If there is anyone Fujimoto has been careful to have avoided, it is most certainly anyone connected to Coffeestar's former council. They didn't expect Duskpool to harbor any ill will for their new title in his place, but certainly the late leader's kin would feel some type of way.
In fact, the very brief glance of rosetted fur was enough to make the new Sun Guard turn in the opposite direction, playing it off as a moment of confusion or loss of direction. He could only imagine the vitriol cycling through the former guards head every time he saw them. A kittypet in his place, beneath a king that harbored little love for them. For him to be deemed more worthy in this place than Mousefang- it must hurt, Fuji would certainly be.
Unfortunate for Fujimoto there is only so many ways to excuse interaction before it starts to look purposeful, and today is no exception as he and Mousefang cross paths once more out in the pines. A moment to clear the chaos in his head never lasted very long, resurfacing to disaster the moment wide blues met green. "Oh, hey Mousefang. You look... nice." They're half-starved, why couldn't he say anything else? "I mean uh, you look like you're doing well today! You didn't look bad yesterday, I think, uhh..." Shoot, where was he trying to go with any of this?!