TW: Death strike two [egg- battle thread]

Character death is present in this thread.



Blood dripping from his muzzle, paws soaked in red, it never ceased to amaze Wolf how the blood of a cat tasted so much like the blood of anything else. Mismatched eyes scanned the battlefield once more as he licked his lips clean of Cones blood, a hunter looking for it's next easy kill. He'd get as many of them in as he could before he did any real fighting for Sable and his followers, eager to thin the ranks while he had a chance. He could tell he wasn't the only one- wails of grief and the sight of bodies littering the ground told him he wasn't alone in his endeavors, and that purposefully or not, other cats were taking lives as well. It was almost a relief, reassurance that his efforts weren't being wasted here; these cats were willing to do what needed to be done.

Movement in his peripheral had his head snapping to the side in time to catch a figure slinking away from the fight. On the edge of the chaos, a chocolate point with a familiar gait caught his attention.

What are the fucking chances..? he mused as he caught sight of Egg, repressing the chuckle that wanted to rise at the coincidence. How many three-legged cats live in this place?

He wasn't sure, but it was about to be two less.

Taking a brief moment to shake out his coat, ignoring the stings of his own wounds, Wolf hastened after them,

Without warning he broke into a sprint and aimed to tackle the feline from the side.

OOC- How much of a fight do you want? Or do you want an immediate kill? I'm good with whatever, just lemme know!!

loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

The smell of iron hit his nose, dazing the young adult. instantly, they regretted staying to fight as claws unsheathed. Egg began breathing quicker, they could hear their heart thud in their chest until it tried to rip free of its cage. Blood sprayed, claws were unsheathed- cats were fighting, and for what? It didnt make sense, they were all just trying to survive! Tears ebbed at the edges of a chocolate gaze, their body twirling to avoid being swept into the depths of the flurries of claws.

barely managing to evade, theyd break through the crowd, harshly limping in their usual gaunt as they tried to escape. tried, but unfortunately, that too would fade- that hope as they looked over, and saw a blood soaked grey and black mottled cat. they trembled at the emotionless gaze, and they would attempt to run. claws dug into their flank, tears streaked down their cheek as they gripped claws into whatever purchase they could manage. "Please, i-i-i dont want to fight, i want to leave- i- puh-p-promise," they wailed, ripping claws down in an attempt to dislodge if words didnt work. when did words ever work? not even juniper could make words work very well.

you can kill him if you wish but if u want more lemme know >:3//
hes boutta shit himself boss *salutes*//