ShadowClan tansy wip


Played by

"secretly i'm aiming for a rhythm that exceeds my expectations"

  • ★ tansy → named for
    ★ nonbinary → she/they
    ★ lesbian → single
    ★ 18 moons → ages on the nth
    ★ shadowclan → warrior
  • 94140249_YsREaAPDsqa2s3w.jpg
    ★ classic chocolate tabby with olive green eyes → tansy's a very well put together molly. she grooms herself almost obsessively and it shows; soft, sleek, warm chocolatey fur, painted with thick streaks of darker brown and carefully smoothed into place, almost impressively neat and clean despite the clan's muddy territory. it requires a lot of upkeep to a degree that may seem tiring to others, but to tansy it's well worth it to enhance her natural beauty and maintain a certain level of comfort. it complements her soft features - a youthful, rounded face framing dark eyes of an olive hue.
    ★ smells like → sounds like
    ★ aesthetic board → toyhouse/ref
  • ★ lighthearted, friendly, and charismatic; easy to get along and converse with. she enjoys socializing and feeling like part of a community.
    ★ at times, though, she finds herself overly concerned with the aesthetics of social interaction - has a desire to 'perform' well, so to speak, and to feel important, relevant, and well-liked. may manufacture compatibility in order to fit well into any dynamic and behave in a two-faced way to stay in everyone's good graces.
    ★ this desire can be a little obsessive. she hates being viewed in any negative light and may fixate on perceived conversational mistakes/fumbles, either directing her insecurity inward as self-criticism or outward as (perhaps unjustified) indignation.
    ★ negative feelings toward others often go unexpressed, though. she's passive aggressive at worst but more prone to rumination. she'd rather stew alone than risk looking bad by confronting an interpersonal problem.
    ★ a big gossip and very nosy; hearing everything about everyone is a desirable bonus to being so widely friendly and agreeable.
    ★ just as concerned with her physical aesthetic as her social aesthetic; takes great care to maintain her appearance and is very susceptible to flattery.
  • ★ PARENTS npc x npc
    ★ sibling to here and Gossamerflight
    ★ no crushes → no offspring​
    ★ mentored no current or former apprentices
    FRIENDS sibling
    ADMIRES Sablestar
    DISLIKES here
    HISTORY history here
  • ★ peaceful and healing powerplay allowed
    ★ medium difficulty to battle → is not inherently violent
    ★ may start fights → will end fights → will run away if necessary
    ★ easy to talk to → what they are like in conversation
    ★ good hunter → okay fighter → good mediator

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