Backwritten The Colony Something lost something new | Vampire

This thread occurred at a date previous to its posting date.
This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!


kill the headlights

Yet another failed hunt left him battered and frustrated, though his expression betrayed none of it. His face remained bright with gentle smiles and perked ears. Though his body moved sluggishly and limp. He refused to let a few elusive mice completely spoil the mood, especially on a day that, while chilly, was mercifully free of snow. Possum felt genuinely grateful for that small blessing.

Reflecting further, he recalled how his mother often mentioned he had been born on a similar day. Cold and nippy, but without the relentless snowfall of deep leafbare. It had been a rare reprieve from moons buried in ice. He was far from the playful tot who once frolicked at her paws. Now, Possum was creating his own path within the colony. The youthful feline considered himself a capable hunter, though today's lack of prey seemed determined to test that notion.

For now, he decided to head back home, rest, and try again later, doing his best to ignore the irritation churning in his pale belly. As he raised his gaze to get his bearings, he spotted a figure approaching. Without hesitation, the tom adjusted his posture to something more cheerful. Flared tail rose high, and awkward stance straightened as he called out. "Morning!" It was a simple greeting. Friendly, perhaps overly so but it felt natural enough. If it came across as too enthusiastic, so be it.

  • text text text text
  • RXohUba.png

    possum, possumgrin
    LH blue ticked tabby w/low white and orange eyes
    amab, cis male,18 moons
    ex-colony cat, warrior of shadowclan
    heterosexual/romantic, single, crushing on no one
    child of npc x npc ; sibling to marbleshine
    "speech", thoughts, powerplay
    peaceful and healing powerplay accepted - hub - playlist - penned by tasmagoric
  • 3aHZKNY.png






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Jaws empty, Vampire trudges not-quite-sullenly through the forest—the proud tilt of their shoulders hasn't quite fallen, but there's a barely-there furrow between their dark eyes. She'd missed the mouse she'd been stalking for the better part of the morning's daylight, and had another argument with Werewolf to boot. Stars above, what was with their damnable insistence on following Hawthorne? She'd loved—she loves how strong they are, don't they see how he'd weaken her? Weaken them all?

If she had a tail it'd be lashing, but she doesn't, so she settles for irritated flicks of the ear. Shouldering through the underbrush, chill air nipping at her nose, dark eyes snag on the shape of another cat. He looks a sight more upbeat than her, an energy she doesn't match—she's rarely partial to doing so. Vampire just keeps the same high head-tip and poised limbs she always does.

"Morning. If I may say it, I'm glad you left off the good, "
they return, notched ear flicking. A blessing and a curse, their candor is, they reflect with breath feathering out into the chill air. Rare of them to be quite so honest about their mood, but Wolfie's as good at making them bristle as they are at making them soften. Besides, something about this cat is nudging at them; the brisk cheer, the jutting friendliness in his body when they're all hungry and cold and unhappy.
" Hope yours is going a little better. "
