Open WindClan Barn Cat The Nest - Windclan/Barn Cat Adopts


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🐤 Not FCFS all slots will be picked by myself and @ScremeEgg together !
🐤 There are a total of four slots open this time! They are all listed below in the Relations section!
🐤 Slots listed as "OPEN" next to where the name should be are up for grabs! Characters with "CLOSED" next to their name are already taken!
🐤 Please include the basics like Appearance (Can be written or drawn), Name (or ideas for one), Personality and some Plot Ideas if any come to mind!
🐤 Please make it clear what Slot you are applying for!
🐤 Some slots have some suggested names picked out for them but you are still free to suggest name alternatives for these spots! This is just the running name we have for that character but we are open to suggestions!
🐤 No activity requirement we only ask that you be present and communicate <3
🐤 If chosen remember to check-in the cats' prefix!


🐤 If you wish to you can leave the name choice up to myself and @ScremeEgg to choose! We'd be happy to help you pick!
🐤 Naming theme is bird themed but must still fit under what would make sense for a Warrior to be named! (For example; Owl, Chickadee, Duck and Pigeon are all fitting names! As are bird adjacent names like Feather, Talon, etc)
🐤 Names can either be something to fit for Windclan or can be one worded if you are aiming to have the applied for cat be a Barn cat instead!
🐤 Make sure to check the Prefix List to ensure the name/s suggested are available!


🐤 The genetics of this litter aren't realistic we only ask that the kits resemble their family in some way! Feel free to be creative and a bit wild with the designs!
🐤 However if it helps to mention, Hootwhisker's description is "Chocolate spotted tabby with pronounced countershading"
🐤 This family are all currently themed after different kinds of birds (Hence the Nest naming) so we would prefer the others be kept within that theme! However feel free to be as creative with this theme as you'd like!
🐤 I would be happy to help with designing the cats if requested!
🐤 I love seeing/hearing about what parts of a design are inspired by what family member (Like the eyes being from mum while a pattern comes from dad) or what bird inspired what in this case! But it is not a requirement to include!

The Story & Details
Hoot has been a Barn cat for as long as he can remember! And that's a long time cause he's quite an old cat now! With kids of his own who're old enough that they're now having kids of their own! Namely SLOT 1 (Or "Owl(bear)) who is bound to have their litter any day now.
Hoot is excited to meet his first Grandkits and would be eager to see the Barncats become the newly re-formed WindClan, however he will not live long enough to see this occur. When the barn inevitably catches fire causing the barn cats to flee and eventually form WindClan, Hoot does not make it out of the flames alive instead sacrificing himself to save a young @Comettail from an early demise. His Grandkits though are then born into a budding WindClan, with one looking striking similar and being named after him as well.

Hoot's children (Chickenscratch, SLOT 1/Owlbear and SLOT 2) will be around 50 Moons of age and SLOT 1/Owlbear's litter will be born shortly after WindClan is first formed! Gen 1's Slots will be picked first after about a week so that we can then work with SLOT 1's player when picking the kitten litter as they will be your characters' kits! If you would be happy to leave this entirely up to us still though please let us know that as well! Most all the OPEN slots will have the choice to be either a WindClan cat or to go back to the Barn after the fact, the choice is yours to make!

Hootwhisker's mate and the other parent to Chickenscratch, SLOT 1/Owlbear and SLOT 2 has no pre-determined design or anything like that in mind as I wanted to leave it up to interpretation, please feel free to pick any bird you'd like as the influence to the design there! Chickenscratch for instance is planned to look like a chicken!

Relations + Meet the Nest!

(Currently known as just 'Hoot') Is roughly 125 Moons Old
Profile - Ref
Played by Dingo
Father to Chickenscratch, SLOT 1 and SLOT 2

Sibling to SLOT 1 and SLOT 2
Child of Hootwhisker and UNKNOWN
Played by Ed

Sibling to Chickenscratch and SLOT 2
Child of Hootwhisker and UNKNOWN
Parent of Hootkit's litter

Sibling to Chickenscratch and SLOT 1
Child of Hootwhisker and UNKNOWN
Windclan or Barncat

@ScremeEgg's character Comettail will want to take on a mentor role for these characters!

Ref (Will look practically the same as Hootwhisker with maybe minor changes)
Played by Dingo
Sibling to SLOT 3 and SLOT 4
Daughter of SLOT 1
(Named after her Grandfather as her appearance is stunningly similar)

Sibling to Hootkit and SLOT 4
Child of SLOT 1
Windclan or Barncat

Sibling to Hootkit and SLOT 3
Child of SLOT 1
Windclan or Barncat

Coding by Rai.

for prefix explanation ; suffix explanation​

PRONOUNS —————— she/herORIENTATION ———— asexual/homoromantic
CLAN ————————— windclanRANK —————————— kit
MATE ——————————— n/aAPPRENTICE —————— n/a

