Private The Farm Surely there aren't any chickens around... // Exploring

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Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.


you're always flashing your teeth
He / Him
Played by
Character Hub


I've come this far with a different map in each of my hands


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Coyote had eventually accepted that the farm could remain his permanent home, thanks to Dusty, but it didn't fully sate his desire to travel and explore--alone.

Coyote had often been staring off into the distant forests from a fence, particularly towards a shadowy patch of territory. Once he couldn't contain his curiosity any longer--and when he was sure Dusty wasn't around to see him sneak off--he weaved through the farm buildings, towards the general direction of the strange territory, eventually nearing the outskirts of the farm. His ears stood perked, his body tense and low as he remained wary for any passing cats that could be nearby.

Of course he would return, but he was itching to have new terrain beneath his paws.

  • ⟡ OOC -
  • Coyote
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 5 Moons | Barncat
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by (TBD)
    A tan, medium-haired tom with blue ticking.
    Has a lithe build, with little muscle definition.
    Has an anxious and standoffish demeanor.


5 Moons
He / Him
————————————————————— Here comes the sun ☀︎

He rather liked this little life he found himself in. Everyone was nice to him, more or less, and there was warm soil beneath his paws. 'I'd be fine even without those things, I think.' Chick mused to himself quietly, wandering past golden fields of grass with unthinking movements. 'There's always gonna be somewhere else to go, I wouldn't mind.' He had no plans for the day, which wasn't surprising at all. Most of his days at the barn were really like that, but he wouldn't call his days aimless. It was more... aiming to not have an aim, really. He had never particularly cared for trying to keep a routine, the sort of restriction that brought never really suited him. There were far too many cats that much preferred routine in the barn, but hey, someone had to do it! If they needed structure to feel comfortable, it's not like he was gonna stop them.

He smelled the tom before he saw him, which once again was pretty usual for him. There were just too many interesting things to look at around, how could he possibly keep his head straight forward all the time? Chick found his green eyes settling on a familiar form disappearing between two dusty old farm buildings, and the seemingly permanent smile on his face split into a grin. Chick could only scamper after Coyote so fast, his paws weren't even that big and he still found himself tripping over them. Eventually, with a little less grace than his friend usually showed, Chick slowed his strange galloping scamper to a stop.

"Hiya, Coy!" The cinnamon tom greeted warmly, his smile widening to the point his eyes were nothing but slivers, triangular tail raised straight up like some sort of flag. "What adventures are we cookin' up today?" He questioned happily, tilting his head to the side not unlike the dogs he had seen around the farm. After a moment of observation of the others demeanor, Chick's brows shot up high on his forehead and he, too, crouched a bit and dropped his voice ever so slightly lower. "Oh shoot—are we bein' sneaky? Who we hidin' from?" Chick asked cheerfully, entirely oblivious to the idea that it could possibly be him.

  • Chick
    ☀︎—A small cinnamon shorthair with patches of long golden fur.
    #FBCC86 #847635
  • Love
Reactions: Coyote and ARSYNNE


I've come this far with a different map in each of my hands


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ He had... almost made it.

The cheerful call from the patchy golden tom was one Coy knew well, and it's not like he really had a choice. Chick had a knack for finding Coyote when he wasn't looking for conversation, similar to how the light would filter through the gaps between the barn's walls each morning, stirring him grumpily from his sleep.

Coyote stiffened as Chick leaned forward with a smile, drawing his head backwards as his almost frantic gaze searched the golden tom's. He was too close, why was everyone always so close?

"What adventures are we cookin' up today?"

Coy quickly tore his gaze away from Chick, taking a stiff step away from the tom as his eyes flickered towards the distant forests. With a sigh of defeat and an expression full of annoyance, his eyes found Chick's once more. He parted his jaws to respond, but before he could get a word out Chick meowed on, causing him to shut his jaw with a twist.

"Sneaky?" Coy echoed instantly, growing defensive. "I'm not being sneaky--and I don't have anyone to hide from." He retorted, anxiety beginning to flutter in his chest. How could Chick tell? It was true--but it obviously hadn't worked or else Chick of all cats would not have been able to spot him.

With a flash of his tail and a swift jerk of his head Coyote looked away momentarily, angered at his own embarrassment.

"...Did... you think that I was sneaking around pretty good though?" He meowed after a moment, his voice taut and hesitant as he raised his head back hopefully towards the golden-furred tom.

  • ⟡ OOC -

  • Coyote
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 5 Moons | Barncat
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by (TBD)
    A tan, medium-haired tom with blue ticking.
    Has an angular build, with little muscle definition.
    Has an anxious and standoffish demeanor.


