Open Camp ShadowClan the fleas can smell your fear

This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.

F l e a p a w

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its dead! poke it with a stick.

The usual buzz of activity was absent this morning. Fleakit took advantage of the quiet, sprawled out in a patch of weak sunlight leaking into the nursery. She stretched herself out as far as her small body could manage, every centimeter pressing into the warm ground. Her reddish-brown fur blended into the dirt, making her look more like a misplaced shadow than a kit. She wriggled once, just to make sure she'd taken up the space entirely, before letting out a satisfied grunt.

Her teddy bear—Ma, as lovingly named by Fleakit—watched from nearby with beady black eyes, silently keeping watch.

A paw twitched, followed by a sharp mumble from as she dreamed. Her face scrunched up and then she muttered, "Who're you callin' mousebrain... I'm unna kick your ass." Her tail whipped against the ground, then went still once more. The nursery remained silent, save for her wheezy snores and occasional sleep-induced profanity.
  • ooc @Mothbite
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    - speech thought
    - physical powerplay permitted (smol bean)

    penned by Scarlet

indentMoth pushes his way into the nursery, holding a wad of soft moss in this mouth. He had taken it upon himself to clean out the soiled bedding in the den, and replace it with new nest material. Cherry and Ember can't leave their kits alone, Timber has his paws full with the orphans, and most of the other warriors are busy with more pressing matters.'This place is a wreck. I thought Vampire was helpin' out, since he's always lingering here, but I guess he's leaving it to me. Figures.' Moth puts down the moss and sets to work repairing the nests.

indentIn the time since he's taken out the old bedding, someone has taken up residence in a now half-constructed nest. Fleakit lies in a little sunbeam, squirming and muttering to herself. Moth has to admit, seeing her does tug at his heartstrings a little. Just like him, she was abandoned, left to fend for herself at far to young an age. She was so small too, it was hard not to want to curl up around her and smother her in your fur.

indent"Who're you callin' mousebrain... I'm unna kick your ass."

indentWell, sometimes it's difficult. Then she opens her little mouth, and reminds you how much of a little hellion she is. Moth is most definitely not intimidated by her, even a little bit. There's no way a little bug like her could hurt him! 'She could annoy me to death, though...'

indentWith a deep sigh, Moth sets about fixing up the nests. He grabs a bit of moss and, ever so carefully, nudges Fleakit aside with his nose, so he can out some bedding beneath her. 'Please don't wake up, Please don't wake up...'

its dead! poke it with a stick.

tw - language

To say that Fleakit was bad-mannered was an understatement—she knew that—everyone who knew her knew that. Her mouth could put even the most creative cats to shame, and her temper was about as flammable as dry grass in a summer drought. On top of it all, she hadn't lived with other cats before—not really. Sure, there'd been her ma, her siblings, and the dozen or so cats withering away in their respective cages. But that ain't count.

So, sometimes, she forgot these ShadowClan cats even existed. Honest mistake—she hadn't been bunking with them long. Half the time when she opened her eyes, she half-expected to be back in her old hideout, the bustle of monsters and two-leg chatter just outside. Pa would be snoring like a bloated frog, flicking flies off his face. But then she'd come to, remember where she was, and get pissed off all over again. Every word Pa ever taught her would flood back, and she'd curse him til she couldn't breathe.

This time, though, when Fleakit's eyes fluttered open, she didn't put the pieces together right away. Some big, ugly brute was lingering over her, rooting through her stuff. Pa once said that if she ever caught a cat stealing from her, she needed to mess em up real good so they'd never think about doing it again. That advice ran through her mind, but not before the shock of having some stranger in her space. Too close. After living in the two-leg place for a bit, she learned that the way to survive was to act first and ask questions later.

Fleakit startled hard—claws first—flailing them in his direction. A noise tore from her throat that didn't sound like her at all. Her body twisted and then did an awkward somersault before skittering backward like a bug. Her spine arched, her hair raised, and amber eyes turned into saucers as she stared down the hazy threat.

And then it clicked.

This shithole was ShadowClan. The cat ruffling through her nest was no stranger—just one of their so-called 'warriors'. Mothbite. She remembered him because she thought his name was dumb as hell. Moths didn't bite!

