PAFP Prompt ShadowClan someday we will foresee obstacles 𓍊𓋼𓆏𓋼𓍊 — monster

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F l e a p a w

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The sun had barely started to rear its head, slivers of weak, oppressed light filtering through the thick smog that clung to ShadowClan's camp—perfect conditions for a top-secret stealth mission. Fleapaw poked her nose past the brambles leading into the nursery, pausing to listen.

It was quiet.

Fleapaw moved with a plan, sharp eyes scanning the nursery for a particular pelt. There— dark, ruddy fur curled up in a messy bundle. Her ears twitched as she crept forward, tiptoeing around nests. But just as she approached, movement rustled in the dimness. A familiar brown pelt shifting nearby—Timber. Shit.

Fleapaw froze, every muscle locking up. He was the one cat she deeefinately didn't want to wake up. Timber wouldn't like what she was gonna do. If he woke up now Flea figured she could pretend to be dead, like one of those large hissing rats.

She exhaled slowly through her nose, ears pricked for any sign of his breath changing. When she was sure he wasn't going to move, she finally thawed. Avoiding the older tom, she prodded the Monster. "Wake up, Monster." Fleapaw whispered.

She shot another skittish glance toward Timberfrost.

If that stick-in-the-mud wasn't so uptight, she wouldn't have to sneak around in the first place. But nooo, Stoatkit couldn't even breathe without him counting the seconds 'til she took the next one. It was already hard enough getting Stoatkit out of his shadow. And with how Timber was, she knew he'd smother this little runt too, if she let him.

But lucky for him he would have a super cool and fun big sis to help him out. She was gonna teach lots of things like how to sound tough… where to find the best frogs… the different kinds of mud… All the important stuff! Just like she would've done for Tick…If he were…

A tight feeling clawed at her throat, but she shoved it down, down, down where all those other thoughts went. They didn't have time, she needed to get him out before more cats started waking up.

When the kits eyes started to open, she gave a crooked smile. "Come on slug brain, we're going on a secret adventure."

  • prompt: —— your character takes the time to investigate one of the landmarks in shadowclans territory. what do they discover?
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - apprentice
    - 6 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user
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  • Please
Reactions: Monsterkit

MONSTERKIT, 1½ Moons // ShadowClan Kit // He/Him // #ff5700
A solid black tom with red rusting and piercing copper coloured eyes.
Family is UNKNOWN...?
No thoughts, head empty. For now.

The young cat had been dreaming. Twitching slightly where he lay curled up in the nest in response to the images, sounds and smells the dreams brought to him. Flashes of large round yellowish lights that gawked at him like a gigantic pair of cats eyes in the dark. A harsh unnatural burning scent that filled his nostrils all the way to his throat. A loud blaring noise that filled his ears and drowned out all other thoughts and feelings but fear. His tiny claws began to dig into the nest and churn at the materials it had been woven out of as the kit attempted to comfort himself in his sleep by kneading at it.

When the pelt around him shifted in the nest the little scrap of dark rusted fur would also stir in response, rolling over to his other side before nestling further into his curled up position and tucking his nose under a paw-- Only to then be prodded by another paw! At first only one of the kits' ears twitched in response, but after the second prod he'd groggily lift his little head up to look in the direction of the one who had woken him up. At first he wasn't quite sure what cat he was looking up at-- They had a face that was familiar but he couldn't put a name to their whiskers. Rubbing a paw against his tired eyes he'd sleepily blink his bright copper eyes open properly now and peered up to see Fleapaw grinning down at him, he was sure he'd seen some other cat to start with but maybe his nightmares had just taken an extra moment to fade away upon waking...

Monsterkit looked up to the apprentice and tilted his head to one side like a confused dog would at first-- It was so dark out! Wasn't it still sleepy time? A secret adventure!? For HIM!? Whatever secret adventure Fleapaw had woken him up for must've been super important then! He'd give a big but silent yawn and stretched his front paws out as he started to carefully clamber on out of the nest he shared with Timberfrost. The rusted kit was usually one of few words but even he couldn't hide his excitement at being brought along for a secret adventure! "Monster awake! Let's go!" He'd squeak softly as he wiggled excitedly after having slid out of the nest and landed on the ground of the nursery next to Fleapaw with a gentle thud. He'd quickly scramble to his paws and was as eager as anything to follow the apprentice wherever she chose to lead. He wanted his new cool big sister to think he was as cool as he thought she was!


