Private the painted bird ──✩°。⋆⸜ council meeting

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don't tell me you're not the same person
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there are too many issues that overlap and tangle and wind themselves around her head to a dizzying effect... insubordination, publicly arguing against the choices of their leadership, lunging if the wrong face presented itself a hair away from a border, the fact that new borders were actually borders to new clans cropping up... she doesn't deign to add her own list of problems to the pile and hopes sincerely that they won't either. that they will politely separate her personal affairs from those of the clan (this is likely a fruitless wish).

beckoning them away from the earshot of whatever passerby might be available to them, Juniperstar had readily whisked them outside of camp, half-so to excuse herself from being trapped there after several months spent bound to her root-spined den. the air is crisp... a breath of spring on their lips... and it is refreshingly... quiet. it wouldn't remain so, not with the conversations she'd dragged them out here to have but the singular moment of reprieve is sucked in like it may be the last ever.

turning towards the various levels of scowling faces, the spotted she-cat already feels her will wavering under their frustrations. what defenses she has for herself die in comparison to their turmoils. "There's a new clan forming in the direction where the sun rises... and we know now that ShadowClan resides somewhere on the other side of that roaring path...." it's a summary they do not need, having lived it, having witnessed it, but she flounders for how to begin and so repeats the obvious. "Hopefully the introduction of mentors will be a good protection for the apprentices... though I've yet to figure out how we determine them as... ready for warriorhood. You'll have to test them, somehow." another thing she could not do herself, another thing barred from reach by the need to care of Asterkit, who still sniffles and sneezes like he is held at kittencough's teat. "I'll be returning to hunting, at the very least... and if you hear about any other clans I need to know about it. The forest getting crowded won't give us the room to pick compromise forever..."

Brightpetal would understand her urgency for kindness, to inject calm and peace by simply not rising to every bristling challenge.. but clearly, her eyes linger on Thunderflash for only a brief moment, not everyone felt the same way. personal vendettas that could not be tempered were dangerous... and would pose a real threat with more than just ShadowClan around to cater to.

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Any lingering frustration Honeysucklecry had been feeling is wiped blank as the leader trails off. Her scarred brow furrows, the expression chasing any lingering shock from her face like thundering paws after prey. That can't be everything Juniperstar has to say, right? Though the back of her mind does start to examine the mention of testing their apprentices, Honeysucklecry has too many questions remaining to feel content. Juniperstar hasn't even mentioned her missing kits, nor Asterkit's condition. Surely both weigh upon her.

"Hang on, that can't be it." She meows blankly, Her mew is void of accusation but is also void of much else, too. She barely realises she's spoken until eyes land upon her, some silent expectation that she continue digging clawpoints into the torbie's conscious. An awkward glance is passed to the other Storm Guards, then to her mother, and Honeysucklecry clears her throat. Her ears burn. Daffodil eyes dart across the expression of her leader, taking it in, earnestly trying to find something beyond Juniperstar's resolute sheepishness. "Who's going to take care of Asterkit while you go hunting? ... What about her littermates?"

  • HONEYSUCKLECRY ☼ penned by wren
    — she/her, thunderclan stormguard
    — a thick-furred dilute calico with soft yellow eyes.
    — single, open to plots ; mentoring bearpaw
    bracken x hazelheart ; littermate to magnoliapeak, hyacinthrain


If he knew he was half of those 'problems' on Juniperstar's list, he would have never left camp with her, not at her beckoning. Yet, he is here, already rigid and tense lines. It's no secret he doesn't do well under authority- at least, not this kind of authority, who can't see his side of all of this. Who only saw a boar-headed cat, as she called him. He sticks within Serpentberry's radar, unless she separates from the group to settle near Juniperstar, finding a spot to sit where he isn't touching anyone else.

