Hello and welcome to Purrgatory! We are an 18+ Warrior Cat Roleplay set in an AU where the clans were unable to leave the forest territories and perished!
It has been 100 or more years since then, the clans of the forest are but distant memories to any cats still alive, stories passed down to kits of strangely named wild warriors and leaders with nine lives but the time of the clans is upon us once more and the stars shine yet again.
SOLACEformer high priestess of [redacted] ↝ now a loner residing at the barn
a handsome stranger who arrived at the barn one cold night and decided to stay for the season. she keeps to herself generally, but can be a smooth-talker in the instances she does speak up. she maintains a polite, if occasionally disengaged sort of decorum in all interactions in a way that alludes to a past life demanding adherence to a rigid hierarchical social structure. their past, dark and filled with ghosts, haunts them in a way that casts a perpetual air of melancholy around their form. having lost everything, solace is hardly more than a ghost himself, often tangled in old memories and ruminations. they quietly continue to practice an old faith that exists now only in whispers in far off lands. xxx
★ Solace → /ˈsäləs/ (noun) comfort or consolation in times of distress. → a name given to them at birth, they had in the past assumed they would change it one day, but now she finds she's grown attached to it. quite comfortable with their name and will look oddly upon any attempts at nicknames.
★ genderfluid nonbinary → she/they/he → ok with gendered terms (tom/molly/father/mother...)
★ bisexual → polyamorous → technically single (recently separated, still sensitive about it)
★ 32 moons → ages realistically
★ heretical traitor of a far away kingdom → barncat → future warrior of windclan
★ a longhaired fawn lynx point with deep blue eyes → Solace is all soft edges, lacking any roughness in both outward appearance and mannerism. quite outwardly handsome, somewhat ethereal in overall vibe but will readily inform you that he is actually quite mortal, as we all are. she is a cream and fawn-stripe-pointed longhaired cat, but with fine fur that has her cursing in its unimpressive insulation qualities. her movements are deliberate, and her speech seems overly formal and sticks out awkwardly in casual conversation. their eyes are a deep and dark blue, wide and expressive, yet they are shadowed by something unplaceable. there is something unnerving in the sharp way he watches you, as if she is privy to your thoughts and is assessing their value.
★ smells like windblown wildflowers and blown-out candlewicks → softspoken, in a chilled and measured sort of way
★ aesthetic board → toyhouse/ref
★ quietly practices a unique faith devoted to a god of death
★ PARENTSparent x parent
★ sibling to [redacted ]
★ former mates with python → father of temperance, charity, and justice
★ mentored by here → mentored here → currently mentoring here FRIENDS here ADMIRES here DISLIKES here HISTORY history here
★ peaceful and healing powerplay allowed
★ hard difficulty to battle → is not inherently violent, only intends to kill swiftly, will not maim
★ will not start fights → will end fights → will run away
★ medium difficulty to talk to → very difficult to become close to → trusts nearly no one
★ okay hunter → unique fighter → good mediator
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