Private the benefits of finer red wine // mousefang

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i can't trust the fall
Sun Guard
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If there is anyone Fujimoto has been careful to have avoided, it is most certainly anyone connected to Coffeestar's former council. They didn't expect Duskpool to harbor any ill will for their new title in his place, but certainly the late leader's kin would feel some type of way.

In fact, the very brief glance of rosetted fur was enough to make the new Sun Guard turn in the opposite direction, playing it off as a moment of confusion or loss of direction. He could only imagine the vitriol cycling through the former guards head every time he saw them. A kittypet in his place, beneath a king that harbored little love for them. For him to be deemed more worthy in this place than Mousefang- it must hurt, Fuji would certainly be.

Unfortunate for Fujimoto there is only so many ways to excuse interaction before it starts to look purposeful, and today is no exception as he and Mousefang cross paths once more out in the pines. A moment to clear the chaos in his head never lasted very long, resurfacing to disaster the moment wide blues met green. "Oh, hey Mousefang. You look... nice." They're half-starved, why couldn't he say anything else? "I mean uh, you look like you're doing well today! You didn't look bad yesterday, I think, uhh..." Shoot, where was he trying to go with any of this?!


A rake of claws against a mirror - grazing pelts we all once wore
Fujimoto was wise to avoid him, it was not enough that Hawkstar removed him from a place on the council he had earned well beyond the mere right of simple relation to the former leader, but to insult him further by placing a daylight warrior there when she so clearly lacked the same love and compassion Coffeestar had for them. It was done specifically to spite him, of that he was sure. Hawkstar didn't even like Fujimoto, but he supposed if you wanted to punish someone for presumed nepotism that was the best choice. Would it have stung more or less if she placed someone like Starlitpath on her council, its hard to say; he supposed for the scarred leader nepotism was only justified if she did it herself, he might've been just as angry.

The other tom approaches, stiffening as if having not seen him sitting there before babbling like a fool, if he shoved anymore paws into his mouth he'd choke to death. Mousefang stars at him blankly, waiting for the stammering to stop before exhaling deeply from his nose in an audible woosh of a sound, "What do you want?" Surely there was purpose to him being here, was he just looking to chat or had he mistakenly wandered over and decided it would be rude to not say something? If their charming leader was seeking name suggestions for when this fool finally conformed he would offer up Footmouth as a possibility, Harebrain, Twitchface, Wobblestep. It was embarrassing just being near him.

— SkyClan Warrior
— He/Him

— A black rosette tabby with high white & mint green eyes.

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Mousefang doesn't even give him the pity to look annoyed as he tumbled and twisted over himself in agonizing awkward tension. Watching and letting him writhe in his self inflicted torture of not shutting up even for just another breath of air. It doesn't reassure him any more or less to see the lack of emotion on the toms face, expressionless as stone before him. He doesn't grace with anything Fuji has said with a verbal acknowledgement, instead pushing past it with a clear cutaway to move on or say something that wasn't nonsense.

Fujimoto swallowed as he squared his shoulders, the directive in Mousefang's voice striking his memory that even without the title, the other still held the respect of a Sun Guard. "I want..." How could he even go about answering that when he didn't know? I want you to not hate me?? Tell me what to do! How do I do your job and not look dumb?! That might have been a simple answer for not doing whatever it was right now. "I want to know your thoughts. Of me, if you think you could ever look at me and... see your Clan's Sun Guard." Not just a kittypet scrabbling for a grip on this position, even if that really was his predicament now.

A rake of claws against a mirror - grazing pelts we all once wore
He was seeking to be consoled? Like a newly made apprentice looking to make their mentor proud? Childish, pathetic really. Mousefang does well to keep his expression neutral though he does feel his lips start to curl in disdain only for him to catch it and inhale deeply to soothe the bristling before it can began - he was above getting angry over this, as stupid as it was, as disrespectful as it was, he was not going to stoop to the level he knew Hawkstar expected him to. The tabby tom was a warrior, clan born and the son of a leader, he had a reputation of decorum, he was named -fang for his tenacity and skills and he would not let this simpering fool bring him down from his pedestal.

"No." He finally said, the silence dragging out for long enough that it wrapped around from being awkward to time itself seeming to stop. The rosette tabby rose to stand, tail flicking upward in an elegant arc as he moved forward past Fujimoto with confident strides and padded away from the nervous and flustered ginger tom without so much as a farewell of moment to spare to humor him.

— SkyClan Warrior (Scout)
— He/Him

— A black rosette tabby with high white & mint green eyes.

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