Private TELL EVERYBODY I'M ON MY WAY ───〃★ highstone journey

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the arsonist's lullaby ✦
Smoke, Smoky
Played by
all you have is your
He had his misgivings on the entire thing, but deep down he felt there was more to it. The island they had found was perfect in his eye, perfect enough to soothe any of his apprehension but it was the subsequent explanation of how he knew of it and the rest that gave Smoke pause. In all his time knowing Pike, he knew he was not leader material, often left to watch kits while others hunted, friendly but very easy to push around and not fond of the spotlight; so why did a cat so scared of his own shadow insist he was leader now if there was not something else going on. That Pike had stood firm on this insistence despite the looks, despite the push back, was alarming - it meant something more powerful than his former shipcats was keeping him from backing down and a part of Smoke deeply wanted to know what that was. Willow would chide him for his curiousness, not that she was any better, but he was often the one to take risks to feed his desire to know whereas she leaned somewhat more sensible (they both lost their heads easily when heated although), if this bit him in the ass he'd have Pike's head on a ...pike, but if not he would have his answers. Maybe. If they didn't die in the wild lost and alone.

The tabby had seemed so confident when he mentioned going to 'highstones', whatever that was, and had lead them from their camp out into the forest without so much as a bit of hesitation but Smoke had noticed him slowing down and eventually pausing periodically to look around the dark woods as if uncertain, their path had kept them mostly alongside the river at first but even that was not a helpful waypoint as the river seemed to stretch onward to the heart of the forest and further beyond. In the distance past the trees he swore he saw mountains, wreathed in clouds and looming ominously, but it was when they left the river's edge and crept onward past a massive tree in a dark clearing and onto a plain of tall grass did he finally stop walking and heave a deep sigh, "Pike. Where the hell are we?" At this point he was convinced this was just some joke that had long since stopped being funny (not that he was particularly amused by it to begin with), "We have been walking for..." He looks up, the sky was dark and the stars were beginning to pulse and shine above as he lowered his lone orange eye back down to the tom, "'s been too long. Where are these high stones? Why even are we here? Is this where the StarClan you spoke of is?" Seemed a bit pretentious of a name, RiverClan he understood because they lived next to a river, so he assumed StarClan must be high up? Perhaps it WAS the mountains he had seen? In which case that was a trek far too long and daunting for even him to humor, he had kits to get back to and he wasn't going to go on a several day journey to someplace he didn't even know he existed with a tom who was doing everything in his power to grate on his nerves, "AND STOP HUMMING!" Smoke was going to strangle him.
─ & the place you need to reach.
  • Ooc- @PIKE
  • 81524521_WCjAbruGg5TqqSp.gif

    — Future RiverClanner (Shipcat)
    — He/Him

    — Solid black tom w/vitiligo and one orange eye.

Honestly, it was a relief that Smoke didn't put too much of a fuss about coming with him to the highstones. Usually he would put a bit more of a fight when it comes to stuff like this. Guess he wanted to stretch his legs out a bit? Kits can be much after all. Why did Shimmer look at me that way though? The image of the kit giving him the most hateful glare was burned into memory. He wasn't even aware kits could even have a look like that. It made him shiver to be honest and if he ran out a little bit faster than usual... That had nothing to do with Shimmer. He was totally beyond excited to head to the highstones. If he had known that Smoke only came along to find answers, he could have just answered them before he left. That way Smoke could have remained with his kits and back with his sister, instead of doing all this.

Silver paws come to a halt when he no longer hears the paw steps behind him. The deep sigh from his traveling companion is more than a hint about how this is going for the pair. If they didn't know each other that well, this would be the point where he would be freaking out while apologizes scrambled from his lips. However, they were friends as far as Pike was concerned.
"Uhhhh I have no clue,"
he answers quickly while squinting. We finally got out of the forest, I was getting worried there. Thought we circled the same tree like ten times or something. Guess this is what happens when there's too many trees, you just start to lose it a little. THIS TALL GRASS IS NOT HELPING AT THOUGH!