The panic settled into irritation, shoulders loosening as her eyes narrowed into slits. Sooooo maybe she'd overreacted a little. Not that it was her fault.

"W-what the fuck is wrong with you?!" She growled, making up for the stutter in her voice with extra venom. "You get dropped on your head as a kit or something? Didn't your ma teach you not to stick your crusty paws in someone else's nest? Huh?!" Now that her nap was ruined and he'd jump-scared the crap out of her, she was going to let him have it. Couldn't have these cats thinking she was soft, now could she? No way! Fleakit had a reputation to uphold.

  • ooc
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    - speech thought
    - physical powerplay permitted (smol bean)

    penned by Scarlet
Last edited:



Wolf couldn't say he shared in the protective streak many of the others felt toward the young of the clan. Maybe that was just a part of his fucked up nature where he struggled to really consider the thoughts and wants of others, or maybe he'd just never spent enough time around the little furballs to ever have that paternal whatever kick in, but either way the mottled feline wasn't worried about it.

As he returned to camp with his lunch though- a frog, which was a first for him– he was made curious at what had one of the kits spitting up a storm inside their den, though. Soo he paused on his way by to peer inside briefly.

Just Moth getting his head bitten off by some mouthy kid.

How was he not surprised? The other tom was hardly a figure of authority, and definitely didn't fit the mold of what Wolf would consider a 'strong' Shadowclanner.

But they had fought in the battle, and like Marble, showed a willingness to be useful. Which the mottled felines had reluctantly been accepting as a king of 'softness' that could be afforded in a group of their size– for now.

Still, he wasn't about to interfere. If Moth couldn't handle a fucking kit then he deserved whatever the mouthy brat threw at him. Wolf would have already cuffed the thing halfway to tuesday by now– but then again, he also wouldn't have had his paws in their nest to begin with.

Either way, it wasn't his problem, and he padded off to settle nearby and eat his meal, leaving the other tom to his fate.


loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

Still so young, Desperate for attention!

indenttt In Fleakits wild flailing, she manages to slap Mothbite on the chin with her tail. The tomcat recoils, and puffs himself up on instinct.
"The hell is wrong with you?" he hisses, taking a few steps backwards. His back is arched high, and his tail is raised high in a battle stance. Who did this little brat think she was!

indentttIt's only when he notices Wolfpack watching that he realizes what a pathetic display he's putting on. A grown warrior, all puffed up and spitting over a runty kitten! He lets out a sharp huff of air, willing his fur to smooth down, and his body to move into a more 'relaxed' position, but he can't help the agitated twitch of his tail that persists.
"If you don't wanna get touched while you sleep, don't go sleeping in a nest that someone else is in the middle of fixin!" Surely Fleakit must have noticed the patches of moss missing from the nest, but she decided to sleep there anyways! Mothbite was only trying to help the little freak, and here she goes blowing up at him!
"Now back off, I need to put the rest of the nests back together."

Mothbite | 19 moons | Warrior of Shadowclan ababababbnihfibnfdifdhfhabbabab

its dead! poke it with a stick.

tw - language

Nah. Now he'd done stuck his nose in an active badger hole.

Fleakit expected an apology—or somethin' of the sort. Had she been given that, maybe she'd' of let it slide, wandered off, and found herself a new place to sleep. But did she get an apology? Nope. What she got was some half-assed excuse 'bout the nest not bein' hers—blah, blah, blah. Dogshit.

So what? She didn't see no one layin' on it. Was he so stupid that he didn't even know bout finders keepers? That was like the most basic rule. Every cat knew about that!

A brief standoff ensued, the stubby brown kit holding her ground like a boulder in a storm. She straightened up, eyes narrowing into mean little slits, a low rumble building in her throat as the tom said his piece, already brewing some nasty words to give back. Now it was about more than just being disturbed. It was about more than a nest. Fleakit didn't back down so quick, and she wasn't afraid to take on a bigger challenge

"Or what?" She hissed, creeping forward in a half-hunched stance, trying to make herself look bigger. She slowly moved to reclaim the space, beady amber eyes sizing the tom up. It wouldn't be the first time she had to hold her own against an enemy three times her size. Heck, she'd been chased by rats bigger than this tool back home. "If you ever wanna sleep again, you back off. This is my nest now and I say it don't need fixin'." Fleakit was askin' real nice by her own standards.

