For the longest time SkyClan existed away from the main clans, unaware they fell and continued onward with their life in the ravine they resided in. Under the watchful eye of Coffeestar they remained peaceful and content though she passed around the same time an infestation of rats rose up once more as they had in ancient times and forced SkyClan to move. Their new leader, Hawkstar, chose to take her entire clan over mountains and through unknown territory to reunite with the forest. Assembled from a variety of kittypets, loners and any vagabond that happened to pass by, SkyClan is most known for having the most diverse of backgrounds among the clans - a regular hodgepodge of cats.
Listed below are the former High Positions of SkyClan, in each subsequent post will be a leader's entire term with each month in an accordion tab and a brief summary of them as a character and their notable accomplishments/plots etc in the main portion of the post. This list is in order with the most recent/current leader being the last post listed.
LEADERS DEPUTY MEDICINE CATS MED. CAT APPS SUN GUARDS Coffeestar (Died) Hawkeye (Became Leader) Meadowlark (Retired)
Tigerfoot (Missing)- -
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