Approved Roster Claim sobbing crying wailing (styx check in 3)

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This character has been added to our MEGA ROSTER.
The prefix(s) here have been added to the Prefix Claim List.

pastelskullspastelskulls's icon

resident emo dog
This user plays a HP.
Played by
a god with a sick sense of humor
Character Hub
{$title} styx is making another character against his better judgement
i promise no more for a while after this

Character Name: velvetpaw
Rank & Clan: riverclan apprentice
Reference: clicky clicky[/B]

Hey @pastelskulls ! (Cough, cometglow, cough) /Teasing
Congratulations, VELVETPAW has been accepted! Don't forget to add your prefix to THE CLAIM LIST by using the form HERE!

Note: You only need to add to the prefix claim for clan cats only! Daylight warriors from SkyClan with 'illegal' names do not need to add their name until they get an official clan name!

Once you've made a subaccount, head on over to the RP sections and feel free to go wild! If you'd like, create a character profile so others can familiarize themselves with your character!