Shade is a LONER who follows SABLE. He identifies as CIS MASCULINE and uses HE/HIM. He is MONOGAMOUS and is single.
Shade was created 10 / 31 / 2024 at 17 moons. He is currently 17 and ages every 1st.
Shade is written by @dallas and can be contacted at dallasofnines on discord!
Shade was created 10 / 31 / 2024 at 17 moons. He is currently 17 and ages every 1st.
Shade is written by @dallas and can be contacted at dallasofnines on discord!
Shade is a dark pelted cat with piercing gray eyes and an 'overcloak' on his back. He is average sized, with incredible battle and perception skills.
-> Shade is of average height, and looks average, boring, even.
-> He is mainly brown-gray, with a dark black coating his back. Bangs sit low over his eyes, obscuring his vision from time to time.
-> Gray eyes look at you with a neutral, but piercing, stare.
Shade is best known for his protectiveness, and willingness to give. He's a kind soul, but how he goes about it is a little weird.
However, he is often self-sacrificing and awkward. Shade doesn't know how to tranverse a lot of social situations, so he can be off putting and weird. In the same vein of his protectiveness, he will give his own skin over any else's. He also is a follower, over a leader.
Unfortunately, Batwing is also known for being incredibly cold and keeping it 'tactical'. He will do what's best for the interest of all over singular people.
However, he is often self-sacrificing and awkward. Shade doesn't know how to tranverse a lot of social situations, so he can be off putting and weird. In the same vein of his protectiveness, he will give his own skin over any else's. He also is a follower, over a leader.
Unfortunately, Batwing is also known for being incredibly cold and keeping it 'tactical'. He will do what's best for the interest of all over singular people.
Shade was born to npc and npc and is a first generation Colonist. He is sibling to none. Shade does not know his family.
Shade is single, and is a parent to none. He is monogamous, and no one has caught his attention.
CHARACTER NAME is bestfriends with CHARACTER. PRONOUN isfriends with CHARACTERS. In general,PRONOUN likes CHARACTERS. CHARACTER NAMEadmires CHARACTER for x reason if you want.However, PRONOUN does not get along withCHARACTER, and hates CHARACTER. PRONOUN wouldconsider CHARACTER as an enemy.
Make this your own! Again, all of thisis just a template of suggestions and is free to be changed howeveryou need it to fit. [/color]
Shade is single, and is a parent to none. He is monogamous, and no one has caught his attention.
CHARACTER NAME is bestfriends with CHARACTER. PRONOUN isfriends with CHARACTERS. In general,PRONOUN likes CHARACTERS. CHARACTER NAMEadmires CHARACTER for x reason if you want.However, PRONOUN does not get along withCHARACTER, and hates CHARACTER. PRONOUN wouldconsider CHARACTER as an enemy.
Make this your own! Again, all of thisis just a template of suggestions and is free to be changed howeveryou need it to fit. [/color]
confidence ββββββββββ
wisdomββββββββββconfidence ββββββββββ
luck ββββββββββ
clan skillββββββββββ
physical healthββββββββββ
clan skillββββββββββ
physical healthββββββββββ
clan skillββββββββββ
mental healthββββββββββ
CHARACTER NAME(will/will not) start fights AND/BUT(will/will not) end fights. PRONOUN(will/will not) flee AND/BUT(will/will not) show mercy.
In battles, CHARACTER NAMEexcels at SKILL, but is poorat SKILL. Expand more here please. This could be medicalskill, offensive versus defensive, anything you think makes yourcharacter unique in a non-peaceful situation. Basically expand onyour traits from above.
CHARACTER NAME isinspired by INSPIRATION, or voice claim, orwhatever. PRONOUN often smells like SCENT.
Character speech isCOLOR. Peaceful powerplay allowed. basically alittle blurb to fill this out.
In battles, CHARACTER NAMEexcels at SKILL, but is poorat SKILL. Expand more here please. This could be medicalskill, offensive versus defensive, anything you think makes yourcharacter unique in a non-peaceful situation. Basically expand onyour traits from above.
CHARACTER NAME isinspired by INSPIRATION, or voice claim, orwhatever. PRONOUN often smells like SCENT.
Character speech isCOLOR. Peaceful powerplay allowed. basically alittle blurb to fill this out.
lastupdated 00/00/0000
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