER:[/b] preferably in moons/months [b]PREFERRED APPEARANCE:[/b] please list if there are strict appearances or FFA [b]ADOPT RULES:[/b] here [b]SLOTS:[/b] number here
application form
Code:[b]CONNECTION/PLOT TITLE:[/b] title here [b]CHARACTER NAME:[/b] please make sure to check prefixes already claimed [b]AGE:[/b] preferably in moons/months [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] desc. or reference here [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] brief summary here [b]HISTORY:[/b] brief summary here [b]EXTRA:[/b] any bonus info?
coming soon!
coming soon!
coming soon!
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