the task of even lazily dragging her tongue across her fur to tidy it feels like it takes bottomless amounts of energy... sapped, tired, calcifying to stone. she pauses only because a shadow looms like a threat against the warm tones of chocolate speckled tail, signaling the arrival of company she didn't know she ought to be expecting. lashes lift in languid slowness, rimmed red from exhaustion or something more miserable- "Is everything alright?"
the assumption that others might want her company just for the sake of having it feels foreign and faraway, a fairytale or a memory of a time dead to her. maybe someday it wouldn't feel like thorns dug into her pelt... "I'll be going hunting as soon as I'm done," the spotted she-cat promises, as if compelled to reassure him that she would not rot away as Fray had. that there was no reason to sink his teeth into her throat and spit it out onto the floor to take her seat, covered in dust and limestone growths.
the assumption that others might want her company just for the sake of having it feels foreign and faraway, a fairytale or a memory of a time dead to her. maybe someday it wouldn't feel like thorns dug into her pelt... "I'll be going hunting as soon as I'm done," the spotted she-cat promises, as if compelled to reassure him that she would not rot away as Fray had. that there was no reason to sink his teeth into her throat and spit it out onto the floor to take her seat, covered in dust and limestone growths.