He turns back to Smoke, only to follow his gaze upward to the darkened sky. Wowzers... Didn't we leave when the sun was still up? It's this late already? Huh. Didn't know getting out of the forest and getting here, wherever this is would take this long. And we're not even at the highstone place. Smoke pulls him from his thoughts with questions of his own.
"They're north and it's some cave. In the heart of this cave, there's thing called a moonstone that I have to touch with my nose. Apparently, Starclan needs me to rub my nose on it so they give me a gift. Nine lives or whatever and a weird new name called Pikestar. Oh, and where Starclan is... I dunno, they visited me in my dreams. I can ask if you want?"
No, it doesn't occur to him that he telling Smoke this information nonchalantly would make the black tom question if this was some made up story even more.

Anyhow, he can't help himself from humming. They've been walking for so long in silence, that he needed something to lift his spirits. What he wasn't expecting was for Smoke to screech at him for trying to make their outing a more pleasurable experience.
"YEESH! W-why are you so mean? My humming can't be that bad! But... If that's what you want, then okay,"
he grumbles. They pad together in silence for a few seconds. Can't believe he wants to be a meanie when I'm just trying to make things fun for us. I mean when's the last time we got to do this. Ugh. Grumpy meanie. Can't believe I can't hum, that's no fair. If only. I know what to do.

A mischievous grin curls from his lips.
"You never said anything about singing."
Before Smoke has a chance to screech, Pike playfully bumps against the black tom and proceeds to practically preform for the entire forest as they pad to their destination together,
"Tell everybody I'm on my way. New friends and new places to seeeee. With blue skies ahead, yes I'm on my way. And there's nowhere else that I'd rather beeeeeee."
all you have is your

His face heated up beneath his fur, the insides of his ears turning red at the sheer audacity, "What do you MEAN you don't know?!" The following explanation did little to help temper his rising anger, it was like being doused in cold water after stepping out of the freezing ocean. There was not a body of water large enough for them to dunk his head into that might cool him off now. Nine lives, that was one of those silly tales for kits - legends about cats who couldn't die because they had lives to spare, a rapscallion who lost his lives in a bet with a ghost and had to tread carefully from that day on, resulting in all cats losing this mystifying ability; or something. He'd heard plenty of stories here and there on the subject, but that these whimsical tales were what guided them now was infuriating.
"So what are you going to join this StarClan once they put the star in your name?" I can ask if you want. Smoke clenched his jaw, rubbing your nose on a rock to get nine lives cause some dream cats told you to. Even Pike, nonsensical as he was, should know better.

As Pike began singing he heavily debated the possibility that he could simply turn around and go back, pretend the other was lost to the wilds and they could put this entire StarClan, RiverClan weirdness behind them. It's not like they had to be a group right, they could just exist as they had been before, loosely integrated and working together within reason. Shipcats had their own crews to worry about at times, he could focus again on only his family, his kits, his sister, his...the dark tom frowned. Single gaze wandering to the side as a flicker of something white cause his attention. His hackles rose, fur bristling along his spine as he watched a pale figure move past the tall grass so quickly he almost didn't see it - there was another as well on the other side, moving in a semi-circle around them, caging them in like predators, "Pike." Smoke's voice strained, the other tom's name uttered in a low warning hiss that had nothing to do with wanting to smack him for his irritating noise making. "PIKE." He said again more firmly, ears flattening to his skull. What was about to happen-what was about to jump them-he was going to die in a field with this fool probably still singing as whatever beast it was lurking swallowed him whole.

─ & the place you need to reach.

— Future RiverClanner (Shipcat)
— He/Him
— Solid black tom w/vitiligo and one orange eye.

Guiding, Lighting The Way

No Time For Mourning
He had been watching Pike with bated breath, from the moment he went on the scouting patrol to leading what would eventually become Riverclan to their new home. It was heartening that despite the trouble it took to convince the tom he had apparently taken it all to heart. ...Or perhaps it was too soon to celebrate, for Pike and his friend were decidedly not going the right way to Highstones. He was not to interfere directly unless it was absolutely necessary but now certainly felt like such a time. The last thing they needed was Riverclan's chosen leader getting himself lost in these woods or, stars forbid, killed by the tom beside him that was rapidly losing his patience for Pike's antics.

If he spent all that time trying to convince Pike only for him to be killed by his escort to Highstones he'd haunt that tom for the rest of his days.