A crooked grin settled on Fleapaw's face as she looked down at him. He didn't fight her like the other kits did—didn't hesitate like Stoat sometimes did—there was a spark of adventure his eyes, unsmothered as of now. The little fluffball would make a damn good accomplice yet.

"Yeah! Thats what I like to hear!" She cheered him on quietly, keeping an eye out while he made his getaway. Once they were both on level ground, she flicked her tail in a beckoning motion. She crawled along the ground like some scrawny bug, her bony, misshapen shoulders jutting out with each step.

The apprentice slipped beyond the brambles, eyes darting left and right, scanning for any movement. There was a warrior on guard at the camp entrance, but they were far enough away to be avoided. Plus, that wasn't the only way out of camp.

"This way little buddy," Fleapaw led, waiting for him before moving on. The camp was eerily silent—so much so that it made the back of her neck prickle. No croaking frogs, no distant buzz of insects, just the quiet emptiness that had settled over them like a dark cloud. But she expected it by now, it had been like this for weeks—ever since the phantom paw steps had stampeded through camp.

She turned to her shadow, eyes gleaming even in the dim light. "I'm gonna show you something super secret. You can't tell anyone, specially not Timber. Got it?"

Monster in tow, she crawled, darting past dens, and rolling through mud puddles. Fleapaw imagined she looked real cool—especially to a kit who had never seen nothin'.

Eventually, she led him to the dirtplace, avoiding the pockets of unstable ground. "Over here." The far bramble wall had a small gap, just big enough for a kit—and a kit-sized apprentice—to squeeze through.

Fleapaw crouched low, peering over her shoulder. "Careful," She warned, slipping through the gap with ease, belly brushing the damp earth, thorns scraping at her fur.

The small, carved tunnel had been her creation, worn from countless escapes, bits of oily cinnamon fur tangled in the brambles. She hadn't found any better ways out of camp—yet.

On the other side, a stretch of swampy open marshland greeted them. The ground was soft with rot, murky puddles reflecting the skeletal branches above. Fleapaw stopped there, her tail twitching, waiting for Monster to crawl out on the other side. As soon as he emerged, she turned toward him. "I ain't carrying you the whole way and back. So if you need a break, better say so." She prodded his chest with a muddy paw before giving him a soggy pat on the head. "Ready to see someplace awesome? I haven't shown no cat yet."

  • ooc:
  • FLEAPAW she/her | shadowclanner | 6 moons
    mentored by POSSUMGRIN and FROSTSTORM
    former mill kit and kittypet
    some physical powerplay permitted
    speech thought/emphasis attacking
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  • Hehe
Reactions: Monsterkit

MONSTERKIT, 1½ Moons // ShadowClan Kit // He/Him // #ff5700
A solid black tom with red rusting and piercing copper coloured eyes.
Family is UNKNOWN...?
No thoughts, head empty. For now.

When motioned with a flick of the tail Monsterkit would toddle after Fleapaw, doing his best to try and mimic her motions of crawling along the ground as quietly as he could manage. When referred to as 'little buddy' he'd do his best to try and keep the purring that started to rumble in his throat down, swallowing it as his fluffy short tail wiggled like an excited dog's would instead- That was a more silent way of showing his pride in being called little buddy by Fleapaw of all cats!

The total silence that was the camp at the moment as the two crept out made Monsterkits' pelt prick up along his spine, where had all the little living things in the territory gone? He was usually kept to the nursery so he wasn't as used to the eerie silence as Fleapaw was but he had heard the older cats mentioning something about a ghostly stampede in the camp being the starting source for the silence. Looking up to the gleaming eyes that peered down at him in the dark Monsterkit would beam up at the apprentice, she was gonna show him something so super secret he couldn't tell anyone? Not even Timber?! It must be the most importantest thing ever! He'd nod his big head enthusiastically in response, "Got it! Promise!!" A Monster promise was the most strongest kind of promise!

Again the bumbling kit would try and imitate what Fleapaw was doing as she darted past dens and rolled through mud, always trying to keep within a tail length of her at most as he trailed along after her like a lost lamb. Flea made it look so easy! And so cool too, much cooler then he looked trudging through a muddy puddle and only ending up coating most of himself in it all up his belly-side. Despite the mess though the kit seemed unbothered by the mud itself even with how much of it covered him and dripped from his dark pelt. Perhaps he was far too excited to be getting out of camp a bit more for once! More-so because he was being shown a super secret by Flea!

