Open The Coalition - Interest/Joining Thread?


This user plays a HP.
Can't use the triggerning for tags, so be forewarned- this is a war-hungry group that deals with themes of violence, inequality among social class, etc.


  • understanding the concept...

    The Coalition was a militaristic cat colony forged in desperation, uniting smaller groups to fight against the stray dogs that terrorized their city. It was built upon a rigid hierarchy marked by brutal practices, and it sought to reclaim Twolegplace at any cost. What began as a symbol of hope descended into cruelty and chaos though, with child soldiers, inequality, and betrayal becoming their defining traits. Ultimately, The Coalition met its tragic end when Twolegs demolished their camp, leaving behind only scattered survivors and tales of the nightmare that once was.

    But what's that lovely little quote?

    Sometimes, the dead don't stay dead– and the same could be said about the Coalition. Twolegs may have brought the building down on the colony, killing off most of them, but there are survivors who aren't keen on letting the old ways die, cats born into the Marks that refuse to give up the lives they've been conditioned to lead.

    Survivors of the Shoulder Mark were quick to rally together, herding up whatever cats they could before scrambling away from the ruins of their old home. They are few and they are scattered, but they are not destroyed.

  • understanding the past...

    The Coalition was born out of desperation in a city plagued by chaos, where stray dogs and cats fought tooth and claw over scarce resources. Small colonies of cats, unable to withstand the relentless attacks of the dogs, banded together to form a unified force. This union, known as The Coalition, operated as a militaristic entity with a singular purpose: to reclaim the city for themselves and eliminate the canine threat.

    At its inception, The Coalition was a symbol of hope for the oppressed feline population. The leaders devised a strict hierarchical structure to maintain order and ensure survival. Cats were branded with X-shaped scars, signifying their rank and purpose. Those bearing the Shoulder Mark were the elite—trusted, respected, and granted opportunities for leadership. Meanwhile, the Hind Mark was reserved for the expendable, the lower-class cats who were little more than cannon fodder in the war against the dogs.

    Despite its harsh methods, The Coalition initially succeeded in driving back the dogs and carving out safe havens within the city. However, this victory came at a great cost. Training for the Hind Mark began as early as two months of age, with kits thrown into active duty by four months. These young soldiers, often referred to as "frontline fodder," were sent on suicide missions to distract or weaken the enemy for the Shoulder Mark patrols. The mortality rate was staggering, with most Hind Mark cats not surviving past their first year.

    Over time, the divide between the two classes deepened. Shoulder Mark cats lived in relative comfort, forming alliances and fostering cooperation among themselves, while Hind Mark cats were forced to compete for scraps and survival. Paranoia, infighting, and bitterness festered among the lower ranks. Food was scarce, medicine even scarcer, and the promise of promotion was little more than an illusion to keep the desperate masses in line.

    The Coalition's strict code extended to its queens as well. Hind Mark cats capable of bearing young were often allowed to 'opt out' of regular duties by becoming permanent queens, replenishing the rank. Shoulder Mark queens were required to give up one kit per litter to the Hind Mark, ensuring a steady supply of new recruits for the war.

    The colonys end came swiftly and without warning.

    Twolegs, alarmed by the chaos in the abandoned buildings that served as The Coalition's camp, demolished the structures in an effort to rid the area of strays. The majority of The Coalition's population—both Shoulder Mark and Hind Mark cats—were buried alive in the rubble. Only a handful of survivors managed to claw their way free, scattered and broken, their once-mighty cause reduced to dust.

    The Coalition was no more. Its dream of reclaiming the city died with its cats, leaving behind a legacy of bloodshed, tragedy, and lost hope. Those who survived carried the scars of its downfall—both physical and emotional—haunted by memories of a war they were never meant to win.

  • understanding the now...