Running with bulls, working my miracles, Holding my world together with a boot string, Living the dream, Benzos and gasoline, Coffee and blue light screens 'til the morning, If I tell you this is drowning, you'd tell me I'm walking on water, I could bring fire from the mountain, you'd tell me it feels a little colder, I don't wanna, Choose between being a salesman or a soldier, Just let me look a little older, let me step a little bolder, Choose between being a butcher or a pauper, Honey, I'm taking no orders, I'm gonna be nobody's soldier, Sick to my skin, watching the news again, Whatever you choose, you lose out in the long run, The paint on the walls come down like a waterfall, The goal I was aiming for was the wrong one, If I say that this is drowning, you'd tell me I'm walking on water, I could bring fire from the mountain, you'd tell me it feels a little colder, I don't wanna, Choose between being a salesman or a soldier, Just let me look a little older, let me step a little bolder, Choose between being a butcher or a pauper, Honey, I'm taking no orders, I'm gonna be nobody's soldier, mm, being a butcher, (Nobody's soldier) or a pauper, I'm, (Nobody's soldier) I'm gonna be, Nobody's soldier
I don't wanna choose between being a salesman or a soldier, Just let me look a little older, let me step a little bolder, Choose between being a butcher or a pauper, Honey, I'm taking no orders, gonna be nobody's soldier

brown tabby molly w/ high white and blue eyes.
→ brown tabby w/ high white
→ scars here
APPEARANCE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac maximus nulla. Vestibulum auctor, dui sit amet laoreet semper, est sem dignissim nunc, sed consequat arcu mi non felis. Sed id facilisis erat. Quisque augue neque, tincidunt a turpis vel, aliquet scelerisque enim. Maecenas eu orci luctus, volutpat nibh sed, auctor erat. quis venenatis. Fusce ullamcorper ex eu ipsum viverra fermentum. Nulla ullamcorper ante sed dolor fermentum, at tempor ante varius. Nam gravida consequat tempor.

theme song is nobody's soldier by hozier
+ outgoing / + confident / + dependable
` ambitious / ` familial / ` outspoken
- impulsive / - blunt / - jealous
PERSONALITY Finchkit is and will always be an impulsive, blunt, and overall jealous child. She also happens ot be outgoing and family oriented, dependable but very ambitious, and strives to be the best of the best. She walks tall, proudly, and her impulsive decisions will often get her in trouble that she can't get out of on her own. She will remain dependable while still fighting her way to the top, while speaking her mind and taking no shit.

She knows what she wants and she'll get it.

Choose between being a salesman or a soldier
Just let me look a little older, let me step a little bolder
Choose between being a butcher or a pauper
Honey, I'm taking no orders, I'm gonna be nobody's soldier
HISTORY Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac maximus nulla. Vestibulum auctor, dui sit amet laoreet semper, est sem dignissim nunc, sed consequat arcu mi non felis. Sed id facilisis erat. Quisque augue neque, tincidunt a turpis vel, aliquet scelerisque enim. Maecenas eu orci luctus, volutpat nibh sed, auctor erat. Sed rutrum id felis eget vulputate. Donec quis dictum massa, lacinia porttitor sollicitudin. Nullam porttitor commodo ligula quis venenatis. Fusce ullamcorper ex eu ipsum viverra fermentum. Nulla ullamcorper ante sed dolor fermentum, at tempor ante varius. Nam gravida consequat tempor.

  • intelligence ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    confidence ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    empathy ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    humor‎ ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    emotional ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    wisdom ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    charisma ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    creativity ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    luck ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    logical ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎

    strength ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    stamina ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    offensive ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    clan skill ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    physical health ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    dexterity ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    endurance ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    defensive ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    mental health ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    Finchkit is a very, very sociable individual. She's a yapper. She loves talking, loves being talked to, loves the gossip and watching all of the drama that comes down with her. She wears her heart on her sleeve, she doesn't know to protect it or the ache that could come from not doing so.

gonna call this finished for now! if i get accepted i'll add more :3
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  • Love
Reactions: DessertDingo
  • still slightly a wip but grabby hands for slot 1
  • 96249167_xWenMIlSTGoHman.png


    Silver chocolate tabby point.
    A chocolate tabby like their father, although the cream colour that only took up her father's underbelly and chest takes up most of their body. Her eyes too were inherited from her dad; warm yellow and bright. Though she lacks his whiskers, the little tufts of fur imitating horns that their father had, they have too. Overall, her appearance is soft, her fur fluffy and well groomed. For a cat, they're average sized, but their paws seem slightly too big for the rest of their body.

    PERSONALITY - KIND, WISE, STUBBORN. Family oriented, and will probably grow to be very fond of the idea of being in a clan– one big family. After her father's death, she'll grow even more attached to the family she has left, and Chickenscratch staying in the barn won't be easy for her.

    She's got a good heart, and a slight mischievous streak, moreso when she was younger. Probably got into shenanigans with their siblings. Fond of stories, fond of spinning tales, and will tell her kits many stories that Hootwhisker told them when she was a kit.

    But her goodness is innate. She can't stand injustice or unkindness, especially to those she holds dear.

    On the other hand, she has a hard time seeing unkindness in those she does hold dear. They try to see the best in everyone, but this can make them blind to their flaws.

    A little sassy…

    NOTE // I may change personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.


    • FEAR // LOSS - comes after losing their father. she'll be fiercely protective of her kits, perhaps a bit overly so. I wonder how they'll feel when Chickenscratch goes back to the barn, leaving her in Windclan...
    • FEAR // HEIGHTS - perhaps ironic for someone part of the nest, a family of cats named after birds, she doesn't like heights. she took a bad tumble as a kit, although luckily they landed in a pile of hay– but since then, she prefers to keep her feet on solid ground.
    • INSPRIATION // HOOTWHISKER - they loved their father dearly, looking up to him all their life.
    • INSPRIATION // more stuff
    • INSPRIATION // something
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  • Love
Reactions: DessertDingo
Little late to doing sorry! But closing up Slot 1's applications! Incredibly happy we get to have you, @teddy as part of the family! ^ ^ In the coming week we'll work with you when it comes to Gen 2's slot picks! For Slot 2 of Gen 1 it'll remain open for now in case anyone wants to apply for it later, otherwise that particular sibling can be an NPC ! (Or it can be just Owlbear and Chickenscratch if preferred as well) Please make sure to check in your prefix @teddy ! We adore the design you made and can't wait to see more of them <3
There is now a week until the slots for Gen 2 close!