Private strike first, strike hard, no mercy [vulturepaw]

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Wolfpack had never mentored another cat before– not in a formal setting, at least. He'd taught Marbleshine some things here and there and had been known to drop tips for cats he liked, but something like this? It was a first for him.

Truth be told, he wasn't sure how well he was going to like it. While the idea of a system was good in theory, he found himself somewhat less enthused now that he'd actually been assigned a cat to look over. Wolf had almost been looking forward to the whole 'teaching a cat to be a proper cat' thing– getting to pass on his ideals and values to someone else, strengthening the clan– but he was having his doubts, now. Stoatpaw, Sealpaw, Fleapaw– none of them necessarily liked him or would have been eager for his mentorship, but they at least would have been eager to learn.

To become Shadowclan Warriors.

As he made his way toward Vulturepaw, he couldn't say with the same confidence that they felt the same. From what he'd heard, the kid had been mouthy and unfriendly, eager to have nothing to do with any of them and only staying because they were worn down by Joseph and Webpaw. Even in the safety of camp, well fed and warm and safe, the kid still glared at everyone like they'd personally shit in his breakfast, and Wolfpack wasn't certain he'd have the fortitude of patience to get through it.

But he was going to try.

"We're heading out. " he announced, mismatched eyes landing on the dark, thin kitten with a neutral expression. While Wolfpack wasn't sure about this, he wasn't going to be the one to sabotage it. He knew his job and his purpose, and he was happy to do it– would be here if he wasn't. He just wouldn't waste his time trying to convince some kid to share the same sentiment.

shadowclan deputy - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

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This place had a strange way of function things. Usually, it was the mother who taught her kits on how to hunt, and fight. Not a complete stranger who shared no blood line whatsoever. Even back at the shipyard it was the family's job to teach even if many didn't mind to give a helping paw. "We look after each other here" He remembered Rose had said once after he had question to why she bothered to stay with him. This clan, Shadowclan seemed to be working in a similiar way.

Attempting to make this clan look like a family who took care of each other, such sentiments were beyond absurd. Vulturepaw did not trust in anything this place claimed to be knowing better than to allow naivity take a front seat of making any type of decisions. Adults were good at that, feeding the kits nothing but fairytales and lies so they could use and deceive them however they pleased. So he was gonna be cautious about all of this, taking a backseat while learning everything he could that would be useful for his own survival. Play along with thier games until he no longer find any use of them.

He was late, at least to Vulturepaw who had been waiting for his mentor to arrive who would be the one he was forced to depand on for months to come. Disliking that idea greatly there was no other choice as Vulturepaw was smart enough to know that despite his dislike for the adults he indeed needed thier knowledge and skills.
" Alright."
He simply replied as he stood up from the spot he had been waiting at, staring out blankly at nothing until Wolfpack had finally decided to show his face. Vulturepaw watched them with wary eyes.

He knew better than to challenge a dangerous adult when being faced with one. He had seen how they acted around camp, how Wolfpack stood tall and didn't have time for nonsense. It wouldn't suprise them at all if Shadowclan's Deputy spoke violence as thier first language. Not one who spoke pretty lies and pretended to be kind to show themselves in a good light. Vulturepaw was sick and tired of adults like that, so at least this one he would be able to tolerate better, hopefully, as he had always been better to comprehend with violence anyway.

" After you i guess."
He gave a flink of his tail, still watching them with caution as they waited for Wolfpack to lead the way outside so he could follow them behind. Better to have his eyes on thier back, beside...he didn't know the territory out there so it was his mentors job to show him around anyway.