With a sigh Seabriar realized he would have to take matters into his own paws, casting a glance at the molly beside him before nodding in wordless understanding and moving forward to descend into the world of the living. They would have be quick about it, paws flexed in the grass as he stepped forward. The other Starclan cat had moved to the other side of the two to herd them closer to him, in the direction they needed to go to reach their destination. The one eyed tom had noticed near immediately that they had appeared and so the ghostly tom stepped forward from the grass with tail held high.

"Pike," He called out, sea blue eyes briefly darting to Smoke then his companion behind them before finally resting on the silver tom with an amused smile. "You did well to bring everyone to Riverclan's territory. However, I believe I instructed you to go to Highstones, not go traipsing about in the woods." He couldn't help the laugh that left his muzzle.

"Have you gotten lost? I'd thought I was fairly straightforward in my directions." Was it even possible to be too straightforward? ...Perhaps for Pike, it was.

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  • Haha
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Seabriar is familiar to Pike, but the small white molly walking next to him was familiar to both cats; even in death her expression is neutral, eyes a wide set of twin suns that held a calm but sad gaze as she looked at the two cats she had once known in life. They had never been friends, but she knew them well enough - had been on the same ship as Smoke and his sister, had trusted Pike to watch her daughter on a few occasions to hunt. Oh, Shimmer, she longs to ask-longs to know if the tiny thing she left behind was well, was she fed now in their new home where the fish swam plentiful, was she safe in a nest guarded well and not exposed to the elements, did she miss her too much, was the despair overwhelming and too much for a child? Dewdrop holds it all back, keeps the wave of emotion bottled up where it could only rattle the ship of her heart than the shore of her life once lived. They were using precious time and resources to be able to expedite this and her presence was meant as a balm to the worry and uncertainty that might plague the two. She was someone they knew, someone once trusted well enough, someone who laughed and cried along the docks when the boats stopped coming in alongside the others. Dewdrop was a means to calm the tide.
"Don't be so harsh now, was he not chosen for his spirit?"
Pike was kind, kind enough the cats of the yard at least never worried their kits would be killed or go missing under his care; he was a little silly, perhaps a touch on the absentminded side as well but his intentions were pure of that she was most certain. "He is right though, should your paws wander this direction further you will find yourself in the mountains, turn here and follow the stars there to find the Highstones." Tangerine eyes lifted upward, at the highest point of the sky with ones head tilted all the way back, a glimmer shone, a north star - it once guided ships home on the rocky seas and now it would guide them to the Moonstone where Pike would finally stake his claim to RiverClan proper. She wants to say more, paws shuffling as she stands in place, but already the pull of the heavens draws her back - they were given a rare gift to be able to even come here as they were at all. An unlikely to happen again occurrence.
"See you soon." Her gaze briefly lingers on Smoke, an unspoken request - Tell her I love her, always. Tell her I'm sorry. When she first died she was afraid, alone, wandering an endless void that seemed to house no cat and then a small black speck of a child lead her to the glittering border of StarClan where Searbriar greeted her with a sorrowful gaze; so close yet so far, was whispered. She was almost RiverClan, almost home, but at least now she could wait for them all in her own time, in a place they would know to one day find her.
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  • Sad
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"I mean that I don't know how exactly we get to where we're supposed to go,"
he answered quickly. You keep asking, but you're gonna keep getting the same answer. I don't know what path exactly we're supposed to take. It's not like it's so bad anyway. It's about the journey! Not the destination. Don't be so mad, we'll get there eventually. He continues on, not at all surprised by Smoke's question. No one really knew what this Starclan was about, even him.
"Uhhhh, no? They didn't say anything like that. Just that I lead Riverclan. I don't even know where Starclan is..."
These were the last words exchanged before he belted out into song as petty revenge.

Smoke is calling his name, but he ignores the black tom's cries.
"Tell everybody I'm on my way. And I'm loving every step I taaaaake."
Just 'cause you're calling my name, doesn't mean I'll stop! You were such a meanie before! I know you just want me to shut up, but NUH UH. I'm gonna keep on singing and you're gonna give in. I just know it! You're a grump, but don't forget I make you laugh. I've seen your smile Smoke! It is not at all surprising that he refuses to acknowledge that Smoke's laughter and smile were caused by Pike's troubles during kitsitting. It was not anything that Pike himself had actually done, but what his own kits had done to the poor silver tom who was to watch them for a short time. Anyway, another call of his name falls on deaf ears.

