Private sip on beer and chocolate milk [Wolfstorm]

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Lotus flower or Chinita

Ponypaw lets out a warm breath, watching a puffy cloud from her muzzle and float into the air. It was getting colder, and fast. This was going to be her first leafbare, and she's going to be spending it far away from home, sleeping in fallen logs and under thunderpaths. She couldn't help but mourn a little - as a kit, she had heard stories of playing in fluffy snow and snuggling up with parents and littermates to keep warm. It seems starclan didn't have such an idyllic leaf-bare in mind for her.

She shuffles on her paws as she moves closer to Wolfstorm. The two had been tasked with a hunting patrol, to bring home food and give everyone enough energy for the journey. Ponypaw had spent the past few days stuck like a briar to Wolfstorm's side. She had overheard other apprentices whine and cry about having to stay with their mentors all of the time, but she didn't mind it. Wolfstorm was strong, and experienced. Being near him soothed the worries that had gnawed at her stomach since leaving the gorge. If something happened, surely Wolfstorm would protect her?

Ponypaw snuffles. "Guh.. It's so cold, my nose is freezing! I can't smell anything...."
i cannot seem to contort myself back into the shape of a dutiful child. i am coming unraveled. i am coming undone.
Since the announcement, Wolfstorm had been making a mad dash to make sure he had every family member and (glancing at Ponypaw sniffling) his apprentice accounted for. Why couldn't he have a non-problematic family? Sure as hell beats being boring though, doesn't it? He sighed, shaking a thick, wooly raven coat unable to deny the thought, or have the heart to hate his family.


A fiery azure gaze drifted to his snuffling apprentice, sweeping a wooly plumage to curl around the apprentice in a makeshift blanket, hardly batting an eyelash at the subconscious movement. Damn his brother instincts. Or would it be his mentor instincts? Whatever.

"Come on, short stack. The quicker we move, the faster we warm up." And return to camp. He rumbled, amused by her obvious distaste for the approaching leafbare. He couldn't help but feel relieved they were moving somewhere better. His gaze narrowed.

What would have happened if they stayed? Trapped in an infested rat's nest. Prey dwindling. Fights breaking out. Starvation. Death. He banished those thoughts away with a deep, aggravating grumble, clouds of white puffing around a scarred muzzle, side-eyeing Ponypaw.

A life an apprentice shouldn't have to live.

"Let's see what that cold nose of yours can smell." He teased gruffly, urging her forward with a rumble, mangled ears flickering. His nose wrinkled, maw parting to feel the rush of winter biting at his tongue, scarcely making out the smell of a mouse. "Keep quiet." He murmured ruggedly, head bowed, glancing at Ponypaw before drifting a fiery gaze outward, scanning the frozen undergrowth with dilated pupils. "Tell me what ya can hear."

  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • 870608ec31f944c269f477285a4bc986b31547f1.gifv
    hold him gently in your hands

    he has been cracked enough as it is, and his
    is more
    than he lets on​
  • wolfstorm he/him
    a massive scarred solid black maine coon with one white forepaw and bright firey azure eyes
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea

Ponypaw purred happily, warmed by her mentor's warm fur. She still hated the cold, but moping around wouldn't make her any warmer. She knew she could get a little leeway with Wolfstorm by pouting and giving him a sad look, but if she wouldn't push her luck. Besides, she'd like to see the look on the other apprentices faces when she came back with the biggest piece of prey they'd seen all day!

"You're right! We should get a move on."

She watched her mentor with sparkling eyes, taking in the way he scented the air with an open maw. Ponypaw saw a sense of recognition on his face - he had managed to notice something she had missed.

At her mentor's request, Ponypaw closes her eyes and focuses on the sounds around her. It's a little difficult at first, the howl of the wind through the branches masking some of the more subtle noises. The cold does have some benefits, at least. The layer of frost covering the leaf litter has added a sharp crunch to any pawsteps atop of it. Ponypaw could barely make out some small critter shuffling about in the underbrush.

"Oh!" Her eyes snapped open as she turned to look at Wolfstorm. "I hear it! There's something in the bushes!"

i cannot seem to contort myself back into the shape of a dutiful child. i am coming unraveled. i am coming undone.
That's it, short stack. Wolfstorm watched from his peripheral as she closed her eyes, listening to the soft bustle of bitter winter batting at their eardrums. He swiveled a head, nudging Ponypaw into a huntin' crouch before lowering himself into something similar, muscles coiling beneath scarred, bitter skin. His pawsteps moved tenderly; slowly against the snow-covered ground, belly skimming the top, leaving strands of fur to glide through the winter powder, closer to the underbrush.

"Stay low." He rumbled ruggedly; quietly against the bitter haze, fiery azure optics locked on the slight shuffle of leaves as the mouse moved, likely searching for food. "Don't rush. Not until yer sure." He murmured gruffly, muzzle wrinkling in a wolfish sneer. "Keep yer tail off the ground, paws steady, muscles loose, but ready to spring forward." He murmured.

"See if ya spot it." He asked after a heartbeat, head cocked in Ponypaw's direction, observing her carefully, having noticed a brief flash of brown through the decaying leaves.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • 870608ec31f944c269f477285a4bc986b31547f1.gifv
    hold him gently in your hands

    he has been cracked enough as it is, and his
    is more
    than he lets on​
  • wolfstorm he/him
    a massive scarred solid black maine coon with one white forepaw and bright firey azure eyes
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea

indent Ponypaw holds her breath, allowing Wolfstorm to lead her into position, as his advice echoes in her ears. Stay low, don't pounce 'till i'm sure. Keep my tail off the ground, and my body low. My muscles should be loose, but ready to move. Her eyes are pinned to the bushes, but flit back to Wolfstorm as he addresses her.

"See if ya spot it."

indentRight, she should be looking for what she had heard earlier. Ponypaw zeroes in on the sound of the skittering pawsteps, and uses that to guide her eyes towards their target. She stifles a gasp when she spots it - a mouse, searching for food amongst the underbrush. She creeps forward, a single step at a time. 'Don't jump 'till i'm sure, don't jump 'till im sure...'

indentPonypaw shuffles her paws underneath her, preparing to pounce. She leaps forwards - and lets out a sharp exhale as she does, alerting the mouse. It's too late for the mouse to flee, though. As it turns to run, Ponypaw manage to hook her claws into it's flank.

indent"There!" she exclaims, looking towards her mentor with shining eyes. "I got it!"