Closed The Colony the light on our faces | needle

This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!


always gold to me
Played by

Golden eyes watched the other talk with such enthusiasm that it caused a smile to touch at his muzzle, listening to her speak as if it were the most beautiful sound he had heard all day... Nay, in his whole life. And perhaps to him such was so. He knew Copper teased him with it, rubbing it in his face with a laugh and a sneer. All in good nature, however... After all, a bit of teasing between brothers was nothing to worry over, wasn't it? He tilted his head ever so slightly as she turned to look at him as she spoke and-- Oh, oh had she just asked him a question? Mouse dung...! He hadn't registered what she exactly had said with her last sentence. Mind racing a mile per second, he finally dumbly nodded, trying to look smart.

" Yeah, yeah exactly. " he uttered out, seeming somewhat flustered before he cleared his throat, eyes peeking to her momentarily before he gazed up at the sky. " Has anyone told you that you uhm, you have a beautiful voice? Surely people enjoy listening to it! " he quickly uttered, scuffing his paw a bit over the ground before he turned to look at Needle again. Oh no, had he said too much? Had he been too forward with his words. " How... How has things been with you? " he finally blurted out in a try to change the subject.

Maybe complimenting her in such a manner was a tad too much. But what else could he say? How her eyes reminded him of the spring? How they brought joy into the world? No, surely that was too much... "... The.... Weather's been getting more chilly... I hope you are.... Not suffering under it. " another dumb thing to say, they were all suffering under it... Darn it..!! " Next time I hunt, I'll bring you some prey! "

Mouse dung, shut up, Flint!

and back when we were kids, we swore we knew the future ——・゚✦
・゚✦ —— and our words would take us halfway around the world