    Thank you for reading and taking an interest in The Coalition! We are a militaristic group that's meant to offer a more intense and serious atmosphere, as well as to showcase the differences in colonies and beliefs for those outside of Starclan. Like the Riff-Raff, this will be a community that is primarily made up of antagonists, war-bred cats that's have essentially been released into a brand new world now that their old home is no more.

    Currently the group is currently being led by Riot, an ambitious survivor of the Shoulder Mark that is slowly pulling The Coalition back together into the formidable force it once was. They may no longer be at war with the dogs, but there's still a whole world out there for the taking.

    You can join as;

    THE HIND MARK Cats branded with an X over their hindquarters, the mark of their lower status. They form the backbone of The Coalition, burdened with the colony's hardest, dirtiest, and most dangerous tasks. Seen as expendable, they are sent to the frontlines in deadly skirmishes, used as tools to shield the higher ranks from harm. Hind Mark cats are only permitted to eat at specific times unless granted special approval by a Shoulder Mark, further reinforcing their place as second-class citizens. Many remain not out of loyalty, but because the brutal world beyond—the dog-infested streets and the promise of certain death—leaves them no other choice.

    THE SHOULDER MARKReserved for those branded with an X over their shoulder, a symbol of status and worth. These cats are the elite of The Coalition: the strongest fighters, the sharpest strategists, and the most trusted guards. Chosen as the most promising kits of their litters, they are shaped through rigorous training into warriors hardened by war. Brainwashed into believing survival demands brutality, they hold no tolerance for weakness—weakness, after all, is for the dogs. For the Shoulder Mark cats, mercy is a liability, and the world is a battlefield where only the ruthless endure.

    Simply leave a bio below for your cat to show interest! If enough is generated, I'll make a discord and flesh out the last of the details so we can jump right into roleplaying.

    New Rules
    - Cats of the Shoulder Mark get first dibs on all prey and resources

    - Cats of the Hind Mark must obey orders they're given or risk punishment.

    - Cats of the Hind Mark are responsible for hunting, cleaning, and most work that would be considered for 'apprentices'. They may not eat or take resources without permission from a Shoulder Mark cat.

    - Cats of the Hind Mark must report to their dens by curfew, or risk being tracked down and punished, often made public to warn the others

    - Hind Mark cats must sleep in the HindMark den, unless invited into the nest of a Shoulder Mark cat.

    - Queens of the Hind Mark may 'opt out' of dangerous work if they choose to become a permaqueen instead. Those without mates can couple with any cat regardless of rank.

    - Queens of the Shoulder Mark are required to sacrifice one kit per litter to the Hind Mark unless it's a single-kit litter.

    - Training for all kits begins at 3 months old.

    - Shoulder Mark kits are mentored. Hind Mark kits are left to figure it out on their own.

    - A Shoulder Mark cat may not kill or maim a cat from the lower class without the leaders permission.

    - Deserters are tracked down and made a public example of. It's usually not pretty.

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the night is silent, and raw divinity spills from the stars
name yetong
meaning often described as "bright, glorious, flame, firelight" and "red, vermillion" in honor of his vibrant dark copper eyes and haunting torti appearance
nickname firelight ( feel free to come up with nicknames about his bum leg )

age twenty-seven moons

rank hind mark

sex female
gender trans male
pronouns masculine

brief description a petite short-haired tortoiseshell with haunted dark amber hues x

sexuality bisexual
orientation demiromantic

scent cinnamon, nutmeg, and apricots

personality traits strategic, intelligent, sadistic, cruel, doubtful, self-sacrificing, self-critical, insecure, afraid, self-aware, brutal, open-minded, jealous, perspective, cool-minded, prideful, loyal, ruthless, protective, impulsive, calculative, secretive, vengeful, guarded, strong-filled, decisive, assertive, ambitious, goal-orientated, unhinged, easily annoyed, insane, merciless, tactician, smug, trickster, analytical, competitive, imaginative, charismatic, efficient, energetic, stubborn, cold, arrogant, impatient, intolerant, curious, well-organized, outspoken, sarcastic, adventurous, ambivert

