name: Scale [paw]
age: 5 moons ; ages the 2nd of every irl month
affiliation: Shipyard
rank: Youth/Kit [apprentice]
appearance: A rounded and long haired blue cream tortie with low white and hazel eyes
backstory: Born and raised in the shipyard by her parents Guppy and Patchy she was introduced to a world of hardships but never devoid of love. Her mother ensured she was always well cared for, and given the best opportunities in their little family. However, an accident involving the loss of her mother's right leg lead to difficulties. Shortly after her father had left without so much as a goodbye and for a time Scale was her mother's rock. Together they worked together to continue their little life. It was a happy and brief time they shared until Guppy eventually succumbed to her wounds. Leaving Scale to brave the future alone but despite the pain she still carries her mother's love with her.
interests: Pretty sounds, Gathering, Flowers, and Sea glass (rocks).
dislikes: Rudeness, Storms, Squirrels and Yelling.
strengths: Hunting, Scavenging, and Socializing.
weaknesses Fighting, Sparring and Politics.
name: Scale [paw]
age: 5 moons ; ages the 2nd of every irl month
affiliation: Shipyard
rank: Youth/Kit [apprentice]
appearance: A rounded and long haired blue cream tortie with low white and hazel eyes
backstory: Born and raised in the shipyard by her parents Guppy and Patchy she was introduced to a world of hardships but never devoid of love. Her mother ensured she was always well cared for, and given the best opportunities in their little family. However, an accident involving the loss of her mother's right leg lead to difficulties. Shortly after her father had left without so much as a goodbye and for a time Scale was her mother's rock. Together they worked together to continue their little life. It was a happy and brief time they shared until Guppy eventually succumbed to her wounds. Leaving Scale to brave the future alone but despite the pain she still carries her mother's love with her.
interests: Pretty sounds, Gathering, Flowers, and Sea glass (rocks).
dislikes: Rudeness, Storms, Squirrels and Yelling.
strengths: Hunting, Scavenging, and Socializing.
weaknesses Fighting, Sparring and Politics.
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