  • ooc
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    - speech thought
    - physical powerplay permitted (smol bean)

    penned by Scarlet

Still so young, Desperate for attention!

indenttt Mothbite grits his teeth, ears pressed flat against his skull. That's what I get for trying to help someone out around here? What a pain! He can feel the blood boiling in his veins. He's not gonna stoop so low as to slap a kitten, but someone's gotta put her in her place! Like this, he's never gonna get any cleaning done.
"Back off or else what. What's something like you gonna do to me?" He may be small, but Fleakit is still smaller, nothing Mothbite would be truly afraid of. To make his point, he leans down to be on her level, getting in her face a bit."You'll come bother me while I'm sleeping? There's no way Timberfrost is gonna let you sneak out to do that! He'll just drag you right back to your little nest, while I'm sleepy softly."

indenttt With an annoyed huff, he pulls back, gaze shifting to the side. "Now back off, for real. I promise i won't touch your stupid nest, but i need to fix up everyone elses. I'm not making them sleep on the cold ground just because you threw a fit." If Mothbite gets his way, nobody will be sleeping in an unfinished nest. I'll have to come and fix up her stuff when she's not around. Maybe I can get someone to distract her for me?

Mothbite | 19 moons | Warrior of Shadowclan ababababbnihfibnfdifdhfhabbabab

its dead! poke it with a stick.

tw - language, descriptions of neglect and bugs

Boy, he really had the nerve to look her dead in the eyes and start acting all cocky.

He wasn't like Sablestar, Wolfpack, Coalstrike, or the other pawful of warriors with a backbone. He didn't look tough, didn't sound it either—heck, she could practically smell how twig-thin his resolve was. She wasn't afraid of him. Not even a little. And when he got all up in her face, she didn't back down, didn't blink, just glared right back, eyes full of as much malice as a scruffy, fleabitten kit could manage.

That's where she got her name, after all.

Fleas were small, irritating, and stubborn. Scratch at 'em, chew at 'em, and all they did was dig in deeper or spread to someone else. Leave 'em long enough? They sucked you dry, drained the life right outta you. Just like how Roach, Fly, and the rest of her siblings got weak from the ones crawling over 'em—sickly, pale, turnin' to bones. But her? Somehow, she made it out—and left everyone she cared about behind.

Wasn't life just a real bummer?

So yeah, she'd dealt with worse. So fuckin' excuuuuuse her if she wasn't willing to take slack from nobodies like him. Fleakit was real quiet now. If this fool wasn't so busy yammerin', maybe he'd of seen the danger signs. But nah—he was weak. She could see it plain as day in his face. He wasn't. gonna. do. shit.

And where he hesitates, Fleakit presses, more than just bark.

Without another thought, she digs in her haunches, fur bristling, tail snapping behind her like a war flag. Fleakit goes for the throat—which, uh, ends up being his shoulder due to… reasons. But it doesn't matter, she's still gonna rough him up good. See if you ever open that mouth again after I'm done with you. Her claws come out, little thorns scrabbling on his pelt. As soon as Fleakit got a good hold…

She was going to start biting the fuck out of him.

  • ooc
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    - speech thought
    - physical powerplay permitted (smol bean)

    penned by Scarlet
Last edited:

Viperpaw was annoyed. Well, he was always annoyed. He would sit and sulk- over his name, over the broken promises, blah blah, every little thing just felt like more of an inconvenience. The black and red tom tore into the tiny little morsel he barely managed to grasp today. His claws embedded into it as he tore tiny strips of meat, and his stomach growled loudly in his ears.

Until something was louder. A 'warrior' as they call it now, arguing with a kit. It brought a little amusement, until the little shit started tearing into the older cat. A lack of respect, some would say, but viperpaw couldn't help but suddenly laugh, loudly.

"Ay, ay! Mothbites getting chewed up by that lil kit!" He shouted, almost encouraging the kids reaction. He didn't catch why they were fighting, and honestly, he didn't care too much. It was just funny, seeing a warrior- so superior, getting beat up by a kit. A clumsy flailing one that probably could barely walk, at that.

