TW: Sensitive Content Private snap, crackle, pop / PONYPAW

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{$title} ponypaw suffers from pneumonia and a nervous medic

Tigerfoot hadn't dealt with pneumonia in.. well, forever. He had a half-remembered day, close to the start of his apprenticeship, that had involved Meadowlark treating someone's respiratory infection, but that was it. He hadn't even really been involved, just stood to the side and observed. He'd been told what was being done but at the time? he'd been fairly new to Skyclan, getting used to a crippling injury, and didn't really know what was going on. You didn't focus on what coltsfoot was when your life was spiraling out of control.

He knew what to use to treat greencough, whitecough, whatever sniffle happened here and there, but pneumonia? he was guessing. Skyclanners didn't go swimming! They usually had the sense to stay out of the pouring rain, avoid hunting or vigorous exercise until it let off. It was times like this that he wished Meadowlark was still here. She'd always been able to help and reassure him, even just with her presence. It was a given that everything would be okay if she was there, he'd had no doubts in her. He was alone now, stuck putting on a brave face for both his apprentice and the one gasping and coughing beside him.

" It'll be alright. " Was Tigerfoot reassuring Ponypaw or himself? He wasn't entirely sure.

" Swallowpaw, please get the juniper, borage, and tansy. I need a decent amount of all of them. " He tried not to sound frantic but he couldn't really hear himself speak. He was too focused on the crackling of Ponypaw's breath, the ragged, harsh wheezing. He couldn't help but picture their lungs filling with fluid, suffocating her with each moment that passed. He wouldn't let that happen, obviously. He had to focus on the here and now.

" I need you to keep coughing, Ponypaw. I know it's uncomfortable, I'm sorry, but we need to get as much fluid out of your lungs as possible. "

@Ponypaw @SWALLOWPAW @flowercloud @Hawkstar (flower and hawk can be involved if wanted!)
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abababaifghdggddfgfdgjCrafted, Holy, Rolling Thunder

indentPonypaw lets out a high, pathetic whine. She had already coughed so much already! The repeated pressure is making her chest ache and burn. She doesn't want to do any more of it! Still, the way Tigerfoot spoke to her made it clear there wasn't another option. It was either get it all out of her lungs now, or live with this cough forever. Ponypaw takes a deep breath, and starts coughing.

indentIt feels different from coughing normally. Instead of just trying to clear her airway, she's having to make a conceited effort to get everything up and out. It's a little agonizing, but she eventually feels the phlegm rise through her windpipe, and she spits it onto the ground.
"Uhngh... gross..." It's disgusting, but It's progress.

indentPonypaw tries very hard to ignore how nervous Tigerfoot seems, but she can't seem to push it out of her head completely. Was her illness really that bad? Her mind runs in circles with thousands of worst case scenarios. Does Tigerfoot know how to treat something like this? Does he have all the supplies he needs? Maybe he's seen something like this before, but something really terrible happened to the cat that was sick, like some terrible death, and he's worried the same will happen to Ponypaw! She swallows, nervously. She can't worry about that right now. What had she always been told, when she began to worry like this in the past? 'Only worry about what you can control?'

indent She takes a beep, shuddering breath to calm herself.
"Tigerfoot?" She asks, voice quiet. "My chest really hurts. Is there anything you can do about it?"

Ponypaw | 11 moons | Apprentice of Skyclan ababababbnihfibnfdifdhfhababa

ponypaw's coughs sounded eerily close to a heartbeat. it thumps and thumps as fluid expels from her struggling lungs, and swallowpaw feels herself grow uncomfortable while she sorts through the pitiful herb stock. they're not prepared for this kind of incident, but, she knows they have the herbs needed. she didn't have time to familiarize herself with the properties of anything, just the name and faces— but she's able to pluck out the juniper berries from one of the piles, then the rest.

"um… try these, ponypaw. sorry… the berries got kinda mushed." she says quietly, nudging the pile of leaves over. "they should help with.. something..." her ears lower and she winces inwardly, that wasn't very helpful.

