MAGNOLIAPEAK ThunderClan Warrior

Magnolia, born to colony cats Bracken and Hazel, is an opinionated and strict young molly. She was raised under strict guise and an iron fist, and her nature proves it. Magnolia believes that the pressure from her parents growing up pressed her into a diamond. She has high standards and always seems to be busy with one high-caliber task or another. Perhaps there is some fear of time being taken for granted, or some illusion of business that is meant to be reflected as an image of perfection. Magnolia is fiercely loyal and expects the same from her family, friends, and clanmates. She strives to be the favorite, but she does a good job of hiding it. She believes groveling is far beneath her.
↪ Named for the hardy evergreen Magnolia trees and their pretty flowers. She and her siblings have foresty-flora names. Given the suffix -peak by Juniperstar and told to shoot for higher ground.
Age: 21 moons
Gender: AFAB
Orientation: bisexual
Magnoliapeak is a dilute tortoiseshell domestic shorthair. She has some low white spotting on her toe-tips, tail, and a heart-shaped splash on her chest. Her eyes are a vivid amber, reflecting the intensity of her spirit. Magnoliapeak is unremarkable in size and build, and she takes advantage of this to prove her skills in hunting and fighting every chance she gets- given she has no physical advantages.
Magnoliapeak was born to Bracken and Hazelheart. She and her sisters- Hyacinthrain and Honeysucklecry- were raised under an iron fist. Although deeply loved by both of her parents, Magnolia was still raised with very high standards and strict expectations, leading her to reflect these upon her siblings and clanmates as well. She is sharp and lacks lenience, and is certainly not the first to grant pardons or allow her clanmates to get away with anything. Magnolia rarely takes a break, and can usually be found doing some sort of task, no matter how menial.
Magnoliapeak is not the easiest girl to get along with. She is fairly critical of others, especially if they were or are not raised the same way she was. She is also outspoken when she believes something is wrong or incorrect, even if it's just nit-picking. However, she is also fiercely loyal, and would never go out of her way to harm another. Despite her cold exterior, she loves her clan and her family and would kill and die for them. Magnolia just happens to expect everyone else to feel the same way.
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Generation 2 — Junipersable family tree[tab=————][/tab]
Mate to NONE... tba :)
↪ Parent of NONE YET
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