Private switchblade attitude / council meeting

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She / They
SkyClan Leader
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Something dripped inside her cave, a tentative plip........... plip .......... plip....... that grated on her every nerve, a ticking clock that only made her more eager to leave with every passing day. Soon that aggravating plip-plip-plip would solidify with the coming frost and drive another crack up her wall, another symbolic fracturing of her clan as she allowed the problems of her predecessors to fester.

She had not had the will to move into Coffeestar's old den. Too big, too full of memories and faded sickness and desperate hope. Despite all things, Coffeestar had been her leader for... almost her entire life, and there was an aching hole left where the old woman once lay, a hole that Hawkstar would never go near if she could help.

They came to her one by one, each dragging their paws with caution, or distaste, or some other emotion she did not have time for. "Thank you all for your attendance." an offering of good will wrapped in bristles and thorns. She had disposed of Coffeestar's council as best she could, doing away with the sun-guards and picking a deputy that had never served the former queen; fresh ideas for a fresh start... and hopefully ones that would not be so ornery in the face of change.

"I understand some of you may have doubts about my plans, that you find my methods unorthodox or uncouth. That's fine. I can deal with doubts and critique, but I am not here to play and I'm not here to simper. If you are not interested in exacting my orders and serving our clan as I do, you are free to leave. Otherwise... I need a counted stock of the herbs we have and how long they'll keep if they were to be carried and," she turned her hawk's eye to Flowercloud,

"I need to get a final headcount before we leave. Our warriors will no doubt be tired at first light, but I'm relying on that. Weary paws are easier for young apprentices and kits to follow - I don't need any of our more insistent individuals shooting ahead and leaving our caregivers and youngsters behind." She thought of Lostmoon, whose belly seemed to grow a little bit everyday, whose kits would have to be due before the end of leaf-fall... a necessary sacrifice. "If we time this right, we should reach the other clans before the worst of leaf-bare and with luck, their hunting grounds won't be filled with rats and sewage." not like ours, at least.

Any questions?"
plip. plip. plip.

swallowpaw's eye twitched as a droplet fell right atop of her skull. she shuffles a few inches to the side, curling her tail tightly around her paws. soon enough, she turns her attention to their newest king. hawkstar stands proud, bordered by the damp grey den. another plip, plip, fills the uncomfortable silence.

some of you… her head briefly looks behind her, mind wandering towards the freshly demoted sun-guards. some isn't an appropriate word when she can count the cats here on one paw. also swallowpaw isn't sure she even counts, the girl is barley nine moons, and her nest still resides in the apprentice's den— could she speak in front of a jury? her paws will never be calloused again from the rough stones of their gorge. they will heal, they will count their stock before departing.

swallowpaw shakes her head 'no'. once more, she is unsure if her voice mattered in this discussion. hawkstar stands tall, and she's unsure if they can see her from all the way up there.



Flowercloud took a breath. This was a big responsibility on her shoulders, and she was hesitant to accept. Could she lead a clan? Could she guide it, and please not only Hawkstar, but her clanmates? Her heart thrummed uneasily, meanwhile her stomach twisted as she pushed into the leaders den finding herself pulling to her haunches and settling down. Her shoulders were stiff, but her green eyes bright.

Hawkstar spoke without interruption, green eyes focused on the leaders one. Green as well, but there was authority. There was sternness. And Flowercloud would find herself curious. As Hawkstar finished, she dipped her bulky head in acceptance.

"I can do this at first light, before even. I can assign some as well to stick by the elderly, the injured, the queens. Make it their responsibility to care for those... And of course, some to carry herbs and prey," She spoke with a little hesitance, uncertain of the role set up on her, but determined. That light, it shined the brightest. Though, she chewed her cheek slightly. "Do you expect... The prior sungaurds to rebel? It.. was a sudden demotion. And by no means am I questioning you, I just am wary of problems arising during the journey," she spoke carefully, rolling her shoulders. But there was care in her tone, as always, honey dripped words that just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything holding them back. They had to do this quickly, she knew and understood this.
flowercloud ❀ 27 moons ❀ deputy ❀ she/her ❀ pinterest ❀ deidre
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" I'm sorry to say that we don't have a lot- but what we do have is already ready and accounted for. " Tigerfoot knew what it was like to feel out of place in your new role, to have filled it for so long and yet have it be so new. He'd been taking over Meadowlarks duties for moons before she'd left, had felt the weight of the clan on his back before he'd thought himself ready. " If I'm able to have warriors search for herbs when possible, rest-stops, hunting breaks, so on, I can try and make it work. "

He knew that Hawkstar shared his concerns for certain clanmates, their quickening queen especially, but admittedly? Tigerfoot was a bit worried about himself. He was strong, had moons of recovery and work behind him, but he'd led a relatively sedentary life since his injury. It was one of the reasons he'd even begun learning medicine. " I am.. " Was it right to share his fretting with the new leader, already burdened with so much? He didn't want to greaten the load. " I'm also a bit nervous about the prior sunguards. " There was little risk for Tigerfoot, it wasn't as though the medicine cat could really be overthrown, but he'd have to deal with it all. " Do you anticipate any issues? "