"i mean– your cough." she has to assume one of them will soothe the apprentice's throat, because it's all they can do for her right now.



abababaifghdggddfgfdgjCrafted, Holy, Rolling Thunder

indent "Thanks, Swallowpaw." The medicine cat apprentice seems nervous, but Ponypaw knows she's doing her best. She does her best to give Swallowpaw a bright smile, but she knows it's a weak display. Dutifully, she leans down to sniff the juniper berries- yuck! They smell like a pine tree got shoved up her nose. Still, Swallowpaw says they'll help, so Ponypaw eats them anyways. It takes her awhile to swallow down even the first berry. As she chews it, the berry's juices squeeze out into her mouth - gross! Now it feels like she's eaten a pine tree. She gags a bit, but manages to get it down her throat. Finally, it's out of her mouth! Now she just has to eat the rest of them.

indent It takes her awhile to get through the pile, but after a few minutes they're out of berries, and Ponypaw's white muzzle is lightly stained with the juices. It was pretty miserable, but Ponypaw does feel a bit better. The juice slid down her throat and coated the sides, soothing them.
"Ahh, that's nice..."

Ponypaw | 11 moons | Apprentice of Skyclan ababababbnihfibnfdifdhfhababa


"I'm here, I'm here," she repeats softly, pressing up past swallowpaw and Tigerfoot to the side of Ponypaw. She hadn't been there... No, she was with Hawkstar, with others who fought off the fox, and she felt guilty. But she couldn't blame herself for not being in two places, it wasn't possible. Worry gnawed at her stomach, the golden brown point gently pressing her pelt into the apprentices, green eyes casting gently over Ponypaw.

Her muzzle was stained with berry juices, and Flowercloud gave her a proud smile, even if her eyes were distant. She slowly turned to Swallowpaw, lingering close, offering the smile to her and Tigerfoot as well- praise, for a job well done. "How are you feeling? I came as soon as I heard.." she said softly. And sure, no relation to the apprentice, it was hard to pretend to not care about the young of Skyclan, or to let other things take the spotlight when that's not what the deputy wanted. She wanted everyone to be equal, and everyone was shaken- everyone needed help.

Besides, as fluffy as she was, she had plenty of warmth to give the apprentice. She held back motherly concerns, even as much as she felt in her heart rasping her tongue over the apprentice would warm her up, she didn't want to make the other uncomfortable.

And a part of her, the nerve wracked side, wanted to tell her to not run off again, she couldn't find herself to scold the apprentice, she was absolutely sure others had already done that.

"We're resting for now, okay ponypaw? But when we move again, please, don't hesitate to ask for anything."


abababaifghdggddfgfdgjCrafted, Holy, Rolling Thunder

indentPonypaw smiles weakly when Flowercloud approaches. Flowercloud is here! The hefty she-cat always makes Ponypaw feel a little better, even when she's in the worst mood ever. "Flowercloud! I'm feeling-" She's about to tell the deputy she's 'doing good', before she's wracked with another round of coughing. It's not as bad as the last, now that the worst of the phlegm is gone, but it still irritates her tender throat. "M' doing a little better, thanks to Swallowpaw." She croaks. The apprentices efforts are appreciated, even if they aren't an immediate fix.

indentIt's good to see Flowercloud. Ponypaw hadn't seen hide nor hair of her since - That's right! "The fox attack! Is everyone okay? Is Wolfstorm okay?" She's pretty sure she saw him get bit at least once. If Starclan was going to be kind to her, he won't have been bit more than that. Ponypaw really isn't sure what she would do without him. 'If he died out there, while I wasn't helping him...' Ponypaw does the very best to push the thought out of her mind, but it still lingers. Ponypaw is almost a warrior. She should have been able to help! But when Wolfstorm called out to her to 'Stay back, Get away', she couldn't help but obey, once again relying on Wolfstorm to keep her safe. 'If Downykit lost her dad because of me...' Ponypaw watches Flowercloud with rapt attention, awaiting and dreading her response.

Ponywhistle | 12 moons | Warrior of Skyclan ababababbnihfibnfdifdhfhababa