« I have a meanness inside me, real as an organ. Slit me at my belly and it might slide out, meaty and dark, drop on the floor so you could stomp on it. »
― Gillian Flynn, Dark Places
❄︎ maplefrost
➵ he/him, gay❄︎ thunderclan, warrior -
Large calico with low white
Heterochromia; one green eye, one amber -
After killing a cat during the great battle, he has a minor existential crisis, which he's still going through. He's trying to figure out his own moral code, struggling with his sister looking at him differently, and trying to keep everything under control. -
BIRTH PARENTS; Unnamed rogues†
➵LITTERMATES; Two unnamed roguesADOPTIVE PARENTS; Serpentberry, Thornstar
➵SIBLING; Rowanpaw
➵ADOPTIVE SIBLINGS; Leafkit, Thistlekit, Rattlekit -
❄︎ Pre-colony
➵ Maple was born a few moons before his sister, to a mother who was sick from the moment he was born. He never knew his father. A few moons later his mother is pregnant again and soon gives birth to four kits; one of them being Rowan. Her littermates fall sick– it's not very long before they die, leaving Maple and Rowan alone together.
Maple takes care of her the best he can, teaching her to hunt, and when a young fox stumbles upon their den, Maple manages to fight it off. He'd almost killed it, but Rowan told him to let it go. After the attack, they decide they have to leave in case the fox comes back with its mother. They travel together for a couple of moons before stumbling across the colony, which they decide to join.
❄︎ The Colony
➵ In the colony, Maple mostly keeps to himself, sticking to Rowan's side and keeping her safe and fed. He does not make any friends. On the night of the battle, while trying to help an injured Rowan and her friend away from the fighting, they're stopped by a tom cat that tries to kill Rowan. Maple kills the cat, sending him into an existential crisis as he tries to grapple with having killed someone.
❄︎ Thunderclan
➵ He gets the name Maplefrost.
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