we're all wrapped up in GREED - THERE'S AN EGO TO FEED
Serpentberry's den was warm, comforting, the scent of herbs thick and it had been a place he would often wander to find the older kits to pester. Leafkit, Rattlekit and Thistlekit were rarely far from her side, often getting into things until she sent them scurrying outside and he would be waiting for them eager to play. The bitter plant smell drew him to the den for its familiarity but it did not have the same warmth, not exactly - there was something chilling in the air, a biting cold and stillness that made his fur prickle in uncertainty but Magpiekit was never the kind to outright dismiss investigation simply because he was scared. He had a thirst to know things, from the day he could crawl to the nursery den mouth to see the bright outside and burst of colors in newly opened eyes to his exploration of his new home here in the dreary territory of ShadowClan that seemed drenched in dark depths in every corner. Fear was the killer of knowledge, the teeth in knowings throat. So with his nose lifted and his steps uneven the kit ventured into the gaping maw of the den.
He expected to be bitten, chastised, but his presence seemed wholly ignored for a moment as he gazed at the cinnamon and rust colored feline hunched over in the corner, paws moving deftly over green in a gesture he recognizes faintly as sorting but does not understand the pattern. The different leaves and pale flowers, dappled berries and long stems all blend together at first, but eventually he notices the distinction enough that he can keep up with the movements, the visuals of each pristine little pile. Cicadabuzz works slower than Serpentberry did, there is a stern diligence to their posture quite unlike the vibrantly loud and exuberant medicine cat of ThunderClan.
He's sure he's been noticed now but he remains quiet, inching closer to watch with wide purple eyes, finding the repetition, the tedium, to be soothing in a way like watching pebbles roll down a hill or seeing the way water ripples when something disrupts it.
The scruffy kitten doesn't notice the berry rolling from the pile to stop at his paws until it touches him and he glances down - vibrant red and shining like a precious gem. Violet hues narrow as he takes it in, remembering distinctly a lesson whispered of warning from a patchwork maw, Don't eat the red berries. They are poisonous. Leafkit's indignant face flashes in his mind, the culprit behind the impromptu lesson that day. Serpentberry hadn't said anything about touching them otherwise so he dips his head and neatly picks it up between his teeth with all the gentleness of mother lifting her kit, teeth not piercing the smooth skin as he toddles forward to drop it back near the medicine cat in silence.
He expected to be bitten, chastised, but his presence seemed wholly ignored for a moment as he gazed at the cinnamon and rust colored feline hunched over in the corner, paws moving deftly over green in a gesture he recognizes faintly as sorting but does not understand the pattern. The different leaves and pale flowers, dappled berries and long stems all blend together at first, but eventually he notices the distinction enough that he can keep up with the movements, the visuals of each pristine little pile. Cicadabuzz works slower than Serpentberry did, there is a stern diligence to their posture quite unlike the vibrantly loud and exuberant medicine cat of ThunderClan.
He's sure he's been noticed now but he remains quiet, inching closer to watch with wide purple eyes, finding the repetition, the tedium, to be soothing in a way like watching pebbles roll down a hill or seeing the way water ripples when something disrupts it.
The scruffy kitten doesn't notice the berry rolling from the pile to stop at his paws until it touches him and he glances down - vibrant red and shining like a precious gem. Violet hues narrow as he takes it in, remembering distinctly a lesson whispered of warning from a patchwork maw, Don't eat the red berries. They are poisonous. Leafkit's indignant face flashes in his mind, the culprit behind the impromptu lesson that day. Serpentberry hadn't said anything about touching them otherwise so he dips his head and neatly picks it up between his teeth with all the gentleness of mother lifting her kit, teeth not piercing the smooth skin as he toddles forward to drop it back near the medicine cat in silence.
Ooc- @cicadabuzz
❝ i don't know euphoria - i'd like to meet her someday - c'est la vie ❞
— kitten of shadowclan
— He/They
— Solid black w/low white & blue-violet eyes.
— Has 'wobbly cat' syndrome.