When they reached the far bramble with the small gap Monsterkit gave an understanding but soft gasp of astonishment, a way to sneak out of camp unnoticed! His siblings were the smartest cats he ever knew! He'd wiggle on after Fleapaw as they both squeezed through the gap, his eyes fixing on some of the familiar cinnamon tufts of fur that were already caught in some of the brambles as they crawled through. He wondered what other adventures she had already gotten up to using this tunnel!

Eventually Monsterkit would crawl out the other side of the tunnel after Fleapaw and would give a little shake of his pelt once he was back up on his paws. He'd look down at his reflection in a nearby murky puddle for a few moments and tried to reach out to it cautiously with one little paw before then looking back to Fleapaw when she turned to him and spoke. Monsterkit would allow his rumbling purr to sound this time when she prodded him and then gave his head a soggy pat, he'd stand up as tall and as proud as a tiny scrap of fur like him could muster "No need carrying!" He'd mew trying to look as tough and sound as strong as possible, he felt strong and full of bees! He could run for ages he was sure! "Yap yap yap!" He'd squeak excitedly-- His yes' sounding more like a noise an excitable little dog would make, "Monster's ready!! Let's go let's go!" He'd mew eagerly as he ran in a circle on the spot, an awesome place Fleapaw had shown no other cat yet!? And he was gonna be the first to see! She had chosen him to be the first cat to see it and he was certain he couldn't feel anymore special than what he did right now in this moment! He was surely going to fly the entire way there at this point!
  • Love
Reactions: Scarlet

Fleapaw chuckled, tail flicking in amusement. He had guts for a little guy, that would get him far out here.

"I'll hold you to it," At the noises he made, her ears twitched. It reminded her of those little barky dogs from the two leg place—yappy, fearless. Pretty dang cute, and Fleapaw didn't find much cute at all. No wonder Timber liked him so much.

He was rearin' to go and she wasn't gonna make him wait. "Alright, alright! We're goin'." She gave a quick skip, padding a little way ahead. The curled folds on her head twitched, listening to the marsh's song. Croaks, buzzes, the distant drip of water. The sounds growing louder as they drifted from camp. All of it blended together, a familiar hum that settled over the pocosin, not like the dead thing that lingered over camp.

"Stay close, Monster." She gave him a real serious look, "You're safe 'cause you're with me, but we can't let our guard down. Best ta keep our eyes open cause there's danger 'round every corner out here." Eh, she'd been out in the swamp plenty of times. Nothin' but frogs and puddles far as she ever saw. Even if something happened, she wouldn't let a thing touch him as long as she was around.

Didn't mean she couldn't make it sound cool though.

The way to the pit wasn't far. The deeper they went, the softer the ground became, the marsh mushier, grabbing out their paws like hungry mouths. Pools of murky water rippled around them, the brush towering overhead, dimming the sky even further. The air was thick, heavy with the scent of damp and decay, but Fleapaw was used to it all by now.

She glanced down at Monster. "What d'you think? You like it out here?" Timber had probably taken the fastest route to get him to ShadowClan, boring as he was. No way he let the little guy actually see anything cool.

Flea snorted, shaking her head. "There's lots of fun—mud, frogs, stumps." She paused, thinkin hard, and then added, "But don't ever come out here unless I'm with you, okay?" Too many things that woulda loved to make a meal of him. Not only that, but he could get lost and end up somewhere bad. Fleapaw had lots of time to explore and get a lay of things. Timber wouldn't let him out at all if he had it his way. That was too much, but she could at least agree that he shouldn't be out without someone looking after him.

She gave him a pointed look. "Least 'til you get bigger and tougher. Lotta stuff out here that'd gobble you up if they wasn't so scared of me." Flea didn't mean to scare him too much, just enough to keep him close.

The pit wasn't far now. She could feel the air starting to thin. They were always out of the heart of the swamp. Nearer to the pit, the air was dryer—less smothering.

"Not too far now," She called over her shoulder.

  • ooc:
  • FLEAPAW she/her | shadowclanner | 6 moons
    mentored by POSSUMGRIN and FROSTSTORM
    former mill kit and kittypet
    some physical powerplay permitted
    speech thought/emphasis attacking