Stepping out of the leader's den felt instantly freeing, but the bubbling of emotion behind his eyes didn't help. Not when his eyes stung like this, not when his shoulder still cried out in pain if he moved from. His ears flattened against his skull, moving from what had been a charged, and frankly loud, environment. Between the wound on his shoulder that was briefly treated and the screaming and the utter bomb that got dropped on him all at once, his head ached. Thunderflash's eyes remained on the ground as he moved through camp, from the leaders den to the entrance, slipping free. And the instant he was free, paws were drumming against the ground, heading towards Fourtrees.
Measured breathing followed, the only way that he knew how to run now. Early morning runs were the only thing that were getting him up early, but spending the time with Ghoststrike alone was rewarding, and not only that, he was forced to learn how to run properly. Not just sprinting to his destination. His paws drummed evenly on the ground, despite the way he wished to run wild, to yowl and scream until his throat was dry. No, that wasn't any good, not right now. It was only going to get him killed. So he ran, until his paws ached, until his shoulder was screaming and likely bleeding worse. He ran, until it came into sight.
Thunderflash didn't know why he ran here. Maybe, because things were simpler, back then. Maybe because he wasn't stuck between his clan hating him, and a leader breathing at his throat like she might rip it out. Boar-headed. He stopped, shoulders heaving and chest ragged with breaths he struggled to breath in, leaning against a fallen old hollowed out log, where he had been stuck inside twice. He thinks, possibly by choice, but maybe not. Maybe Ghoststrike had kept him there on purpose. Slowly he sags into a sitting position, head tilting backwards to lean against the log. No, he hadn't even made it out of the borders. How laughable to think that this log, of all of them, still remained within the borders.
Blue eyes widened, snapping towards where had come from, the sound of approaching pawsteps causing him to stand once more, despite how tired he was.
// right after the skirmish -> juniper private with tav
THUNDERFLASH he/him, thunderclan storm guard, twenty one moons.
☆ a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
☆ mentored by who / mentoring no one
☆ whichever relations / want listed
☆ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
☆ penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.