5 Moons
He / Him
————————————————————— Here comes the sun ☀︎

He couldn't help but chuckle to himself seeing Coyote's reaction, the ever so familiar expression of... okay, well he wasn't entirely sure what it was, but Chick liked it anyway. The tom didn't spend much time looking people in the face'I mean, isn't that the reason cats can talk and make noise? Why would we ever need to stare at each other to do so? Too many other things to look at!'but he couldn't help but study faces when he did take the time. Chick had gotten plenty of time to memorize many of his best friend's expressions, and he couldn't help but feel a spark of joy seeing Coyote express himself in so many familiar ways. He didn't think he'd ever get bored of seeing it.

At Coy's echoing of his words, Chick shrugged leisurely. "You were all crouched n' stuff, so I guessed there was someone—or something—you were try'na hide from! You never know how far a roosters gonna go to find you, if you give him the chance! Smart thinkin', Coy." Chick explained cheerfully, gaze wandering slowly away from the familiar cat. It was odd, they were a ways further than the tom himself had usually gone. There was probably cool stuff out there... no, scratch that, there was most definitely cool stuff out there, he just hadn't really considered the possibility. For a moment, the small cat's face scrunched up as he sat down heavily on the ground, back paws coming off the ground momentarily with the force of it. He was sure where he used to be before was out there somewhere, he just... didn't really think about it. Chick didn't even know how to start thinking about it, what new things could he possibly think about something that happened so long ago?

His attention snapped back to Coyote as he heard his voice, and the all too expressive cat grinned once more. "Ab-So-Lutely-" Chick assured, punctuating the word with nodding, head bobbing up and down and having to steady himself with his front paws with the force of it. "Very, very sneaky. Some of the best I've seen, probably. I mean, I only saw you because.... well...." He frowned, thinking for a moment. Why had he seen him again? "I think I just get lucky running into you, actually... I smelled you before I could see you, so yep! Just lucky! But I bet I won't see you next time, since you got even more experience now." The tom glanced back towards where he came from, once more noting how far they had come. "Pretty far away to be practicin' sneaking, though. I don't think anyone would catch you out here." Once more, the tom couldn't help but forget that he, too, counted as someone.

  • Chick
    ☀︎—A small cinnamon shorthair with patches of long golden fur.
    #FBCC86 #847635
  • Love
Reactions: Coyote


I've come this far with a different map in each of my hands


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Surprise sparked through Coy. Chick's praise filled him with an uncomfortable amount of joy, so much so that he had to force his whiskers not to twitch with happiness as his gaze brightened. He searched for words to reply, but its as if another force was holding his tongue. Blinking repeatedly as to shake the feeling away, Coy turned his head back towards the distant land he had sought out prior to Chick running into him. He knew the patchy tom would want to tag along, and he didn't think there was any way of getting out of it.

Clearing his throat, Coyote lifted a paw to gesture towards the territory he was unaware to be ShadowClan's. The hill they were on gave a decent view of the land, enough for it to be deemed interesting.

"Have you ever been there?" He asked, the defensive tone and posture slowly drifting from the usually prickly tom's demeanor.

  • ⟡ OOC -

  • Coyote
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 5 Moons | Barncat
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by (TBD)
    A tan, medium-haired tom with blue ticking.
    Has an angular build, with little muscle definition.
    Has an anxious and standoffish demeanor.


5 Moons
He / Him
————————————————————— Here comes the sun ☀︎

Chick blinked. "What? Been where?" The tom had, as per usual, not been following where his friend had been looking. "Oh, like, over past our hill n' stuff?" The cinnamon-y colored cat sat back on his haunches, bringing up an awkward foot to kick at his own folded ear, causing the oversized flap of skin to flop about. "Dunno actually, but I don't think so. I've been like... here, and not here." Chick blinked again, frowning at his own wording. "I mean like, I wasn't always here. So I was where I was before, and then I was here. I don't think where I was is over there, though." The tom grinned, bringing his foot back solidly onto the ground. "Wouldn' that be crazy though, if where I was was actually up there and stuff?"

He couldn't help but giggle at the thought -- that would be wild, that's such a small world if that was true... but as far as he could tell, there wasn't any big buildings or scary looking twolegs over there. Really, as far as he could see, the only twolegs were around the barn. It's not like he cared much about them, anyway. They were nice to him, well, nice enough, and that was enough for Chick. "Have you been there, Coy? You seem like the type'a guy to be well travelled." The patchwork-looking cat tilted his head once more at the tan tom beside him, raising an inquisitive brow. "Are you well-traveled, actually? You might've told me can tell me again, for fun and stuff." Chick beamed, shrugging to himself. He liked listening to people talk anyway, didn't matter a lick to him if it was saying the same thing over and over again. Most of the time it was, he just couldn't help but let his mind wander.

  • Chick
    ☀︎—A small cinnamon shorthair with patches of long golden fur.
    #FBCC86 #847635
  • Love
Reactions: F l e a p a w