"You're shaking like a leaf, girl," Serpent remarks as she pauses beside Rowan, peering from the entranceway at what would become a new little home. It seems that the hovel she's chosen has been occupied prior - there's a dip in the ground where a body likely rested once or twice. However beyond that, the den is hardly worked - the supposed "walls" have breeze-broken holes in them. Serpent grimaces as she paces forth, deciding that in the very least, its a start. She works through the tenseness in her midsection with hardly more than a frown, her claws reaching to tear moss from the corners of the new den. The blanket of soft greenery is pulled apart and rebound into a softer bedding, created by skillful paws.
Green eyes flick back to the young cat, "Rest here. I'll -" a wince, as another slow wave of discomfort takes her by surprise. She presses on, trying her best to not acknowledge it, "- I'll have someone bring me a stick and some cobwebs, and we'll bind your paw again. Hopefully..." a drawn out wheeze as she releases a sigh, "... hopefully, your paw still sets right." Serpent reclines into a seated position, ears turning back as she looks out into the clearing, at her friend and partner likely dolling out duties between the cats still eager to help. Her gaze does not find Rowan again, however she uses the molly as a distraction.
"What happened to you, during that mess? Did anyone brandish their claws against you?" a pause, and still she doesn't look away from Hawthorne. "Did you fight back?"
[ @rowanpaw ]
Green eyes flick back to the young cat, "Rest here. I'll -" a wince, as another slow wave of discomfort takes her by surprise. She presses on, trying her best to not acknowledge it, "- I'll have someone bring me a stick and some cobwebs, and we'll bind your paw again. Hopefully..." a drawn out wheeze as she releases a sigh, "... hopefully, your paw still sets right." Serpent reclines into a seated position, ears turning back as she looks out into the clearing, at her friend and partner likely dolling out duties between the cats still eager to help. Her gaze does not find Rowan again, however she uses the molly as a distraction.
"What happened to you, during that mess? Did anyone brandish their claws against you?" a pause, and still she doesn't look away from Hawthorne. "Did you fight back?"
[ @rowanpaw ]