The sun had barely started to rear its head, slivers of weak, oppressed light filtering through the thick smog that clung to ShadowClan's camp—perfect conditions for a top-secret stealth mission. Fleapaw poked her nose past the brambles leading into the nursery, pausing to listen.
It was quiet.
Fleapaw moved with a plan, sharp eyes scanning the nursery for a particular pelt. There— dark, ruddy fur curled up in a messy bundle. Her ears twitched as she crept forward, tiptoeing around nests. But just as she approached, movement rustled in the dimness. A familiar brown pelt shifting nearby—Timber. Shit.
Fleapaw froze, every muscle locking up. He was the one cat she deeefinately didn't want to wake up. Timber wouldn't like what she was gonna do. If he woke up now Flea figured she could pretend to be dead, like one of those large hissing rats.
She exhaled slowly through her nose, ears pricked for any sign of his breath changing. When she was sure he wasn't going to move, she finally thawed. Avoiding the older tom, she prodded the Monster. "Wake up, Monster." Fleapaw whispered.
She shot another skittish glance toward Timberfrost.
If that stick-in-the-mud wasn't so uptight, she wouldn't have to sneak around in the first place. But nooo, Stoatkit couldn't even breathe without him counting the seconds 'til she took the next one. It was already hard enough getting Stoatkit out of his shadow. And with how Timber was, she knew he'd smother this little runt too, if she let him.
But lucky for him he would have a super cool and fun big sis to help him out. She was gonna teach lots of things like how to sound tough… where to find the best frogs… the different kinds of mud… All the important stuff! Just like she would've done for Tick…If he were…
A tight feeling clawed at her throat, but she shoved it down, down, down where all those other thoughts went. They didn't have time, she needed to get him out before more cats started waking up.
When the kits eyes started to open, she gave a crooked smile. "Come on slug brain, we're going on a secret adventure."
- prompt: —— your character takes the time to investigate one of the landmarks in shadowclans territory. what do they discover?
I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!
- she/her
- apprentice
- 6 moons
- speech thought
- some physical powerplay permitted
penned by user
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