/Ic opinions, bite his head off it's ok BFJDJSJS

  • Haha
Reactions: F l e a p a w

Pepperpaw had done her best to keep her focus elsewhere, carefully arranging her nest with the red feathers she'd found. The vibrant color had caught her eye earlier, and for a brief moment, the satisfaction of adding something pretty to her otherwise plain nest had been enough to distract her. But the rising commotion nearby made it harder and harder to ignore.

The arguing between Fleakit and Mothbite grated against her nerves, each sharp word like a claw dragging down her patience. She flicked her ears, trying to tune it out, but when Fleakit launched herself at Mothbite and Viperpaw started cheering the kit on, something inside Pepperpaw snapped.

Her fur bristled as she stood, her green eyes blazing with frustration. In one swift motion, she delivered a sharp whack to Viperpaw's side with her paw, her tail lashing furiously. " Instead of yowling encouragement. " she spat, her voice sharp as thorns. " How about you do something about this dumb kit instead of standing there like a useless lump? "

Without waiting for a reply, she whirled around, her focus now locked on Fleakit. Her claws remained sheathed, barely if she had to be honest, but her movements were swift and precise. She darted forward, aiming to intercept the scuffle. If she managed to get close enough, she would snap her teeth onto the kit's tail, tugging firmly and unceremoniously to drag her off Mothbite.

Pepperpaw's snarl was low and furious, her patience completely worn thin. " Enough! " she hissed, glaring at Fleakit with the sharpness of a hawk's gaze. " Do you ever stop causing trouble? You're not impressing anyone, Flea, you're just making yourself look ridiculous! "

  • "speech"
  • PEPPERPAW she/her, ShadowClan, eight moons.
    a sh black rusting cat with lightgreen eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Still so young, Desperate for attention!

indenttt "Arrghh! Get off, brat!"

indenttt He recoils when Fleakit latches onto his shoulder. 'Is that how she got her name? Weird, but I guess its fitting.' She's caught onto an awkward area - mostly out of reach of both his hind legs. He can manage to cross his opposite front paw over his chest to push her away, but it's not very effective. For all of his posturing, he really doesn't wanna pull out his claws against Fleakit. He's had the fury of older cats turned against him more than once as a kitten, and although he's avoided the physical scars of his sisters, the terrible memories still haunt him, even now. 'I don't wanna put something like that on her. Even if she does deserve it.

indenttt Without the use of claws and teeth, though, he's fighting handicapped. He can't manage to get Fleakit off, no matter how hard he pushes. In an act of desperation, he drops his upper body onto the ground. His shoulder, and the kitten attached to it, rub against the dirt as he tries to scrape Fleakit off with the frosted ground beneath them.

indenttt When Pepperpaw pulls her off, Mothbite tries to give her a thankful look, though it comes out looking more like a scowl. "Finally, I'm not the only one trying to discipline her." He sits and licks his shoulders, smoothing down the fur that had been mussed up in the scuffle.

Mothbite | 19 moons | Warrior of Shadowclan bababbnihfibnfdifdhfhabbabab

Smogmaw would gladly bow his head to whatever higher power had blessed him and his mate with well-behaved kits. Because, gawping dumbfoundedly at the unfolding spectacle, all he could think to himself is how much he'd love to smack that little runt airborne. That squirrel-sized menace was exercising her killer instinct in full. On Mothbite, no less, who looked ill-equipped to repel a foe of such magnitude.

His face crinkles into an expression of disbelief which would remain stuck on him as Pepperpaw interjects herself into yet another mess. The ruddy-furred apprentice seems more than eager to gallantly stomp Fleakit's fires out, and for that Smogmaw would be appreciative, were it not for her prelude. In what world did Viperpaw deserve a smack and a telling-off, when that wriggling mass of pure hatred is the one causing this whole scene?

Pah, what does he care what they all do anyway? This swamp is steeped in mutual loathing as is. So long as Pepperpaw could quench that hellion and Mothbite was spared further indignation, the tomcat had no reason to involve himself.

Still, he can't help but involve himself.