"And I'm loving every step I ta-YES?!"
That. Wasn't Smoke. Green eyes meet the gaze of Seabriar. A relieved sigh leaves his maw as he nears the ghostly tom. It doesn't occur to him that Smoke would absolutely lose his mind about this, considering he's got more important things to worry about.
"Oh, Hiya Seabriar."
He can't help but puff out his chest in pride as if he were a son trying to impress his own father, but it is quickly dashed away when he is scolded and laughed at. The silver tom slumps his shoulders and frowns. All you said was go north to find some cave. You didn't really give me good directions. It would've been nice if you told me about other things on the way to know if we're going in the right direction.

Thankfully, Dewdrop comes to his aid. Though, he takes this opportunity to try and touch Seabrair. Last time I saw you was in my dream, but you looked kinda different then. Less... Sparkly? Wait. So you're telling me, all this time... Anger begins to boil in his gut while he listens to Dewdrop, offering her a smile as a paw tries to reach for Seabriar's shoulder.
"Oh. Thanks Dewdrop, we definitely don't want to end up in the, uhh mountains. Soo turn here and follow the stars... Okay I got it. Shouldn't be too far now, I uhhh hope."
It's strange to see Dewdrop this way. The last time he had seen her was when... Well, it was a sight he didn't want to remember to be honest. What he did want to remember was when she was alive. They weren't particularly close, but he exchanged some conversation with her and saw her around.

He isn't able to say much, the white molly saying her farewell. He does not miss how her gaze lingers on Smoke.
"See you soon, Dewdrop."
I'm sorry we couldn't do more for you. I wish we could have saved you, but things didn't work out. It was difficult not to blame himself for what happened. He is unsure when he would ever stop feeling as if he couldn't have done more for Dewdrop or for the others who've gotten hurt. And... And just maybe he wasn't alone in that feeling. You're looking after Shimmer after all. If you want me to ask something, then I'll ask. I don't mind.

It is with a heavy heart that he forces his attention to Seabriar. Unfortunately, for Seabriar his anger was not forgotten. His fur bristles,
"YOU! Everyone thought I was losing it when I talked about Riverclan and Starclan stuff, but you could've shown up to help me! You threw me to the wolves! HNNG. And then, I was asked what Riverclan even does. I wasn't told anything about that either!"
This wasn't good and he knew it. Yelling at the ghost cat who helped them find a new home and a new life wasn't the smartest thing to do. That is why he shakes himself and sighs,
"But... You did help us. I won't say you didn't. And... That's good enough. Sorry."
It's not good enough. I want answers, but if I make Seabriar super mad then he's not gonna help us. That would be bad for them. I don't want t ruin our chances. We're still getting our footing in our new home.
  • Innocent
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all you have is your
His outbursts die in his throat, choked him in the horrifying realization of what he was looking at. Smoke tilted his head, eye narrowing and then widening as if desperately trying to make sense of the shimmering visage of ethereal figures before them. The dark tom's mouth opens, closes, opens once more, like a fish out of water struggling to breath he struggles to find any words to say as his mind reels and all he can manage is a strained, "What..." in a tone far softer and uncertain than his usual speaking voice. Dewdrop looks as she did in life, pale like her kit, the same sunset orange eyes cast sadly in his direction and his chest tightens so violently he fears his own ribs will pierce his heart as they curl inward. This wasn't real was it-this wasn't happening-and then Pike strolls forward without flinching, bold and unabashed as he shouts and whines at the star speckled felines and greats the pale gray tom as if he knew him; he'd never seen this cat before in the shipyard. It occurs to him then this is the StarClan cat, the dream cat, the one who spoke to Pike - he was here.
When Pike bids them farewell, when both fade away, he remains standing rigid as a stone with his ears pinned back until the other turns and casually walks by him in the proper direction now. Not a word spoken, not an explanation given, but he'd seen it with his own eye. Oh, the stars... His lone burning eye flits upward, locks onto the pinpricks of light flickering above them with a new wonder. It was real. All of it was real. ...and they picked Pike? A laugh bubbles up in his chest as he relaxes, eye still wide in wariness but he chuffs and turns to follow the blue tabby with a shake of his head in disbelief. This was too much.

─ & the place you need to reach.

— Future RiverClanner (Shipcat)
— He/Him
— Solid black tom w/vitiligo and one orange eye.
  • Haha
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