Private The Farm stacking layers like sediment

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Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.


Barn Cat
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Character Hub

It takes days for Fallow to ease out the tiny door in his persons' home even when he gets the courage. It takes seconds for something, just beyond the fence, to slam into the wood and erupt into a volley of barks before he's making his escape, blindly.

He doesn't think about it. Later, he would judge himself for throwing himself into danger when he was fine where he was. But in the moment, with blind panic driving him, he doesn't give more than a split second's thought to it. Not until the field he's traveling through seems to shift, with more wood and the scent of something else lingering, and his paws ache.

It hadn't been a long run, he's sure- the sun hasn't moved- and he's sure it's probably a straightforward journey back to his yard, back to where it'd be safe. But curiosity (unlikely) or a desire to avoid the threat of the dog again (much more likely) has him easing forward, low to the ground and nervous.

The scent of cat lingers in some places, along with things Fallow can't even begin to place, but- it should be fine, right? It's not like he's even bothering anything, and he's going to go home soon.



I've come this far with a different map in each of my hands


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Coy had been quietly tracking a mouse that was rummaging through the scattered grass and hay at the edge of the farm, his pawsteps light and thought out as he was careful not to snap anything beneath his weight and alert the creature. Although he had become accustomed to hunting around the farm, the barn still made him uneasy, especially with the other barn cats potentially lurking nearby. So he stuck to searching the outskirts and fence borders for wandering mice. Closer now, Coy gathered his strength into his hind legs, preparing to leap forward. But before his paws could lift off the ground, sudden movement through the tall grasses alerted the mouse, causing it to scurry back into its nearby hole within a blink of an eye. With a hiss of frustration, Coy lunged after it, hoping to catch it before it vanished underground, but the mouse was too swift. Growling softly, he swiped at the hole with an unsheathed paw, irritation coursing through him as his tail flicked back and forth.

Gritting his teeth in frustration, his glanced back up towards the grass to see who or what had ruined his hunt. To his surprise, he found himself face to face with a stranger, their noses only a whisker-length apart. Flattening his ears, Coy took a quick step backwards, annoyance flashing in his gaze.

"Couldn't you see I was hunting?" Coy snapped, straightening his posture. He gave the newcomer a quick lookover, realizing the scent they gave off was not that of the barn, but unfamiliar, causing his nose to twitch. He looked well-fed, and the nervousness that shone in his eyes told Coy that this place was a new sight to him. Coy was curious, but he waited for the stranger to reply before asking more questions--he wanted to see what he had to say for himself for costing him his prey.

  • ⟡ OOC -

  • Coyote
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 5 Moons | Barncat
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by (TBD)
    A tan, medium-haired tom with blue ticking.
    Has a lithe build, with little muscle definition.
    Has an anxious and standoffish demeanor.


5 Moons
He / Him
Last edited:

It's just their luck that, as they're about to take another step forward, a shape darts past them. Two shapes, actually- one disappears into a hole, and the other, remaining and obviously one of the barn cats Fallow had been so worried about, lashes his tail in annoyance. Irrational fear sets in, and they can only hope that, somehow, they weren't spotted at all.

Their hopes don't last long. The barn-cat glances up, and his eyes land directly on them, and- oh. They're close. A lot closer than Fallow had originally guessed, and close enough for their whiskers to touch. "Sorry!" It's mostly a way to get some space between themself and the stranger that has Fallow scrambling back a few pawsteps, just out of striking distance in case the other cat decides to try.

Now, with space between them and an obvious threat gone (for now), Fallow can get a good look at the other cat. He looks around the same age, but even that pales in comparison to the obvious annoyance across his face. "Not until it was too late?" Their voice is a bit hesitant, in regards to their answer, but it's genuine. They really hadn't meant to disrupt anyone.

"Sorry." They tack on, again, more sheepishly this time.

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Reactions: ARSYNNE


I've come this far with a different map in each of my hands


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Coy's ears twitched in relief, as he was expecting the stranger to pick a fight, which is why he came off so strong. His gaze flashed over the cat as he continued to ramble, wondering how such a large cat could be so timid. Well, larger than Coyote.

He felt a tinge of guilt--he wasn't intending to be so harsh towards someone who didn't deserve it. But it could have been any cat, he had to stay on guard.

Lashing his tail in overall annoyance at the situation, Coyote tore his gaze from the stranger.

"You don't smell like the barn. Why are you here?" He muttered, his gaze darting about in the distance.

  • ⟡ OOC -

  • Coyote
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 5 Moons | Barncat
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by (TBD)
    A tan, medium-haired tom with blue ticking.
    Has a lithe build, with little muscle definition.
    Has an anxious and standoffish demeanor.


5 Moons
He / Him