mbti entj
enneagram 8w7
temperament choleric-melancholic
alignment chaotic evil

mental ailments ptsd, nightmares, and depression

— his parents were mentally and physically abusive since neither of them wanted kits, but given the twolegs were more sympathetic to a family with newborn kits, it was the only reason they had any
— lived on the streets for most of his life after his parents ditched him and his two littermates once they became 'too old' to be useful
— was rescued by the coalition after being cornered by a stray mutt that had left one of his littermates severely wounded and eventually succumbed to their wounds
— birthed one litter with his ex-abusive mate who he had willingly killed to protect his daughters. unfortunately, both kits died early on at roughly 5 moons by canines

— wears monarch butterfly wings by his left ear
— cannon, yetong is considered to be hauntingly beautiful, almost creepily so with vibrant dark copper eyes against black torti fur
— long feathery tail + anime-style wavy black locks flipped to one side x
— bite mark on his upper right hind quarter
— two gashes on his front right leg, close to his shoulder, but not quite
— another two gashes on his lower right hind quarter
— left paw was badly damaged in a freak accident, causing the tendons to be permanently damaged, leaving him constantly flexing it
— an x brand over his left hind quarter, marking him of lower status in the coalition

— flustered/shy when someone initiates physical contact on purpose or accident
— abandonment issues are strong with this one
— feels his emotions strongly, becoming violent and impulsive, as his heart and mind wage war on itself
— hates being vulnerable, especially when it comes to his weaknesses, yetong will become aggressive and downright mean to hide his faults, even boating/picking on others to get the attention off of him
— he would rather die than explain the secrets he's kept close to his bitter heart
— enjoys taunting others, especially when it turns into a brawl to show off his intelligence and strength
— skillful hunter
— tends to drown himself in work, and if he collapses from exhaustion or an untreated injury, then all the better
— seeds of doubt, carried by guilt and what ifs that constantly plague him, making him more volatile and impulsive or subdued and easily manipulated
— miserable existance
— strong inferiority superiority complex
— despite having questionable morals and cruel behavior, yetong will lose his shit if an outsider attacks anyone in the coalition
— trusts his instincts more than anyone's words
— doesn't handle stress or negative emotions well
— seeks validation and attention despite it making his skin crawl with what-ifs
— past trauma/guilt has made him a violent, temperamental being who'd rather lay waste to dozens than be vulnerable and show weakness
— stargazing
— drawing random patterns in the dirt when he's bored

faceclaim seth from ennead
voiceclaim pengfei as dongding oolong from food fantasy

playlist click here
pinterest click here
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Name: Loki

Nicknames: none, unless one is feeling bold

Age: 38 moons

Rank: shoulder mark

Sex: male

Gender: male

Pronouns: he/him

Brief Description: a dark charcoal bengal with snake-like, verdant green eyes. Long, lithe frame built for stealth over combat

Brief Personality: Plain and simple, Loki is a puppeteer. Quick with his words and with a tongue coated in enough honey you'd think he had bees in his ears, Loki lives and breathes charismatic charmer to the unaware. A showman at heart, he rarely backs down from any confrontation or offer he thinks he can turn into a spectacle and is often the last straw before chaos ensues. His moral compass is rarely consistent, instead spinning wildly to the tune of his own delight.

Brief Templated History: His mother is (was?) a shoulder mark, ensuring Loki's place amongst the higher class. Either he was born in a litter of two, with his brother being chosen to join the hind marks, or he was her sole child (I'm undecided). Not the brutish-soldier type, Loki survived by dwelling in secrets and lives. For a price he will gather intel, spread rumours, perhaps even stage a little... mishap. Assuming the request serves his inner sense for chaos. Anything to alleviate the boredom of this life. Whether his reputation is one of popularity, disdain, fear, or something else entirely, seems up for debate.
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