


The Story & Details
Hoot has been a Barn cat for as long as he can remember! And that's a long time cause he's quite an old cat now! With kids of his own who're old enough that they're now having kids of their own! Namely SLOT 1 (Or "Owl(bear)) who is bound to have their litter any day now.
Hoot is excited to meet his first Grandkits and would be eager to see the Barncats become the newly re-formed WindClan, however he will not live long enough to see this occur. When the barn inevitably catches fire causing the barn cats to flee and eventually form WindClan, Hoot does not make it out of the flames alive instead sacrificing himself to save a young @Comettail from an early demise. His Grandkits though are then born into a budding WindClan, with one looking striking similar and being named after him as well.
Hoot's children (Chickenscratch, SLOT 1/Owlbear and SLOT 2) will be around 50 Moons of age and SLOT 1/Owlbear's litter will be born shortly after WindClan is first formed! Gen 1's Slots will be picked first after about a week so that we can then work with SLOT 1's player when picking the kitten litter as they will be your characters' kits! If you would be happy to leave this entirely up to us still though please let us know that as well! Most all the OPEN slots will have the choice to be either a WindClan cat or to go back to the Barn after the fact, the choice is yours to make!
Hootwhisker's mate and the other parent to Chickenscratch, SLOT 1/Owlbear and SLOT 2 has no pre-determined design or anything like that in mind as I wanted to leave it up to interpretation, please feel free to pick any bird you'd like as the influence to the design there! Chickenscratch for instance is planned to look like a chicken!
Hoot is excited to meet his first Grandkits and would be eager to see the Barncats become the newly re-formed WindClan, however he will not live long enough to see this occur. When the barn inevitably catches fire causing the barn cats to flee and eventually form WindClan, Hoot does not make it out of the flames alive instead sacrificing himself to save a young @Comettail from an early demise. His Grandkits though are then born into a budding WindClan, with one looking striking similar and being named after him as well.
Hoot's children (Chickenscratch, SLOT 1/Owlbear and SLOT 2) will be around 50 Moons of age and SLOT 1/Owlbear's litter will be born shortly after WindClan is first formed! Gen 1's Slots will be picked first after about a week so that we can then work with SLOT 1's player when picking the kitten litter as they will be your characters' kits! If you would be happy to leave this entirely up to us still though please let us know that as well! Most all the OPEN slots will have the choice to be either a WindClan cat or to go back to the Barn after the fact, the choice is yours to make!
Hootwhisker's mate and the other parent to Chickenscratch, SLOT 1/Owlbear and SLOT 2 has no pre-determined design or anything like that in mind as I wanted to leave it up to interpretation, please feel free to pick any bird you'd like as the influence to the design there! Chickenscratch for instance is planned to look like a chicken!
Relations + Meet the Nest!
(Currently known as just 'Hoot') Is roughly 125 Moons Old
Profile - Ref
Played by Dingo
Father to Chickenscratch, SLOT 1 and SLOT 2
Sibling to SLOT 1 and SLOT 2
Child of Hootwhisker and UNKNOWN
Played by Ed
Sibling to Chickenscratch and SLOT 2
Child of Hootwhisker and UNKNOWN
Parent of Hootkit's litter
Sibling to Chickenscratch and SLOT 1
Child of Hootwhisker and UNKNOWN
Windclan or Barncat
@ScremeEgg's character Comettail will want to take on a mentor role for these characters!
Ref (Will look practically the same as Hootwhisker with maybe minor changes)
Played by Dingo
Sibling to SLOT 3 and SLOT 4
Daughter of SLOT 1
(Named after her Grandfather as her appearance is stunningly similar)
Sibling to Hootkit and SLOT 4
Child of SLOT 1
Windclan or Barncat
Sibling to Hootkit and SLOT 3
Child of SLOT 1
Windclan or Barncat
Coding by Rai.