{$title} ponypaw suffers from pneumonia and a nervous medic
Tigerfoot hadn't dealt with pneumonia in.. well, forever. He had a half-remembered day, close to the start of his apprenticeship, that had involved Meadowlark treating someone's respiratory infection, but that was it. He hadn't even really been involved, just stood to the side and observed. He'd been told what was being done but at the time? he'd been fairly new to Skyclan, getting used to a crippling injury, and didn't really know what was going on. You didn't focus on what coltsfoot was when your life was spiraling out of control.
He knew what to use to treat greencough, whitecough, whatever sniffle happened here and there, but pneumonia? he was guessing. Skyclanners didn't go swimming! They usually had the sense to stay out of the pouring rain, avoid hunting or vigorous exercise until it let off. It was times like this that he wished Meadowlark was still here. She'd always been able to help and reassure him, even just with her presence. It was a given that everything would be okay if she was there, he'd had no doubts in her. He was alone now, stuck putting on a brave face for both his apprentice and the one gasping and coughing beside him.
" It'll be alright. " Was Tigerfoot reassuring Ponypaw or himself? He wasn't entirely sure.
" Swallowpaw, please get the juniper, borage, and tansy. I need a decent amount of all of them. " He tried not to sound frantic but he couldn't really hear himself speak. He was too focused on the crackling of Ponypaw's breath, the ragged, harsh wheezing. He couldn't help but picture their lungs filling with fluid, suffocating her with each moment that passed. He wouldn't let that happen, obviously. He had to focus on the here and now.
" I need you to keep coughing, Ponypaw. I know it's uncomfortable, I'm sorry, but we need to get as much fluid out of your lungs as possible. "
@Ponypaw @SWALLOWPAW @flowercloud @Hawkstar (flower and hawk can be involved if wanted!)