He strides in, his pace a slow, languid amble. "Smarten up, or you're going on the fresh-kill pile," Smogmaw growls at Fleakit, a simple statement with no elaboration and a clear implication. Amber eyes bear down on the kit with a controlled burn as he regards her, palpable irritation set at the forefront of his features. Then he sends Mothbite a sidelong glance, a blank look with no judgement. "Don't know how you're still standing. Thought you were a goner, for sure."

  • Like
Reactions: lionharted

tw - language

The longer her teeth stayed latched onto Mothbite, the more she takes advantage of his unwillingness to fight back. His baying did nothing to deter her—if anything, it fueled her. Her claws scraped, pricked, and tore at anything she could reach, teeth burrowing deeper, chunks of fur snagged between her thorny jaws.

She showed him no mercy.

In his panic, he tried to shake her off, to squish her like a bug. She let out a muffled growl, breath squeezed out of her as the weight pressed down, dirt smearing into her already filthy pelt. But somehow—somehow—she held on.

That was until a sudden yank at her tail forcibly tore her away. The pain surprises Fleakit and she immediately whirls, weapons bared, lashing out at whoever dared to get between them.

"Mind your own damn business, stupid!" She yowls, claws snatching the air with renewed ferocity, fury stoked with the breath of her frustration. The kit finds it difficult to reach the dark molly, but not for lack of trying.

"Can't that lame-ass excuse for a warrior fight his own battles?!" Fleakit notices Smogmaw enter, but could care less about his scolding. She doesn't care who they are, they had no business butting in. As far as she's concerned her fight between Mothbite is a private match. Hardly her fault if he couldn't hold his own.

So much for teaching Mothbite a lesson. Now she just wanted to get out of here.

Fleakit thrashes like a feral beast caught in a snare, wriggling, twisting, desperately trying to break away.

  • ooc —— I'm sorry but she's not. Feel free to beat her ass. Rolled a 1d5 for fun, result -> 5.
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user

Pepperpaw's frustration was palpable as she grabbed Fleakit and yanked her away from Mothbite. The kit's fiery tantrums were becoming unbearable, pushing her patience to its limits. Fleakit's constant spitting and insults had pushed Pepper to a boiling point, and her emotions were now threatening to spill over. At least Mothbite had seemed happy in his own way, for the help she had given him.

Her fur bristled as she raised her paw, ready to deliver a harsh whack. She had dealt with kits before, but this was a whole new level of aggravation. The kit wasn't just being feisty or mischievous, she was being cruel, and it felt like Pepperpaw couldn't do anything to bring her back down to earth.

" Would you STOP it!! Nobody but YOU wanted to fight someone! It's ANNOYING! " Pepperpaw growled, her voice laced with frustration and exasperation.

Her eyes flashed with a mix of anger and confusion, wondering how Fleakit could be so reckless. It was hard to understand what drove the kit to behave this way. Maybe it was just a cry for attention, or maybe there was something deeper brewing inside her that Pepperpaw didn't fully grasp. Regardless, the current behavior was exhausting, and Pepperpaw's patience had run dry. She had noticed Smogmaw joining, but she also understood his words meant absolutely nothing to the tantrum-throwing kit.

Would this madness ever end?

  • "speech"
  • PEPPERPAW she/her, ShadowClan, eight moons.
    a sh black rusting cat with lightgreen eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
tw - language

What a frog belly.

Mothbite was hiding behind the muscle of an apprentice. Now she was outnumbered, and Fleakit wasn't surprised. She was used to the unfairness of it all, but it still pissed her off. Maybe Mothbite had learned enough that he would think twice before touching her nest again. If not, Fleakit would remind him later. When he wasn't being a coward.

Their words bounced off, falling on folded ears. She couldn't care less what they thought of her. Fleakit had enough, Pepperpaw couldn't hold her forever.

"Fuck off!"

Fleakit snapped around, her teeth flashing as she caught bits of fur in her jaws. She kicked, twisted, and finally, with a loud squall, broke free. Her body hit the ground with a thud, but she was already up and moving again, unphased by the rough landing. She made a break for it—dashing across the nursery like a rat when the lights were flipped on—and disappeared beyond the bracken.

- Exit Fleakit -

  • ooc —— Wanted to wrap up this thread. Feel free to post after, but you don't have to!
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user