A new clan forming towards where the sun rises is a hint of a surprise. He hadn't been there himself, but heard rumors in camp. He doesn't comment, silent yet, even as Shadowclan is mentioned. The apprentices and mentors were mentioned again, like they hadn't discussed that during the meeting, then the topic shifts to something... more sore. His expressions darkens, much like that of what he appeared like in the instant she returned with only Asterkit. Honeysucklecry is the first to speak out, voice lifting in surprise. He doesn't look at her, sparing any kind of awkward embarrassment, but he does speak- "It's no secret they're not back yet. Where'd they go?" He speaks, voice neutral but words pointed.

If y' had some kind of agreement, it would've been nice ta' know!

His own words ring in his ears, and his head shakes. Vision turns towards the rest of the Storm Guards. "Th' apprentices. A test or assessment would be good t' make sure they can be left on their owns. Earn their warrior names, righ'? Test em' on borders, landmarks, skills." He suggests, trying to ignore the irritation in his skull and chest, the way he's urged to lean forward and metaphorically bite Juniperstar's head off. ".. A kind of standard would be nice t' have." He follows up, more of a mindlessly said thought, trying to ignore the conversation that was bound to follow Honeysucklecry's initial, and his following, comment.

  • "speech"
  • THUNDERFLASH he/him, thunderclan storm guard, twenty one moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

He is not surprised to be called to Juniperstar's den. Since his promotion, he had been waiting for this moment. Juniperstar had been making rash decisions and it was time to fess up. He tried to hold empathy, but it was never his strong-suit. Instead he held pity for her. He never had a mate nor kits, and he never understood the desire. The mess with Sablestar he'd leave to the more experienced of his councilmates. Honeysucklecry already seemed to be on the case. He nodded in her direction in acknowledgement and encouragement of her stance. Having the courage to bring it up in this kind of group was enough to gain his respect, even if the topic was trivial to him.

Thunderflash also had the testing topic handled. He nodded his agreement to this as well, a polite and curt nod. He imagined testing Trufflepaw and the progress they would have to make in order for them to satisfy Owlbark's standard. He briefly wondered if any other warriors would have a standard as high as his.

With those two surface discussion breached, Owlbark cleared his throat and looked Juniperstar in the eyes. Green held green and he would not let her look away. "With these new clans forming, we have to hold our own. Our territory and borders need to be upheld. No more visits. No more gentle nudges from our lands. ThunderClan territory is ThunderClan's alone. No matter past or present relationships." He hoped she understood his message. If what happened to those other kits was what he thought, they were no longer ThunderClan's. They were ShadowClan kits now. Owlbark would not let them pass from clan to clan like little spies.


There was a bristle to his fur like the needles of a pine tree, his smile doing so much heavy lifting that Bright was surprised his jaw's muscles didn't have muscles. The gap between Stormguard and Leader threatened to grow ever larger; the burden of being a bridge was not something he'd have ever anticipated being a problem in ThunderClan. By himself, he curled up, his tail coiled around his legs, and the fading smell of Juniperstar's kittens caused a singular ear to twitch nervously.

It was never going to be fun and games for long, but StarClan's tests had come far sooner than he'd ever anticipated. In a way, he supposed that was what made them tests - it'd hardly be a challenge if he could see the future or be prepared for the budding tension. He supposed they didn't deserve to be a clan if they couldn't navigate tough times together now. Within the shelter, there were no stars to look to for reassurance; the choices he had to make had to be his own.

"Kindness is a survival skill too. We need to find the balance between being firm and being fair," he urged quietly towards Owlbark, unsure if he was trying to convince the older Stormguard of his words or himself. The weight of losing ThunderClan's prime hunting grounds still rested upon his shoulders, it was a decision that'd likely saved Thunderflash's life, but had the new clan had been as equally stubborn as ShadowClan when it came to territory, then they may just've found themselves struggling for food because of it. "It's been over a half-moon, our territory by ShadowClan... should we maybe see if ShadowClan's kept their word?" They said they'd 'revisit' the deal, but until Brightpetal knew for certain, it seemed worth investigating.